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Posts posted by Neesy

  1. Thank you for the suggestions.  I guess I'm concerned that I'm going to miss something - what that something is I have no idea because we're never going to cover every single topic in history!  This particular kiddo has never done American history - just come along for the ride and listened in over the years.  He loves graphic novels and read Amazing Tales World War I (or something like that) and suddenly was an expert.  He's currently reading Guts and Glory about the Civil War and I found him recreating battle scenes on his own with the gazillion plastic soldiers we have collected over the many years.  So guessing I'd better be served with unit-type studies?  I'm so not good at thinking outside the box or being creative.  He actually enjoys the "crafts" that HOD uses but skill-wise (as in writing which is delayed with VSL/RB learners) he is at the Preparing level and not the one for American history. He's also not particularly strong in reading chapter books that don't have a lot of "animation."  With him I'm just wanting to engage and inspire him in learning (he's definitely gifted but with that comes the challenges - emotional maturity).  I guess my best bet is just to work with my Truthquest book and travel the timeline and stop along the ways when things are of interest.  Hard for me to do because I'm so linear in thinking but don't mind rabbit trails but never quite sure where to go when we venture on them.   :huh:   


    Hi!  A few other suggestions.... Lessons from History: The Art Part  by Sybil Wickstrom.  These books would go perfect with Truthquest and your timeline.  They were created to go with the Lessons from History guides.  I believe there are five books (without running to check our library).  The books Art Part books have correlating arts and crafts activities for History topics and time periods and are very teacher/user friendly (spiral-bound).  I'm sure you could find them used (not sure if they're out of print?).  Rainbow Res. have a few left. 


    Another idea...not sure how you stand on tv....but the book, Learning with the Movies by Beth Holland is an excellent resource.  It has historical movies chronologically categorized beginning with Bible/ancient Egypt and going at least to the Vietnam War. There are also movies under sub-categories such as Music/Arts, Science/Nature, Medicine, Holidays, Horses, Sports, etc.  The author also "rates" each film according to her own opinions to give you a sort of "heads-up" on what to expect.  This is a helpful page for the same idea: 


    And another:  http://astore.amazon.com/amercian_history_movies-20


    One last suggestion on the audio stories idea would be the Adventures in Odyssey Adventures in American History...8 hrs, of stories compiled chronologically from 1620-1975....23 stories in all.  Included is a simple timeline and episode guide.  I also have the Liberty's Kids DVD's...not sure about them as I haven't seen them yet.  Those are just the Revolutionary War.


    Anyway..........hope you find what works for you and your family! :001_smile:

    • Like 1
  2. Another book you might like:


    Kids have all the write stuff


    I want to reread them ALL and start creating memories with my new little and rereading all the great stuff his 22 and 25 year old siblings wrote and dictated back in the day.


    Thank you for this thread, Neesy. I hope you're not using Internet Explorer! I can't really help with Windows specific questions right now, but I would suggest downloading Firefox, Opera, or a more secure browser of your choice or whatever your tech support person recommends.


    You do not need to buy Windows 8 and you might actually find the switch from Win 7 to Ubuntu less stressful.


    Yes...Internet Explorer.  Never had problems with it 'til this year.


    Shoot.  Can't see inside the book :sad: .  I'm big on "samples".  LOL.  I will see if our interlibrary loan has a copy!  Thanks!


    I've never heard of Ubuntu!?? 


    AND..............congratualtions.gif on your new little!!!  I am SO jealous! :p  I am 48.  Our oldest is 22...youngest 9. :crying:


  3. Yes, it's strange and frustrating!  (Want to see my LONG list of books for sale?!)  I have posted about it a few times, but sadly no change has taken place.  There was mention by a moderator at one point of them changing to another for sale system, but no changes as yet.





    You should just put your F/S list HERE!  Just preface it with a title that says something like, "sorry...can't post on classifieds".  Then, inside you could explain.  I totally would! :tongue_smilie:lol.  It's not YOUR fault you can't use the classifieds boar.  I doubt anyone would fault you for that!  JMHO :-) and sure...I'd love to see your list. :thumbup1: 


  4. I do precisely what you mentioned then click the OK which closes the dialog box.  How curious that that doesn't work.  I'm using Firefox; are you using something else?  (We all seem to have issues of one kind or another.  If you can figure out how to let me post Classifieds ads again, I might have to kiss you!)




