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Posts posted by Lucy

  1. We used mus from the beginning (and love it!) and when my dd hit algebra,it was a struggle for her and for dad who taught it - like you said, an age thing. It took us two years! And now we are playing catch-up. We switched to TT and my kids are all doing well with it - once they got past the silly-kid help in the corner. (After the lesson, they turn the volume off so they don't have to hear "time out for hint!" And just turn it back on if the teacher is talking) It is a year behind, but if you move up a year, it's fine. My best friend used it all the way through and her daughter just scored in the 99th percentile on her SAT! Her other kids score crazy high in math in their standardized test. So it didn't seem to set them back! :)  TT has taken out the "teacher intensive" part of math and erased almost all of the tears and complaints - not because it's sooooo easy (we don't find that to be true) but because every problem has an explanation if needed. Dad still helps when needed, but its much more rare. It has been a huge blessing here.  BTW, my oldest is a comp sci major.

  2. My poor youngest!  With the older three, all 1-2 years apart, we did crafts and projects and unit studies and literature studies with read alouds and lots of mom interaction.  They are all older now and have basically self-directed curriculum.  Oldest is doing Running Start (college and high school together) to get some free credits for college, next one is going to try high school, third is still at home, but loves to do things independently.  My fourth is just in 1st grade and with all the carpools and driving and sports and youth group activities, I hardly have time to do anything with her.  So I'm moving her to more independent work even though she is young.  Teaching Textbooks, Online Veritas History, lots of books to read, I'll basically be doing English stuff with her and that's it.  I'm hoping I can work in some fun stuff, (I bought art curriculum, but even that is on a video!) but it seems to me we have to fit in whatever we can between taxi-ing everyone else around!

  3. We only have four, which seems perfectly normal to us, but we get comments all the time! 

    "Don't you know what causes that?"  Yes, and we're really, really good at it. Wink. Wink.

    "Your hands are sure full." Full of good things, yes.

    "All girls?  Poor daddy." Then one of the girls will look at them with sweet eyes and say, What do you mean?  I love my daddy!

    "Too many kids!" Well, friend, why don't you look my kids in the eye and tell them which one doesn't deserve to exist?


    I have no problem with comments, really.  People are surprised, I get that.  It usually makes me laugh.  But I have gotten a couple of the extremists that are actually not just surprised at our choice to have children, but are actually offended on behalf of humanity and the planet.  Seriously people?  I've even had people cream me for adopting.  Really?  You are going to scold me for loving a child that is already here and all alone?  I don't get it...



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  4. Try lands end.  I love their short sleeve shaped t-shirts!!!! They also sell them in relaxed fit if you don't want them too fitted, and now "slub" fit which I don't really know what that is.  but you can order in multiple colors and sizes and styles, try them on at home, and then return them at the nearest Sears store! Easy - and they wear great!

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  5. I've read the older threads about this, but I'm wondering if anyone has found something new or just loves what they use to make a transcript.  I don't need a program that tracks all their assignments, just a form to fill out and look professional.  My dd is a freshman and I want to decide what to use by the end of the year so I don't get behind.  So, what's the latest and greatest and why do you like it?  If you have a great Word document, feel free to share!  :)

    • Like 1
  6. Many of my friends take their families to Disney on a regular basis.  And Hawaii.  My kids ask me when can they go to Hawaii?  I say, "Maybe on your honeymoon!"  It's a little annoying when others tell me that "all kids need to go to Disneyland." or "you could do it if you just plan well enough."  Any idea how much 6 plane tickets alone would cost?  All the discount lodging and eating tricks won't help nearly enough to counter that!  If we had one, maybe two kids... sure, we could save and do it.  But I decided to give my kids more siblings.  Not going to Disneyland is not some kind of sacrifice - it's just a choice - a natural consequence for having the family life we have chosen.  No loss, just different.  I just wish people would stop gasping when I say we've never been and don't plan to. We are fine with it.


    Everyone makes financial decisions based on what they value.  Some go without cell phones, some eat beans and rice, some don't do big vacations, some share a car, some wear second hand clothes - all the while all these different families are looking at each other and both saying, "They shouldn't have to do that if they just planned better."

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  7. Median in my county is 37,000.  We make much more than that, certainly not close to the 150 mark, but like others have said before, we have a single income, more dependants, high medical bills.  Mortgage is our only debt, but we drive cars from the 90's both over 200,000 miles.  It just doesn't go as far as it used to.  We do have a savings, though, and that puts us ahead most of our friends.


    But really, it's all relative.  I have friends who make less than us, but because they started without a mortgage or any personal debt, they seem ahead.  Each individual circumstance will prove a different viewpoint as to what is necessary, and what is abundance.

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  8. For you ladies who don't have low T, check out bio-identical progesterone cream.  It's awesome.  I tested with low progesterone, and I use the cream daily (with the exception of my flow days) and I feel calmer, sleep better, have more energy, less overwhelmed, and am WAY more in the mood for TeA.  And my doc says that women don't even need to get tested necessarily, that you can dose it yourself based on how you feel.  You can buy it without a prescription, too.  I use Pro-Gest brand and use half the dose the pamphlet says to.  Research it and decide for youselves, but it's been AWESOME.

