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Posts posted by lilredmom

  1. Losing focus and not having enough time are my two biggest concerns about this. The longer a subject drags on, the more her attitude degrades (and so does DH patience). Too long of a school day doesn't help, either. I can't imagine where I could cut to get that extra time. Back to the drawing board, I guess.

  2. I know, it depends on the kid, but isn't 1-1/2 to 2 hours a bit much? DH (our main teacher, since he is retired) is telling me that our daughter will probably need at least 1-1/2 hours scheduled into each day for math. With all of the other subjects that need to be covered, I just can't see this as feasible unless she puts in 6-7 hour days 5 days per week. I know that my daughter can dawdle some, but all of her other subjects take an hour or less to complete. Should I enforce the "less than 1-1/2 hours" mandate?



  3. As I look through these plans, I realize how utterly overwhelmed my daughter would be with most of these schedules! She does NOT like to be busy all of the time and will often beg for time to just stay home and have nothing to do, and we do so little already (in my opinion). A lot of you must have kids who love to be super busy and on the go! I guess I'm not raising a "go getter"! lol



  4. Wow. After looking through all these plans, seems my choices aren't all the popular.


    Grammar - Easy Grammar

    Writing - Writing With Skill Level 1 (new to us)

    Spelling - Megawords

    Math - Saxon Math 8/7

    Logic - The Fallacy Detective

    History - History Odyssey: Middle Ages with WTM reading list

    Science - Holt Science and Technology Life Science

    Art - Mark Kistler's Online Art Lessons

    Foreign Language - I would like her to take Spanish due to the region we live in; she is interested in French. I have no idea which program. They all seem so expensive.

    Bible - I have not chosen a program for this. I think I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around anything since we are in somewhat of a crisis with our current church. I pray a lot about it.


    She will also participate in a tap/jazz dance class weekly.


    Sure feels like I'm missing something. What could it be?

  5. Our church has done them and I have personally given them. That being said, I don't like them. It's up to the parents to bring the kids on Sunday morning. If the parents took Sunday School/Church seriously, they would bring them regardless of the "reward" system. If the system were truly being used to reward good/hard work, I would be all for it. However, I have yet to see one that didn't blur the line between reward for work and filling seats.

  6. I love seeing pictures and hearing what's going on in other people's lives. I've had to hide a few people because of the content or vulgarity of their posts, but I can still visit theirs if I want to. I lead a pretty boring life, so it's interesting to hear what's happening out there. I don't mind writing letters, but it's slow (especially in today's techno world) and it's rare to get a letter in return. I'm on the phone all day long for my job, so one of the last things on my mind at home is talking on the phone. My biggest peeve about FB currently is the sheer number of sharing of cute pics/sayings/etc. It's like people don't have anything to say for themselves. I try to post things to engage people in conversation, but it's almost like they're afraid to say anything.



  7. Angela...it wasn't bolded in the original letter at all. I don't know why it's showing up bold now. Their advice is not that it's required, but it's a good choice to inform them that you will be withdrawing them to avoid any truancy issues or people knocking on your door. I agree with this advice.


    They are in Wyoming, MI, which is southwest of Grand Rapids. They have a website.



  8. If you live anywhere near Wyoming, MI, the Homeschool Building offers an intro class that was very helpful to Dh and I. In the packet of information we received that night, there was a sample letter that could be sent to the school to notify them that your child is withdrawing. Other than that, as long as you operate as a homeschool (not a nonpublic school), there is nothing else you need to do legally, according to the law (which is posted on the hslda.org). Here is a sample letter:


    "I am writing to notify you that I am withdrawing my child, Jane Doe, from enrollment in the Generic Public Schools, Generic County. I will be teaching my child at home.


    This letter is to further assure you that we will have a curriculum which meets the basic educational goals of reading, spelling, mathematics, science, history, civics, literature, writing, and English grammar, and we will pursue education at home in a bona fide manner.


    If you have any further questions, please submit them to me in writing at the above address."



    Hope this helps!




  9. I am very comfortable with the orthodontist and staff at the office where she had her consult and my husband is, too. She had a consult a few years ago, and I was not comfortable there, so I know I wouldn't return there. I am also very comfortable with his plan of care. He doesn't recommend pulling teeth; doesn't foresee any complications; says it all seems pretty straightforward. She has an overbite and crooked teeth. With my husband, I'm sure it all comes down to money.



  10. Specifically braces. My daughter will need them next year, and my husband is just sure that he can find a better price than what we were quoted yesterday ($4600 to $4800). Only one place he called would give him an idea and they were pretty much the same. The others require her to come in. I hate to go traipsing from office to office putting my daughter through that over and over. Does anyone have experience with this?



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