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Posts posted by NikkiMarieLG

  1. I am just so tired of fighting upstream against the current of EVERYONE including my husband. Every single person in my life (except my son and I and fellow homeschoolers of course) constantly blame every hiccup in life on homeschooling. I am just so very tired and think I might put my son in PS for third grade. I feel guilty either way as my son is VERY opposed to going to PS but I am burnt out trying to homeschool to please the masses. My son is very social so I have him in co-ops and to keep costs down I'm teaching as well. I also have 3 year old twins and I am not meeting ANYONE's needs let alone my own.


    I'm worried he will be labeled ADHD, worried that I don't have him writing enough, worried we will lose the great bond we have developed. But on the other hand he is bored at home unless I have a constant revolving door of playdates, co-op classes and park days and I am an introvert. sigh.

  2. Jack and I are using Real Science 4 Kids pre-Biology once a month with a co-op so I wanted to find something we could use more often that would complement this, not be overwhelming but still add content. This has become our favorite part of the week! Its a chapter book about twins who travel to various biomes and discover different animals along the way!! Tons of Fun :):D

  3. he is so distracted:glare: its killing me. Literally for every problem he does he makes 4 not on topic asides. I can be in mid sentence explaining something and he points to a picture and says "That is cool" or asks me if tea is good for him?!?!?!?! I just officially lost it on him. Makes me doubt if homeschooling is what I should be doing after all.

  4. This year I started with RS and he loved it but I panicked around December that he was not moving fast enough and switched to CLE. I supplement with MM. Now I am in a tizzy that I am doing him a disservice regarding his mental math progress. I could care less if a program is religious or not as long as he is not being held back and I am able to teach him. The boy carries around a calculator for fun in case he thinks up a multiplication problem he might want to know... he is 7. And I ave not even LOOKED at SM but from what I'm reading maybe I should. I am a but overwhelmed!:confused:

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