    I am using Windows 7.  Have been having other issues too.  Can't change the typestyles in these posts can't "bold", etc.  I also have to get my emails in reg. text (not html) because it takes forever for them to come in, if I don't.


    You can't post classified ads!?? BUT...you can do regular posts everywhere else on here?  That really IS strange!  :confused1:  I'm assuming you've emailed the board's technical crew?  I did that about another issue I had...my "content" disappeared...under my name.  Then, a couple days later, it's all back. Oh, and my avatar has disappeared twice now and I had to put it back. LOL  It's a photo I took, too...so, I know it wasn't violating any "rules".   


    I've had friends that have had different issues with Firefox.  I wonder if you could try a different browser?  I've been debating about updating to the Windows 8.1.  I'm chicken to do it, though.  lol.  Seems like I finally figure everything out in one version and I hate to start over with a new one!  Creature of habit, I am!  Hopefully you can figure out how to post classifieds, though!  That's a strange one! 

  5. We started a family journal years ago but didn't manage to keep it going for too long.  I like your plan and wish you well with it.


    I remember enjoying this now out of print book some years ago.  It might be worth reading ~

    Families Writing: 2nd Edition by Peter Stillman




    Thanks, Kareni!  I will see if I can get it through our interlibrary loan.


    Question... I've been wondering how to do a link like you did.  I thought you were supposed to highlight the text, click on the "chain link" icon and then paste the URL in the box.  That doesn't work for me, though.  Then it won't let me close the dialog box. :confused1:  So... I end up just copying the link and pasting that in my post.  I guess that works, too...but not as nice!  lol


    If you get a minute (or anyone else that sees this) and know what I'm doing wrong, I'd sure appreciate a little tutoring on the subject!  LOL  TIA :001_smile:

  6. FAMILY WRITING BOOK (fun writing without the "pressure")


    I was curious if anyone else has done this?

    I got the idea from Marjorie Frank’s book:


    If You're Trying to Teach Kids How to Write, You've Gotta Have This Book! (revised edition).

    Basically, the idea is to get a large, 3-ring binder, decorate the cover, and add divider tabs. You place the book somewhere centrally located in your home where it is easily accessible to all. You will be making and saving MEMORIES from all of your child-raising/homeschooling years. I just thought the idea was genius. I SO wish I had run across it when all of our children were younger! It encourages EVERYONE to write in a fun and nonthreatening way. Especially the littles when they see Mom and Dad and older siblings writing and sharing for fun!

    Our cover has "Our FAMILY Writing Book" on it and then everyone's names written around the... title, using “The Game of the Name†idea (also from the same book). You write the person’s name in all caps and then under it, you use each letter to write a silly sentence. Like for BRICE – Bison Run In Circles Everywhere. KEVIN – Kangaroos Eat Vegetables In Nepal., BENJAMIN – Big Elephants Never Joke About Mice In Nests. AMBER – Antelopes Make Beautiful Eskimo Rugs. You get the idea! We added drawings to match. The sillier the better! FUN!


    I am currently trying to think of a way to show when someone adds a new writing entry to the book and wants to share it with the rest of the family. I was thinking of making a chart to keep in the front of the book so they could check off which tabs/categories they added to. Or maybe a simpler way?? I wish they made people sticky notes or something, then everyone could have their own and add "themselves" in the spot in the book where they wrote something. Hmmm....any ideas? Mabye I could make everyone into a bookmark (full body photo cut out)! Hey... actually not a bad idea! lol


    So far, these are the “tabs†we have in ours:


    ADVICE – Can be anything from anyone…. Family rules, scriptures, reminders, problem solutions, tips, silly stuff too.

    BOOK REVIEWS/LISTS - This is great, because older kiddos leave reviews for books the youngers can look forward to being able to read someday….a book that big sis loved, etc. Even a list of "want to read" books could go here, then be reviewed as they are read.

