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Posts posted by riada

  1. Before kids: I thought that children were loud because their parents were loud. And the parents aloud it because they didn't realize the both of them were loud.

    After kids: I realize some kids just are loud despite the parents' best efforts to teach them "inside voices".



    Before kids: I thought people blamed everything on their kids, like the house being a mess, things being broken, them being late for appointments.

    After kids: I know it is harder to have a clean house, have nice things, and be on time while dragging four children behind you.

  2. If it doesn't work is that because the wiring is wrong already or the light/fan itself isn't working? If it is the fixture that isn't working you should be able to do it. I would take note of what colored wire goes where to be sure to rewire it correctly. And yes, like you said shut the power off first! :001_smile:


    My husband is the handy one and has replaced ours during bathroom remodels and it didn't look hard, but then again I was "supervising" and he was actually doing it. lol.

  3. Well, I would if I had any friends IRL.




    That sounds bad. I do have friends, but but they all work.



    :lol: This is too funny and yet I can relate. My friends get really chatty with me online during lunch break and that's about it. We have busy lives with our families and them working so there isn't much time for other socialization on our parts. Oh there is that horrid socialization word. How many times do we worry about our own, lol.

  4. Wow that sounds amazing to think I would have a secret but in reality there aren't any, lol. When we started I typed in "spanish alphabet" in the youtube search bar and started browsing some videos. We found some that fit our family in the form of songs. The kids watched them and learned pretty quickly. Then they found some Boca Beth Spanish videos that taught the numbers, colors, animals, and shapes. From there we went to the Mommy Teach Me Spanish videos where they focus on a certain subject like food and they teach all the phrases and sentences pertaining to food and eating. It has been an inexpensive way of teaching our children. I am sure as they advance in their skills we will need a more organized plan but for the basics it is working well.

  5. We are two weeks in and I am making changes already. I have Vocabulary Vine that was supposed to be a great roots program. I am ditching it and looking for something different.


    On a good note we decided we do like learning Spanish from a cheap Complete Book of Spanish mixed with some youtube videos. In two weeks they have mastered the alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes, and some basic objects. I'm glad I didn't spend the money on Rosetta like I was considering.


    So in two more weeks I wonder what we will change, lol.:glare:

  6. I agree with a lab. Ours tolerates the unintentional harshness of the little ones and is an awesome companion to them all. This is our second lab and we wouldn't choose any other breed for a family dog. I believe they would meet your requirements. The only thing to remember is that they are puppies longer than some other breeds. You could check the shelter to see if by chance there is an older lab already past the puppy stage. HTH!

  7. Okay here is my desk which was previously the table from our sun porch. It is still functional although not as clean and cleared off as I would like it to be. The bulletin board on the wall makes it look twice as cluttered huh. Might have to do something about that. Great now that I had to see it this way I will have to spend time today organizing it. Thanks!:glare:


  8. I order yearly from RR and aside from the occasional back order I have been completely satisfied. Customer service has always been very friendly regarding back orders and the shipping is reasonable. I like the convenience of using their wish list feature and then placing one order instead of several to get free shipping.:001_smile:

  9. Your cupboards look great! I love organizing things too but don't have anything near what yours is. Although give me a label maker and I could, lol.


    My compulsive behavior is washing my hands. If I touch anything I have to wash them. It's from my childhood and unfortunately I have never outgrown it.


    Also drying my shower out after someone uses it. I can't stand water spots on it. That's a little too anal isn't it? I like it to be dry for some crazy reason!


    And I liked the alarm clock one, that was funny!

  10. We have more than one bathroom but a friend has four children and one bath. She has vanities in the girls' bedrooms so they can do hair and get ready in there instead of the bathroom. She hangs towels over the foot of their beds. As for schedules she has two at night and two in the morning do showers. She has never mentioned when her and her husband shower- nor have I asked. lol. They have done it for the 7 years that I have known them so it is possible. Good luck with your transition!

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