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  1. I had never heard of Governor's schools before, but I googled and unfortunately our state does not offer one in the performing arts. I assume you have to be a state resident to attend the programs?
  2. She wants a program that is a week or two away from home for the summer. She has already gotten herself one internship this fall as assistant stage manager for a production that is just finishing up. Through that, she made contacts to run lighting on a second company's production next month. (I've been proud of her initiative!) Austin and SCAD are in the $1,000-2,000 range. NSLC is $3,000. The others that I listed as "expensive" are $5,000 and up (including housing and meals). I'd still be interested to know about any good programs, even if they are expensive, because we might be able to make one of those work for the summer after her junior year if there was one she really wanted to do.
  3. My daughter is interested in attending a summer program next summer in stage management / tech. (Yes, she is already thinking about this!) She is interested in the program at the Stephen F. Austin State University School of Theater. I was wondering if there is anyone who has a child who has participated in this program, or knows anything about the program, who would share your thoughts about it? (I know it's a long shot!) Are there any other programs she should consider? We've identified the following so far: * SCAD Summer Seminars - SCAD programs seem more weighted towards film and television than theater * NSLC Theater Program - Time appears to be split between acting and management/tech (My older daughter loved the NSLC medical program she attended, btw.) * Carnegie Mellon Summer Pre-College Program in Design and Production Technology and Management - super expensive! * NHSI Theater Arts Institute program - mornings are spent in acting-related classes even if you choose to do design/tech in the afternoon * Emerson College Pre-College Stage Design program - 5 week program, which makes it quite expensive
  4. My daughter has been teaching herself Japanese, too! What materials did you son like to use?
  5. Based on your feedback, we've decided to try to move ahead with the level 2 book, and return to the level 1 book if needed for more in depth review of any particular topics. This program combined with a weekly tutor for pronunciation and conversation practice should cover things well!
  6. The B&M school used Bien Dit 1 for French I, and was going to use Bien Dit 2 for French II. Thank you everyone for the replies - they are very helpful!
  7. My daughter completed French I and got credit for it according to the transcript from her B&M school. We were going to have her continue on and do French II this year. They used the Bien Dit textbooks, which we also have at home. But she told me that her teacher did not cover the entire first level book - he only covered about half of it. So I'm feeling like we need to go back and complete the first textbook before moving on to the second. But this will mean many hours of work that she won't be getting any credit for. Plus, if we can't get through both books this year, she'll have a year with no language classes on her transcript. (Right now, her transcript is French I freshman year, Latin I sophomore year, and she wanted to switch back to French II this year.) Any suggestions for how to manage this?
  8. Thank you, everyone, for the replies. It helps to know that this is not uncommon. She's not in a B&M school any more, so in the short term accommodating this won't be a problem. But thinking ahead to college, are there techniques that she can learn to use to help her adapt to a group class setting? Do we need to make focusing on small colleges with fairly small classes a priority in her college search?
  9. I feel almost silly posting this, because I don't feel that I'm articulating it well. But posters here always seem to have such good advice and insight, that hopefully you can understand what I'm asking even if I'm not explaining it well ... My daughter, a high school junior, has just returned to homeschooling. We are assessing her current math level and working to review any gaps before moving ahead. Today while working with her I noticed that if I ask her to read and do some problems on her own, she tends to do poorly. She'll look at the problems and won't really think them through and just say she doesn't know how to do them. When I had her sit with me, though, and asked her to read the problem out loud, and explain to me verbally how she might approach the problem, on many problems that she previously said she didn't know how to do she would say "oh, I get it!"and solve it, without further input from me. Now that I think back to her previous homeschooling (through 8th grade), she had this same work style when she was younger. At first I thought maybe it was a lack of focus or attention or even a lack of confidence in her abilities, and if we worked together for a while she would improve. And she did, somewhat, but not completely. And I wonder if this is part of her struggling with math at B&M school that I knew she should be able to do well - she is very quiet and shy in a big class and so probably rarely if ever spoke up. It seems like she needs to verbally articulate her thoughts in order to make connections in the material. Is this a learning style that anyone else's kids have? Are there any techniques that you'd recommend? Any techniques that can help when she needs to work silently - e.g., on the SAT? We were planning to use AoPS so she could work independently, but now I'm thinking that perhaps I should reconsider that.
  10. Many thanks for all of the advice so far! We did pull her out mid-stream - she has been unhappy at the public school, her grades were tanking as a result of her being unmotivated and it became clear that she was simply unwilling to put in the effort there any longer. This was certainly not my ideal situation, but I don't think that forcing her to stay in a situation that was not working would have any good outcome. It just does not seem to be the right learning environment for her. I'm not sure where we are going to end up, exactly, but we are jumping in where we are. I do not expect this to be an out-and-back situation, at least not to the same public high school. Unfortunately, I don't think that a public virtual school is available to us. We are located in NJ, and Google is telling me there was an effort to start a public virtual school in 2013 but it was not accredited by the state; I find nothing after that date. We did homeschool previously (upper elementary and middle school), so I know that NJ homeschool law requires only that we provide equivalent instruction, and we have absolute flexibility to decide what that looks like. We do have college as the post-graduation goal, so that is the thing that I want to keep one eye on to make sure that we are meeting requirements there. It is possible that our goal will be revised to a year or two of community college followed by transfer to a four-year college. It all depends what happens going forward. I do hope that she will regain her passion for learning. It is perplexing and upsetting to me to see a bright student faring so poorly in classes where I know she can do well. ETA: The good is that she seems highly motivated to do well at homeschooling.