    CONVERSATIONS - This is awesome for remembering all those funny things your kids say! Or maybe a conversation with Grandma or a famous person, etc. Careful, though...the kids can write down what YOU say! LOL

    DEFINITIONS - Any new word learned. Especially good if you do “word of the day/weekâ€, etc.

    DRAWINGS - with captions

    DREAMS - Write the date, what the dream was about (in detail), and what they think it “meansâ€â€¦if anything.

    FABLES & FUNNY TALES - Summary of one you hear and like or better yet, a new one that you wrote.

    FAVORITE THINGS – Put date, each family member gets a "page"…items like favorite book, subject, holiday, season, dessert, meal, drink, movie, color, tv show, etc…Good to do new ones every so often to see what has changed with everyone...don't forget to date them!

    FIELD TRIPS – Ideas, plans, memories recorded. I keep a 3-ring folder in this section with their field trip forms that we use. Can also add photos pages!


    GAME OF THE NAME (described above...our book cover) – Each person has their own page. Anyone can add name sentences to anyone’s page. You might want to lay down some “be nice†ground rules for this one! ;)

    HOPES/PRAYERS - We have little smiley face stickers in this section that we put beside answered prayers. Leave space after each entry to write answers/outcomes, etc.

    HOW-TO’S / INSTRUCTIONS – How long to cook popcorn in the microwave, how to make a pot of coffee, how often/how much to feed the animals, what supplements to take when feeling sick, etc…

    I LEARNED TODAY – Great for Dad and in our family, Grandma ALWAYS asks, “SO…what did you learn today?†lol

    IDEAS – Great things to try, to do, to make, whatever…

    JOKES/RIDDLES – This is a popular one with everyone! Lol

    LISTS – Bucket list for each family member, shopping lists, anything…

    LYRICS – Our 16 yr. old currently writes her own songs. She also likes to write down lyrics she is trying to learn. We photocopy the ones she is willing to share (so she can keep her original). I add our school song lyrics here (continent song, months of the year, etc.)

    MEMORIES – This can be ANYTHING the child (or Mom/Dad) wants to remember (think...diary entry).

    MESSAGES/LETTERS – Each child can have their own section or you can just leave them all in one. I wrote the first letters and this also gives a sort of guide to follow on “how†to write a letter. Our boys just added a “Dear Mom, this is what we want for Christmas.†letter Lol. The person that puts a new message in for someone, adds one of those colored sticky note arrows for that person (we each have our own designated color…so you can see at a glance if you have any “mailâ€). When our older kids were small, they each had a mini mailbox that other family members could add messages to, so this is "sort of" like that.

    MENUS – Never again will you hear, “What’s for dinner?†That is, IF you fill in the plan for the day/week. lol. THEN…meals get rated on a 5 star rating by all family members that want to “weigh inâ€.. Comments can be added such as, “Yuk. Don’t ever make this again!†or “I could eat this for every meal!†, etc. Our kids also used to play “restaurant†all the time and they made menus for them…those could go here, too.


    MOVIE REVIEWS - everyone rates the movie with 1-5 stars and then writes a summary, their favorite part, line, character description, etc.

    NATURE FINDS – We have a running list of insects, amphibians, reptiles, etc…. Write date and place found.


    POEMS/RHYMES – I also put MY poems here and some from the older siblings.

    PROJECTS - Great place to write about any project...don't forget the pictures!


    QUESTIONS – This can be any question, anyone wants to know and anyone in the family (one or all) can answer them. We add a sticky note here too, so everyone knows there’s a NEW question that hasn’t been answered. I drew question marks on a pad of those skinny post-its.

    QUOTES - From the famous or from friends/family members. You could subdivide these too (historical figures, religious figures, scientists, etc.)

    RECIPES - I add “kid-friendly†recipes here and our 16 yr. old dd puts recipes in here that she uses often…ones she finds online and in her cookbooks.


