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  1. Years ago I thought I found a free website with an app to let you customize handwriting worksheets for your child. As I recall, it even had options to pick your preferred font (Zaner-Bloser, Handwriting without Tears, etc.) Of course, now I can't find what I want. My DD uses Handwriting without Tears, so I'm looking for a way to create customized practice sheets with that font. Does anyone have a link? Thank you!
  2. Hi! This will serve as a quick test post and hello to this forum. I'm a homeschool graduate about to begin homeschooling in earnest for my own children. I have two daughters, ages 5 years and 18 months. My five year old has an ASD diagnosis, and is extremely high functioning and bright. She tells me daily how excited she is to begin homeschooling! -Rachel
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