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Posts posted by dwoest

  1. Hi to all,


    This is my first year homeschooling and I am having a terrible time deciding what history to choose next year for my boys, who will be 10 and 7. I want something that teaches history from an old earth creationist viewpoint, is exciting and keeps their attention, and has lists of books we can use as read alouds. Any recommendations?



  2. Is it worth the read?


    I was interested, still am --kind of--, but after reading a number of articles and listening to her interview on the Diane Rehm show, I'm not sure how much more there would be to the book.


    If you've read it, please let me know if it's worth the read.




    I did not hear the interview, but did read the book... and I loved it! Go for it!

  3. My husband has started riding in a vanpool to commute to work. His car is now sitting in the garage unused, and we're trying to decide whether to hang onto it or sale it. It's not worth more than $1000, and I feel like it's not worth paying to keep it registered and insured when we're not using it. I like the idea of having a backup car in case of need, but our whole family doesn't fit...WWYD?



    We went through a similar experience.... my husband also rides the van pool, so we gave up our 2nd car for a year. It has pros and cons. When the kids have each had something going on at the same time on the same day, we had to do a bit of planning. There were many times it was definitely an inconvenience. But it also saved us a ton of money on insurance, gas and repairs/maintenance!

    Having said all of that, we are about to purchase a car in March!:tongue_smilie:

  4. This will be my 1st year homeschooling. I am not sure if I should start off with SOTW 1 with my 2 sons (5 almost 6 and 9). I want to follow SWB's book, but I am confused since my 5 yo can't read, I know that is my 1st priority with him, as are math and the other basics. I am not sure I would really classify him as a 1st grader, even though he went through Kinder in a PS this past year.:001_huh: OR, should I start history out where my older son (9) should be(following SWB's method), and start out with Modern History, then next year, start with Ancients? Please help!!

  5. Hi! I am new to this (homeschooling AND posting :001_smile:) and need some advise. I have a Ds9 and Ds5 and going through the daunting and overwhelming experience of choosing material. I bought Horizon math for each of them, and The Story of Our World for History. Also, I chose Explode the Code for the youngest. We just went to a book club today for the 9yo, and he started reading EB White's The Trumpet of the Swan.

    Any ideas for Bible study that I could do with them together? Also, what about RS grammer? Any thoughts on other good curriculum for someone just starting out?



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