    SCHEDULES - Currently, our 16 yr. old’s driving times are here as well as our youngest’s flag football schedule, etc. On the football schedule, our ds writes how many flags he grabbed, “I made an 80 yard touchdown in this game!â€, etc… Our dd jots down anything specific from each driving trip… “A deer ran out in front of me tonight!â€, etc.



    SIMILES and METAPHORS ( a few pages for each with title at the top)


    STORIES – I put MINE in this section that I wrote when I was a child (Mom saved them all!) and some from the older siblings.

    TELEVISION PROGRAMS – Write about favorite shows/episodes…what happened, favorite lines, etc.



    VACATIONS – Ideas, plans, memories recorded, pictures, etc.

    WEATHER REPORTS – Especially if something unusual happens with the weather…maybe write about an especially wet spring, cold winter (record amount of snow & temps), or like the day we got tons of huge hail…don’t forget to add pictures!

    WONDERFUL WORDS – This can also be sub-divided: adjectives, adverbs, compound, big/long, great-sounding, alliterations, onomatopoeia words, homophones, “JAILED†words (break common spelling rule), music, sports, science, silly, etc.


    Sorry this was SO LONG!! I would love to hear YOUR ideas! :seeya:

  7. History: Two words: Netflix & DVR. I think Netflix has about 200 documentaries on Egypt and DS has watched most of them, LOL. I also sit down every Sunday night and scroll through everything on Discovery, History Channel, Biography, Science, Nat Geo, etc., and set the DVR to record anything that looks vaguely interesting or relevant. We have watched a ton of documentaries on ancient civilizations, some of which were truly very very good. There was one particularly great one on the Hittite Empire that was more interesting and informative than any book we had. I do also read aloud a lot, since DS doesn't mind being read to, but he probably remembers about 10% of what he hears and 90% of what he sees. He will often talk about something he saw in a documentary several years ago, and he remembers it perfectly in incredible detail (even though he can't remember a single word of something I told him 5 minutes ago!).


    Along the same lines...check this out.  It is great!  Especially if you have access to interlibrary loan.  We used it with our olders along with a "movie form" that I made for them.


    There is a great review here, so I will just say, "ditto" to everything! :lurk5:




  8. We love the Classical Kids CDs for learning about wonderful composers and getting familiar with their music. The collection includes "Beethoven Lives Upstairs," "Mr. Bach comes to call," "Mozart's Magic Fantasy" and more. 


    OH!!  I totally forgot about THOSE!  We used to have the Beethoven cassette when our oldest two were in elementary (12 YEARS ago)!  Yes...it was really GOOD!  I'll have to see if our interlibrary loan has them on file.  Thanks for the reminder! :thumbup:


  9. Oh MY!!  "I LOVE the hive!  THANK YOU so much!  :grouphug: I had to start a word document to write them all down!  Haven't heard of most of them! 


    Oh, and Raining Pineapples.... I cannot believe this!  I TOTALLY forgot....I have ALL of the Lyrical Sciences packed away in a box "to sell". :blush:  Our oldest three kiddos just never got around to using them.... didn't really "need" them.  THANKS for jogging my memory on that one!


    I have Geography Songs, too...from way back when (it's a CASSETTE!), but those songs never seemed to "stick".  We probably just didn't listen to them enough and I know we didn't use the workbook.  Will definitely try that one with ds.  


    Anyway.... thanks for taking time to post. :thumbup: 

    • Like 1
  10. So far on my list of "THESE REALLY WORK" are:


    100 Sheep - Skip Counting songs.  Our oldest 3 STILL remember the words to those songs!  LOL 


    Hide 'Em in Your Heart (scripture songs)


    Go to the Ant (Judy Rogers- scripture songs)


    The continent song (This old man...knick knack paddy whack song...N.Armerica, S. America, Europe, Asia, Africa..Australia, and Antaaaarctiica...now I know my continents!) :hurray:


    Days of the week song  (to the tune of "Found a Peanut"...  There are 7 days, there are 7 days, there are 7 days in the week...Sunday, Monday, etc...)


