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Posts posted by Ahwahnee

  1. When I was in high school I took CC classes, they gave me the taste of what college was like and some challenge. Taking a year off would have been difficult since I majored in science. Not taking math and science for a year would have made coursework much more difficult.


    Only you and your dc can determine if maturity will be an issue. Is college a race for the gold? Are you going to send your dc off to college, only to have them come back with a degree and keep them at home not working for years after college?:biggrinjester: Your dc's maturity and drive will should identify what is right.


    I've always been amazed at the shows I've seen about wizkids. I saw one that followed up with their achievements after they left school. Very few were achieving what they were when they were kids. Most had pretty normal lives, but some ended resentful and burned out. That helped me realize life is a journey, not a race.

  2. I have to say that many of our greatest modern innovations -- the internet or the human genome project, just two off the top of my head--- these were government funded programs. For some reason, we've become convinced that all government is bad and all private innovation is good. Truth is, we need them both. We need a government that fosters and funds scientific research. Sometimes it just doesn't make "good financial sense" for companies to pursue research.




    The Internet was a defense project. I think research would have been done there anyway. The commercialization of the Internet was not a government project, and that is what makes it so successful.


    The Human Genome Project may be good, but since there is the ability to patent DNA sequences; my guess the biotechnology companies probably would have done most of this on their own. Without a government help.


    The only program I can think of might be NASA, where the scale is impractical. Since the DOD funded much of the Space Shuttle maybe that would have happened anyway too. Soon space flight may be commercialized too.


    Pretty pitiful. I think the correlation is wrong because Congress is where budgets are passed. The President proposes a budget and then Congress adds pork. The President can veto the budget, but that can have serious political consequences; like when the government shutdown. To be fair, I think comparisons should be made on the party that controls the House.


    Great links!


    Looks like more than 50% could be taken from both dod and non-dod. In the case of the federal government less is more. We could start by getting rid of the Department of Education and allow states to determine what should be done.

  5. The fast passes are even more important then. Split your group and join at the first ride.


    At MK we liked to get FP for Space Mountain and do Buzz Lightyear until it was crowded. The we moved over to Splash Mountain or the Mining Cars for FP and did the Haunted Mansion. You can pick off other rides if you see their free.


    Fourteen hours each day of straight Disney for six days would put Rambo to shame.


    Have a great time!

  6. We went to WDW 2 years ago. What a great time!!! We liked The Plaza Restaurant (MK) fast service, less hectic atmosphere. It is easy to have the preferred seating drive your trip.


    You can try Coral Reef for the great aquarium view for lunch at EPCOT. Get reservations.


    It looks like you have a great itinerary. Get to the parks before they open and go to your most important rides as fast as possible. (Have dh go to the long wait rides to get Fast Passes for the family, while you go to the ride.)


    If you can eat lunch at the park, then go back to your hotel and rest. Don't forget to grab Fast Passes n the way out. Return for a ride or show before dinner. The parks are so exciting; pacing is everything to make your trip wonderful and a vacation.


    Check out this site http://www.allearsnet.com/ for information on specifics on menus.

  7. We were trying to update an address list for a party we were throwing, and started to search the Internet for the people.


    As an example of how much you can find out:

    1. Search for one of your friends or yourself on the web.

    2. Look up their phone number and search for that.


    A significant amount of information is available on the web. If you are willing to pay a few dollars you can find out much more from a data service. If you own a home or been to court your county probably has information available about you on the web. I search for my name every sometimes to see where I may have been careless.


    You can control the personal information you give, and protect your children's identities to some extent. If someone wants to find and bother you they will be able to.

  8. Ahwahnee wrote "When you take your kids to a park, and bring a chest full of drinks, should you be required by law to give half of them to everyone else in the park, since you have so many? Or should you be able to choose what you do with your drinks? Would you go to the park if you were required to give away your drinks?"


    Worked for Jesus. The disciples weren't crazy about the idea either, btw... ‘Where are we to get enough bread in the desert to feed so great a crowd?’quote]


    Choosing to help or give to others is different than making a law that takes away things with the pretense of giving to others. Which do you feel better about: giving $10 to someone you see that needs it, or forcing someone to give $10 to the government so they can give $8 to some they think needs it most.


    Americans deserve better:


    • Health care

    • Corporate Governance

    • Peace

    • Prosperity

    Saying your for change and trying the same ideas socialists have tried in Europe does not make it happen. America cannot afford to be like Europe.


    While peace is important, we are 3 months pregnant with Iraq. Suggesting we can cut our losses by aborting the baby does not seem practical. Most Americans do not want to be there, but can see the need for us to do what we can responsibly. We need that region to be stable, otherwise we will be laughing about when we complained about $5 a gallon gasoline, because we will have $10 a gallon gasoline and a trashed economy.


    I hope whomever is the next President will have the wisdom to lead us through.


    You cannot look at one piece of the issue in a bubble. Obama has an economic plan endorsed by many leading economists. Refute the entire plan or don't bother with it at all.


    I find this curious, most of the economists come from universities or public service. Would you expect them to have a conservative or liberal view? Their jobs probably depend on the view they take. Does an endorsement mean we should avoid common sense?


    When you take your kids to a park, and bring a chest full of drinks, should you be required by law to give half of them to everyone else in the park, since you have so many? Or should you be able to choose what you do with your drinks? Would you go to the park if you were required to give away your drinks?


    Trickle down may not work, but redistribution of wealth by business or government doesn't help either.

  10. The ends do not justify the means!


    Someone calls an abuse hotline(CPS) to say your husband is having inappropriate relations with your daughter. The only real evidence is an anonymous phone call. CPS takes your child because she is 16 and pregnant. The CPS declares you are keeping your children from the rest of society by only allowing them to visit with like minded people from your church and homeschooling groups.


    Next they take the rest of younger children. They isolate the children and interrogate them separately to ensure they provide factual stories. The CPS will be scrutinized and embarrassed if the stories prove false. Your 16 year old is going through the normal process of growing up. Attorneys provided by the state “help†your children be socialized in a normal manner. Your friends are not allowed to foster the children because they are like minded people and cannot be trusted.


    During this time your husband and you cannot see your children, because you may influence them. The rest of your church and homeschooling friends’ children are taken because they have similar beliefs.


    This is not the American way. The government is taking our freedoms. These tactics are not based on: you are innocent until proven guilty.


    There has to be a better way. CHILD ABUSERS MUST BE PUNISHED; however we must not give up our freedoms to make the capture of criminals easier for law enforcement. However the FLDS sect’s raid evolves from here, families will be destroyed and children will be hurt. The cure may be worse than the disease.


    This whole situation is very sad. Let’s pray for a wise and loving resolution for the children and families involved. (Oops! This prayer is not sanctioned by the State.)

  11. This may not be helpful, but the piano teacher is running a business at her convenience. You should treat her instruction like you treat anything else you buy. She is giving you the incentive to shop for something better.


    Since you have 5 months until the next set of lessons start, why don't you tryout some of the other teachers in the area. She still may be your best option.

  12. Do you think there are applications for an ereader in homeschooling at the present state of this technology? I've been looking at the Kindle as a way for my kids to read the classics without overwhelming my overloaded bookshelves.


    I don't like reading computer screens all day. Do you find the Sony Reader better?


    A few more questions, do pictures look ok if you have a pdf file?


    Lastly, my first laptop was B&W at a low resolution; I always regretted not having spent the extra money for color. Would color help?


    Enjoy your new toy.:drool:

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