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Posts posted by SorrelZG

  1. I don't know, he has me write down things and then copies them when he wants to or we do it when he needs to write thank you notes.

    It might take a little more work but perhaps he would be happier to cooperate if he did his narration copy work from a book or story of his own choice. Maybe?

  2. Perhaps it's due in part to the day that he doesn't have to copy it. WWE 1 requires two narrations a week, but the student only has to copy the second one. My DD loves the first narration day (easy on her part), but hates the second narration day because it's not easy like the first. I think it's a mental thing. The first day is essentially a freebie, the second means work. She doesn't complain on the copy work days either. There's already an expectation of what's required. But, in her mind, it's like copying the narration is optional the second day and I'm just being mean by requiring her to copy it.

    Hmm ... I think my DS had the same mentality, now that you mention it. I never thought about it at the time but I guess it would have helped to stretch the program to five days a week by splitting up the narrating and the copying of the narration over two days.

  3. Well, the end goal is for him to be doing his own written narrations with ease. The copying and then the dictating of his narration (can't recall if WWE1 starts that or if it's in 2) are the baby steps towards that end. So, I would be working through this. You've got all year to do it, though. Do you know what is behind his disinclination to write down his own words?

  4. Lively Latin, including the history pages. I was shooting myself in the foot by skipping the history pages to focus only on the language with my history loving DS. I've actually heard the words "I like Latin" this year.


    Horizons Math was a last minute decision for DS but my instinct was right.


    Still loving Baird's Graded Arithmetic and I'm loving The Verbal Math Lesson for DD.


    Oh and Phonics Pathways. I had misjudged and underestimated PP in the past but I am really appreciating it this year.


    Our content subjects and extras for this year are only just getting off the ground so nothing to report there, yet.

  5. Usually the researching and decision making part is the part I enjoy the most and I do not find it to be the hardest part. This year though, I was sorely tempted to do school with only what I already had so as to skip the process of selecting items to place in my cart and commit to purchase—which is a sure sign that something was desperately wrong with me. LOL



    Your choices look awesome. I'm excited for you. :)

  6. Oh my goodness, we just did this last year! We visited the States for four months smack dab in the middle of our school year and then returned to South Africa where we're missionaries. I was just wondering whether you are returning to another country or to the States permanently now?

    We just returned to Cambodia after two months in the States (the two months before that I was just burned out and/or prepping for the trip).

  7. I don't have a blog to link but I was given permission to join in anyway! :)


    We are still working on a slow wind up. For the past two weeks we've kept a very light load while we got past jet-lag and worked on establishing a good daily routine. It may seem cruel that I started school the Monday after we got back in the country but we all needed the distraction and structure. My oldest has been doing math, copy work and dictation, and reviewing his Latin vocabulary from last year, my daughter has been doing math, phonics, copy work and spelling, and my youngest ones have been doing daily phonics lessons. After having four months off from formal lessons, they all hit the ground running with very little lost over the long break. I have so far been mostly impressed by their attitudes and excited by their progress and I am pretty happy about the choices I have made (so far) this year. I'm still not settled on writing for my oldest but I'm going to start a trial of Writing With Ease and KISS Grammar this week and see how I feel about it after a while. Classical Writing Aesop and Brave Writer are still on my nightstand. I might not be able to get a good idea of what is needed and what I will be capable of doing well until all our subjects are up and running (history, science, etc.) which won't be starting up again as soon as I originally planned because we are moving this week.


    The highlights have been my oldest getting his math lessons done with a decent attitude and mostly of his own accord and my daughter's growing skill and endurance in reading and writing. :D


    I hope everyone is having a great weekend!

  8. I have accidentally rated someone with one star. I think I was only even on their profile by accident. Gah! @ tablet+clumsy finger+sluggish internet. I think I was able to change my one star to a five star, though (I didn't even know the person but felt really, really bad for randomly showing up on their profile and giving them a low rating all in a couple of moments of utter confusion and tablet chaos - I wouldn't have done that to them purposefully even if I had known them enough to not like them!).


    I also share a frustration over Amazon review/book ratings.


    And I also agree that if the thread ranking can't be limited to something that communicates "this thread is exceptionally useful" (eliminating the "this thread sucks for some mysterious reason that no one will publicly own up to thinking" low star ranking option), then it would be better to not exist at all. We do still have tags for labeling exceptional threads, after all.


    And you'd all know I agreed with those things IF YOU COULD SEE MY "LIKES".  :glare:

  9. I burned out two months before the end of the year (not school related but school came to a halt while we lowered our goals to surviving and being decent to each other). After that we had two months of vacation (overseas) and even with a total of four months off, my excitement about school did not return. I did start to look forward to a normal looking, regular schedule back in our own living space but I have made no ambitious plans this year. Almost everything I've chosen is open & go/do-the-next-thing, so no need for planning and scheduling. Also, I am refusing to turn content subjects into work for my little ones (or me)—we will enjoy ourselves or we will not make the effort. I still look and sound burned out but I actually have a sober optimism and enthusiasm on the inside.

  10. Apparently I'm an ENFP. I'm gonna forget what that means tomorrow, probably because I'm an ENFP. Only the E part was a strong, distinct preference at 67%. Everything else was less pronounced; N(12%), F(25%), and P(11%).


    Some questions were difficult to answer. I have no trouble enjoying quiet time alone, but it's such a rarity in my life that I savor it. I'd go mad with a week of solitude, but a 2-3 day weekend would be awesome. Also, while I have very strong feelings, I also have a lot of self-control so my actions don't always betray what I'm thinking.


    I took the test FOR DH :-). He's INTJ. Everything is strong except the J is only 1%. THIS must be why HE'S impossible sometimes.

    Reading here http://personalityjunkie.com/enfp/ it says: "One of the more important features of Fi is its direction. Namely, because it is introverted, outsiders may not have easy access to ENFPs’ emotions, with the exception of their general spiritedness and enthusiasm."


    Does that sound like you?

  11. The theory goes that your type doesn't change but behavior does due to meeting needs and expectations, stress, coping strategies, etc. I've read that you really need to think back to your early 20s or before (because we tend to get better at bending to our circumstances rather than our preferences as we age and adapt) and you also need to consider what you do when you are healthy/balanced/unstressed/etc. The free online tests don't take into account our human complexities. They're kinda fun but I can see how they could also give some people a very poor impression of the accuracy or usefulness of MBTI.

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