    Months of the year song


    The Vowels song


    Anyway, you get the idea!  I also have the "Schoolhouse Rock" cd's....remember those as a kid, any of you??  "Conjunction Junction What's Your Function"..... ring any bells? lol


    Getting ready to pull our "Grammar Songs" out, too!  LOVE that one!


    I'm just curious as to what ELSE is out there that we might be missing!  :bigear:  


    • Like 1
  11. Cool, thanks!


    (Not sure what the issue was with linking, here it is: http://www.raisingreaders.com.au/ )


    I was just being an airhead and misunderstood SWB's notice about not posting from other websites.  I re-read it.  It's "words" and "pictures" from other sites, NOT links.  OHHHHH...RIIIIIIGHT!!  f4e22f48.gif  LOL....sorry! 


  12. Thanks, Pen!  I'll look into those.  I already looked at Highnoon and it looks really interesting.  Will check it out when I have time to really study it and get a good feel for the program.  Thanks again...really appreciate it! :thumbup: 


    P.S.  I've been to the learning challenges forum and have done searches for reading/phonics, etc. and done a lot of "reading" over there.  To be honest, it just confused me more.  lol.  I don't know what I would ask specifically, because I don't know any details other than the boys have low IQ's. :sad:  When I figure out EXACTLY what we're dealing with, I think it will make it a LOT easier to nail down a program that will work best for them.  I guess I could ask if there are online diagnostic tests or something... to figure out specific LD's.  Hmmm....I guess I can google that one myself! idea.gif lol 

  13. Ottakee, Jennifer...  Thanks so much for sharing!  It helps knowing others are dealing with the same things and there's hope as our guys grow up! 


    Our adoption agency called us on our way to pick up our youngest to tell us birthmom tested positive for cocaine when she arrived at hospital to deliver. :angry:  He of course was positive as well. :crying:  We only found out about the alcohol last year when the pediatric neuropsyche deciphered the hospital paper's codes for us.  Talk about a SAD and shocking moment.  We had NO idea and in fact had been told there was NO alcohol use whatsoever.  Siiiigh.......  That's a whole OTHER story...our agency! :cursing: 


    Wouldn't have it any other way, though!  I can't IMAGINE not having our sweet boys! :001_wub:  Just can't imagine it! 

    Thanks again for popping in!


    • Like 1
  14. This has so much helpful/useable information!  Readiness checklists, reading level assessments, learning styles, speed and fluency, learning difficulties, reading, writing, concentration activities, etc,

    Wanted to share! :001_smile:


    raisingreaders dot com dot au forward slash Index dot htm



    Sorry...we aren't allowed to post actual links, apparently.  Hope you can find it!

  15. Just as a note:


    It sounds like you are not dealing with a child with learning issues. I would not use Apples and Pears if my children did not have great difficulty learning to spell. It has been a miraculous program here, but it is fairly teacher intensive and probably way, way too over-kill for a child who picks up spelling easily. As much as I love the program, I am hoping my youngest does not need to use it.


    Last year, both of our boys were diagnosed with multiple learning difficulties by a pediatric neuropsych....well...he "sort of diagnosed" them.  He didn't want to put it on paper and do it "officially" because in his words, our one son at least, "is a complicated case".  He recommended we do an in-depth study at our children's hospital.  He also implied they should be in public school (yes! :sneaky2:  THAT is what they need.  :cursing: UGGH!). 


    The boys are the youngest of five that I've homeschooled.  I have known "something" was wrong/different since they were babies, but the pediatricians waved off my concerns over and over again.  They were also in preschool and that teacher waved off my concerns.  I knew of the ADD/ADHD, so I proceeded with the "better late than early" theory, as we worked on diet and supplements to help with the ADD.  I would try to do regular school with them and we got absolutely NOWHERE...mostly due to behavior and immaturity.  So we would "shelve" the schooling for awhile and do LIFE...lots of teachable moments and including them in on whatever their dad and I were doing (they both love to cook and farm ;)).  They also have been in sports and 4H.