  11. Hi everyone, I had not planned for this AT ALL but I might be homeschooling my daughter who is a Junior. I am, of course, overwhelmed at the moment. Can those of you who have BTDT give me a crash course - where do I need to focus first? What am I likely to overlook or screw up? Thanks!!! ETA: Thinking out loud here - I'm thinking my best bet is to break this down into manageable chunks, in the following order of priority: 1. Choose core subject courses - math, LA, history, science 2. Choose electives - world language, art, PE/health, etc. 3. Look for opportunities for socializing 4. Research general college admission criteria to make sure we're not leaving any big gaps 5. Research testing (SAT, AP), and other college admission preparations
  12. Sorry for being away - a few other minor crises took priority. Many thanks for the replies - I am researching everything!
  13. Hi everyone! I've been away for a bit because after homeschooling in grades 5 through 8, my older daughter went back to B&M school for 9th and 10th grades, and she just started 11th grade. She is unhappy, though, and asking to homeschool once again. I have a lot of thoughts swirling in my head (considerations include moving to a different school district, private school, homeschooling/online school, early college admission), and am looking for basically any suggestions and advice - thanks! Background: She did well in homeschool from 5th through 7th grades. In 8th grade, she developed quite a concerning funk and social isolation. She stopped wanting to do basically any activities outside of what I required for her school days (and she did the minimum there), and stopped seeing friends. I'm not sure if this was driven by hormonal changes, and/or if she backed off because I allowed more of the get-together planning with her friends to fall to her instead of me and she started to notice (as I always had) that her friends were happy to get together if she did all of the legwork/inviting, but they never reached out to her or invited her anywhere. So I decided that homeschooling was not benefitting her at this point. In 9th grade, her mood improved as she got treatment for social anxiety, and she had a couple teachers she liked. In 10th grade, she seemed fairly happy, as she was invited into a non-traditional small learning community that allowed her to do an off-campus internship 2x per week and she had a good friend in some of her classes. But that program was ended, and she hasn't made any new friends that she talks to outside of school, as I had hoped she would. She's unhappy and complaining about her teachers this year. Now, my questions / concerns: I know that I am not willing to do the type of homeschooling we did when she was younger, when I planned her lessons and taught her. She would have to enroll in an online school or similar and be accountable to someone else. Are there any online programs that you would recommend for a gifted homeschooler who does not do well in a traditional classroom style environment? I am concerned about the admissions criteria. Her grades and test scores are OK but not fabulous, and do not reflect the kind of things she gravitates to on her own. (For example, in 9th grade biology she did a lot of reading on her own about prion diseases, and last year her Latin teacher commented on how she was always asking questions beyond the scope of the class. Right now, she's reading the Aeneid. Last year, she taught herself a lot of Japanese.) I think it's basically because she's not currently engaged, so she does the bare minimum. She was accepted into a local gifted program for summer and weekend enrichment when she was in elementary school. Would there be any benefit in having her take an IQ test? We've never done that because of the cost. I am concerned about the lack of face-to-face and social interaction if she returns to homeschooling. I had hoped she'd make some friends at the high school, but she really hasn't found her niche there. But if she's not going to a B&M school, I don't know where she'd meet other kids. When she was younger we found it difficult to impossible for her to make significant, lasting friendships with other homeschoolers - we went to lots of events, but there were always different people at them. I think it would be even more difficult now since there are so few homeschooling high schoolers. And I've previously signed her up for art and similar classes but again she hasn't made any friends there in the past. She claims she'll be able to make friends now because her social anxiety is under control. I would like to see her find some friends with similar interests, and have good teachers and engaging coursework.
  14. Does anyone know of any resources to find mentors or knowledgeable people who are willing to chat with kids about advanced topics for fun? Right now, I’m specifically looking for science subjects, but I changed the title because the issue I’m asking about is not specific to this subject area but applies in any area where our kids’ interest exceeds our knowledge. Books and websites can provide information, but sometimes having a discussion with another person is invaluable. So, how do we find these people? Do they exist? For example, my daughter (14 yo / 9th grade) has been toying with a thought experiment about what would be the effect of having a hole in the universe - just a place where the universe doesn’t exist - and what would happen to matter in our world that came in contact with the hole - would it pass through? bend around? get cut into pieces? would the hole be detectable at all? I’ve tried to encourage her thinking in the area and brought in as many concepts to intrigue her as I could think of that might be relevant - e.g., talked about how Einstein’s Theory of Relativity started with a similar thought experiment, discussed vacuums, worm holes, multiple dimensions / Flatland, invisibility cloaks, etc. But my knowledge is limited so I’m sure there are tons of things that I don’t even know to mention, and I can’t really push or challenge her thinking effectively. Similarly, she’s really intrigued about biology and she is interested in prion diseases and had me buy her a book about protein-folding. I can’t even discuss this with her because I know nothing about it. I wish I knew some really good college-level professors who I could invite over for dinner periodically to have interesting discussions about such things! But unfortunately I don’t. So, are there any good resources out there for such fun, informal discussions, where knowledgable teachers are participating? Is there a way to find a mentor who’s willing to work with kids to keep piquing their interest? Would it be a good idea to look for a tutor and ask them to plan a series of intriguing discussions? I know this question is really vague and kind of odd, but I’m hoping someone might have a suggestion!
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