  9. I second the Jag Pull-on jeans.  I got mine at Macy's when there was a sale and good coupons.  I wear straight cut.  I have a smaller frame, (5'5") but have a bigger saggy belly - totally stretched out and I carry all my weight there.  I actually have it on my to do list to go get another pair - I love them!

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  10. I am going to have my freshman start reading 1984 by Orwell.  Do you have any recommendations for me - anything you think she should do as she is reading to help understanding or thoughtful application?  Maybe a project or something?  I don't want to do a whole study on it or anything, but do want her to get something more out of it.  Any thoughts?

  11. It's not just introverts that relate.  I used to be the one with lots of friends.  I just naturally and easily made friends and was always in the center of the happenings.  Not now.  My personality hasn't changed, I don't think, at least not that much, but I find it very difficult to make what I consider to be true friends.  A few years back I could have written your post - I always initiated, tried to get people together, but often found myself uninvited to Bunco and book clubs. 


    I finally decided to stop initiating and see what happened.  It was a bit depressing!  One friend I considered one of my closest, I actually told her a few years ago, "I feel like I may be annoying you (said with  laugh) so why don't you just call me when you have time and want to go do something fun."  She's never called me.  It really hurt. 


    I have also had to change my expectations depending on the person.  Another friend is a true friend, but I've just had to learn to accept her personality.  She doesn't call.  She is a homebody and doesn't feel the need to go out or see friends on a regular basis.  I extend her grace in her lack of initiating because when we do hang out or talk, she is a very true friend indeed.  It's just not as often as I would like.


    But have hope, because in the midst of being so sad, I found a true friend.  She calls me once or twice a week, wants to hang out two or three times a month, she lives 1 hour away and doesn't let it stop us from getting together.  She prays for me and checks up with me when she knows I need it.  She puts just as much effort into our friendship as I do - and I literally thank God for her.


    I don't think the lack of true friendship for a few years meant something was wrong with me - I think it was due to everyone's business and people assumed due to my cheerful personality that I wasn't in need.  I don't LOOK like I'm on the outskirts even when I am.  I think people would have reached out more if I had voiced my longing for friendship better.  But  most people are just plain too busy to notice. 

  12. My dd age 10 is a struggling reader.  We did Abekka phonics for K-2, Phonics and Reading Pathways for 3rd.  Last year, in 4th, I just had her read and read and read anything that caught her interest.  Today I did an online reading test and it told me she was at a late 2nd / early 3rd grade level. 


    I know she skips words that are long - she will sound them out if I push her - but sometimes can't even get them right when doing this.  She doesn't read with much voice inflection - a little, but not much.  She is a left brained learner - loves math and organization and rules.  At times, I see that she skips lines, or jumps down a line in the middle.


    I'm going to have her eyes evaluated by a eye doc that does therapy - can't remember what they are called - there is a really good one here in town that other homeschoolers highly recommend.  While there may be eye issues, I don't feel that is all of the problem.  She can't sound things out right...


    I've been searching and have found Saxon Reading Intervention, And an online thing called Reading Horizons Elevate.  Anyone tried these?  What do you all recommend for a curriculum that is thorough but not overwhelming, not baby-ish looking, and can help the struggling reader?

  13. My dd is 10, grade 5.  She is a whiz in math (a year ahead) and loves school.  Her issue is that she is a very slow reader.  Very, very slow.  I just had her start Apologia Human Anatomy and she retains next to nothing after she reads each chunk, but really enjoys it as she reads.  She looooves history, but again, can't seem to answer any of the review questions I ask her. 


    When she reads aloud to me, she fumbles a bit over the words, but if she goes slow enough, she can read just about anything.  She tells me that reading aloud makes her nervous, but I wonder if something bigger isn't happening. 


    I've been upping her daily reading time for fun from 30 up to 45 minutes (she's reading 39 clues and Nancy Drew books) and told her to start reading toddler books to her little sister aloud once a day. 


    What can I do to help her?  Should I get her evaluated at the school?  Is there a curriculum for helping reading and comprehension for this age?  Any advice and wisdom would be greatly appreciated!

  14. I think of two different people in my life.  One, married a guy with an education without a job thinking he would "find one soon."  We could all tell he wasn't really looking.  He's a leach and now they are in their 50s and guess what?  Still no real job.  She is the only breadwinner and always has been - always will be.  They have one child.  I asked her once if she wanted any more kids and she replied, "yes, lots.  but I'd have to have them with him... so, no."


    My other friend married a guy with no college education, but was working hard at a minimum wage job.  He has worked his bum off, gotten licensed in gas work, electrical stuff, and all kinds of stuff I don't understand.  Multiple jobs at multiple points.  He makes a really good income and has provided well enough that my friends had the freedom to choose to stay home and homeschool her 5 kids.  At one point, he thought he might loose his job and his wife asked him, "What will you do?"  He said, "I guess I'll apply at the hotel and be the best bag carrier they've ever had."  That is the kind of work ethic I want my girls to find in a husband.

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