    Anywaaaay.... as far as what they are actually capable of or what specific learning challenges they have...I don't know?  This is the first year either of them can sit and concentrate and learn (sort of! :blink:).  As far as "spelling"...they've never had it.  Our oldest did manage to get through 100 Easy Lessons last year, though.  He just wasn't reading like our other kiddos after finishing it.  Hence...my looking at DB.  BUT.... both of them have very low IQ's (per the doc).  He said he did not see any signs of dyslexia, but honestly, I don't think he tested for other things like Dyscalculia, etc. .  Occasionally our 11 yr. old makes capital N's, 3's, the #9, b's/d's backwards, SO.........  I don't know!?  One thing that I've really noticed though is that their drawings (esp. of people) are virtually unchanged since they were very young...despite my best efforts to have them "add hair"..."where are his ears?"..."he doesn't have any feet",   "better put some clothes on them!" lol.  They are just basic stick people.  SO.....????  I remember a "test" for cognitive age/ability that had something to do with counting how many human features they put in their drawings of a person.  :wacko:


    I feel like this school year will really tell us a lot.  Our plan is to do the children's hospital evaluation this coming summer when I have more information into how/what each of them are learning/not learning and what each of them struggle with the most...academically.


    SO SORRY.... SO WINDY!!  LOL!  Figured I should "clarify".  :001_smile:  I can definitely see now how DB and A&P could work (despite the content :p).  Thanks to those of you that have taken time to share how it is working for you and your children!

  16. Boy, that all sounds very familiar.  Does he remember past events...places, people, who said what, what they were wearing, etc.too?  Our oldest does that....he'll go back YEARS sometimes.  He also remembers directions and how to get pretty much anywhere we've ever been...even street names.  But he can't remember a math fact to save his life.  I know he's very frustrated with that.  HOW/when did you tell your son he has a learning difficulty?  We haven't "formally" discussed it.  I know he knows, though.  I just got two books from the library to read to them.  Eagle Eyes and The Don't Give Up Kid (Jeanne Gehret).  


    Our youngest boy is VERY interested in how things work. He is constantly making his own toys and pretending random things are "something else". lol  Both boys know every detail there is to know about farming.  Hubby and grandpa take them all day a couple days each week and the boys LOVE it.  I could see them doing that when they're grown...with Dad.  Our oldest has been in 4H since he was 9, too.  Last year, he got 2nd in showmanship with his goat...I discouraged Dad from putting him in the show, because I was SO worried that he'd embarrass himself in front of the other kids and all of the audience.  This year, he WON!  He was up against almost 20 other children and their goats.  He knew every question the judge asked him and he showed that goat with confidence and was totally calm the entire time...all business.  LOL.  Talk about a PROUD mama.  Oh yes, and Daddy last year said to me, "SEE...told you he could do it!".  GO, DAD!  :thumbup1:


    Anyway...  you are absolutely right.  I need to REVAMP and figure that out...what is realistic for them. One positive, they both LOVE to be read to.  :thumbup:  We also do lots of Legos.  Had them doing the kits (following the book directions) all summer. Our youngest is actually better at it than our oldest.  He gets pretty frustrated at times.  Either I or their older sister sit down with them and help them stay on track following the book.  Our oldest has trouble with the diagrams and transferring the 3D drawings to the actual thing he is building.  Cooking is something else they really like (math!).  I just discovered this past week that our oldest really enjoys mapwork....and he did an awesome job, too.  The youngest loves music and will remember anything put to music.  We are starting 100 Sheep (skip counting songs) next week!  Our adult children still sing those songs!  lol  Oh, and we now have a fully functioning ant farm. LOL  They have been fascinated with that. :)


    One of our boys (youngest) is very athletic...way more than any boys his age, but he really struggles with rules of the game and remembering plays, etc. as well as social interaction.  Our oldest is rather clumsy and he's a big boy for his age, always has been....think The Blindside (movie w/ S. Bullock). lol  Anyway... he too struggles with the rules and plays.  He is very friendly and loves to make friends, not shy at all.  But...the other boys know he's different because he struggles so much.  Last basketball season, the other boys laughed at him because when he would fall down (which was often), his legs would usually go up in the air and I swear, it looked like he was falling in slow motion. Siiigh.... This is all so very hard. :crying:   I'm just SO grateful for homeschooling.  So grateful.  I shudder to think how they'd be treated in a public school setting.  Our oldest though...he wants to go to public school and be "like" other kids.  Even though his older siblings were homeschooled. He keeps telling me how he's not going to stay home all through highschool.  His older three siblings went to school for sports in highschool.  Well, not the oldest...she went to a Christian highschool when she was a junior.


