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Everything posted by catalinakel

  1. (not that you asked for advice, but I felt your pain when I read your post and wanted to share my experience as a 'non-traditional' college student. I finished college at 34, and was so freaked out the first time I had to write a paper for a lit. class. I was sure I somehow got in to the class in error. I confessed my ignorance to my instructor, and she directed me to the campus writing center. There I learned to have confidence and follow procedure, and then I became a writing tutor. If you really bomb, beg to re-do the paper and head to the writing center with your assignment and paper. There you can find free help and gain some confidence...have fun!
  2. I feel your pain. I have been an insomniac for so much of my life, and when I realized my daughter has the same problem, boy was I concerned. All that you are doing sounds like what our dr. suggested. My daughter is now 11, and some of it may have been hormonal...anyway, she seems to go to sleep best when she is very worn out from physical exercise outside. I dont' know the answer. We have not tried any medications. But I think a check up with maybe blood work couldn't hurt.
  3. now that was entertaining! He looked so bad that I actually felt sorry for him. Tom Petty was sweet, and I thought the stage and lights were nice---course I grew up watching sports before rock and roll had taken over as the background music to sporting events...member that? I still can't get over how my fuddy-duddy dad will watch games even with weird rock(or worse) music playing in the background. I need organ music in the background for it to feel like real sports to me...ala the fabulous forum in the 70's. I am so old.
  4. This new board has tripped me up. I have no desire to rate anyone, or to become some sort of worker or larvae or any other thing. I just appreciate the commaraderie here, at least I did before it became too much work for me to visit here. Now I have no idea how to get around here like I was able to before. Not even sure what my question is, just feeling frustrated, lost and cut off from the confort of what I used to be able to share so easily.
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