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    Nursing Student :)
  1. Woohoo! And even nicer... If you use Swagbucks and pick up several $5 gift cards, it makes them FREE!!!
  2. Yay! Program is on it's way. I can't wait to get started!
  3. Ok. I have been thinking about it, and I think I'm going to go ahead and make my purchase from the website. They have some of the items on clearance anyway, so it's not TOO bad. Need to get this started before summer is over. Thanks so much for your input. I'm glad I happened across this forum. :)
  4. Thanks for the recommendations! :) I live in Texas. I don't really have anyone to borrow from, and I like the idea of being able to work with the kids, so I may just bite the bullet. I've looked on eBay, but it seems like the products go for almost the same cost as through MUS. I also have to admit that I'm a bit OCD, and when it says "written in marker on lessons 1-10" I cringe. It's a downfall. I would actually love to be able to HS the girls, but it's not in the cards right now. They are all advanced in most areas... My oldest just struggles with math. My middle one is about to start first grade, but has already been working at a first grade level for the past year. So I want to go ahead and start her on Alpha, but I also don't want her too terribly bored at school this year. I appreciate the input, for sure. I wish I'd found this forum months ago. Lindsay
  5. Thank you guys so much! This is really helpful. :) I want her to be prepared. I have considered homeschooling for my kids, but we really do love the school. They have small ratios and work well with the kids. And with me in nursing school right now would probably not be the right time. :) I appreciate all of the help!
  6. Hi. New here. :) Just have a question... My children are currently in public school. I am happy with the school at this point, but my soon-to-be fourth grader is struggling with math/multiplication. MUS was recommended to me to get her up to speed. I want her to be comfortable with math by the time she goes back to school. It's an expensive program, however, for it to just be for the summer. Is it worth it and do you think we could work through Gamma fast enough to make it worthwhile? I am also considering Alpha for my six year old so that she is occupied while I am working with my nine year old. Thanks for any input! :)
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