    Anyway... I've rambled on long enough.  Thank you so much for your input!  I really appreciate it. :)


    P.S.  I am curious what curriculum you would recommend that worked/is working for your kiddos??  Share if you feel like it, no problem at all if you don't!  Take care...have a good week!

  17. The reason that I will keep recommending DB to people who have a laundry list of programs that they've tried and an older child who is NOT reading after intensive instruction is b/c DB covers an aspect of learning to read that is all but IGNORED by some of the most prominent (and popular) programs available. Specifically, for kids with visual learning quirks, DB is nearly miraculous....and simple. 



    There is NO other program with the same methodology available, not that I know of.  (Maybe I should write one. :coolgleamA:  When my kids are grown and I have time.....)


    If you simply skip the stories, you will be fine. If you need a cheap/easy substitute for story reading, I suggest McGuffey. 10min of DB, 10min of McGuffey. That will work for a great many of those kids who simply don't learn to read with Spalding or O-G or OPGTR or PP.



    FWIW - Apples & Pears Spelling is excellent. My kids get tired of the didactic nature of the lessons, but they WORK. They work, and in short daily lessons. After a few YEARS of studying Charlotte Mason, I feel confident enough to do my own dictation spelling lessons. For the newbie with a dyslexic, I will absolutely recommend A&P first thing! Where something like LOE or SWR might take *HOURS* out of the school day to work, DB and A&P are 10min and 15min respectively, no teacher prep, spiral review built in, easy to implement.


    Like I mentioned in my last post, I honestly didn't know DB used some special methodology.  I am going to read about THAT now.  I always do things backwards.  Always look at samples first, methodology/theories later. 


    Can you elaborate on how this would work if you skip the stories?  Don't the stories reinforce the words practiced?  How would using McGuffey (or another reader) work as well?  I guess it never crossed my mind that you could skip the stories and still have it be as effective.


    ALSO... thank you for the recommendation of Apples and Pears.  I like the sounds of the shorter lessons and the "easier to implement" part!  I was almost convinced to get the LOE and those "hours" just seemed really daunting to me.  I just CAN'T see my boys doing that.  One question about the A&P.  Do you teach BOTH the US and UK spellings when you get to those words that have variations or how do you handle THAT? 


    One more thing if you don't mind.  Is handwriting done along with them?  Cursive?? 


    THANKS so much!!  Watch, you'll talk me into using DB! LOL!!  Wouldn't THAT be SOMETHING!??  :laugh: :blush:


  18.  When I said overthinking it, partly it's not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.  Secondly, a lot of your concerns are because it is a program from the UK and not US, so there will be language and cultural differences.  


    YEP....I "get" that.  As I was reading your post, that exact phrase popped in my mind..."not to throw the baby out w/ the bathwater". 


    My "concerns" with the UK vs. US program were mainly the SPELLING of those words.  I just thought it would confuse the kids.  I also didn't fully take into account the positive effect of new/different words (sort of like nonsense words...only BETTER).  I TOTALLY get that now. :thumbup:  Now, I am thinking it would be awesome for the boys to learn new words/meanings from another country...all while learning to read better. 


    I didn't even realize DB used a different methodology than most other phonics programs.  I just saw several people on here talking about it, using it, and liking it, so I checked out the samples.  I still don't know WHAT that "methodology" is and why it works!  Other than the different words for US kiddos to read and decode........ but that wouldn't be the case for UK kids, so that can't be it?  Someone on here said there wasn't another program like it.  Now I'm CURIOUS.  I have a bad habit of going straight to the "samples" of curriculum and if I like what I see, THEN I read about the "whys/hows".  I just didn't get that far with this one!  LOL


    Thanks for your input! :thumbup1:

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