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Posts posted by CourtneyMI

  1. Wow, do we have the same family? Because the EXACT same thing happened to me and DH when we told my family we were homeschooling. DH's family was fine with it but my family blew a fricken gasket. My sister, my mom and my best friend basically told me I was ruining my children's lives. I didn't matter what I said or how I said it when I showed them the stats on homeschooled kids versus other schooled kids. Nothing mattered. I finally put my foot down. I told my mom that she had the chance to raise her children, I am going to raise mine the way I see fit. I told my sister she could shut her mouth and come back to talk to me when she has kids or she wouldn't be able to see them. And I told my best friend that she could leave and she wasn't welcome back until she could respect DH, our decisions and the way we choose to raise our kids. I told them all I was done being the doormat.


    I am like you. First born, wants to please everyone etc. But I was bending over backwards trying to please everyone else and it was stressing me out. Your kids need to be around people who respect you and your DH. I know I am being a little harsh but its not going to stop until you stand up for yourselves. :grouphug:

  2. We are having a blast with our black cocker spaniel. He is small enough to hold on our laps, but just big and sturdy enough to not have the tendancy to be underfoot or easily injured from being stepped on like the smaller breeds.


    :iagree: we have had 2 cocker spaniels in the last 10 years. My older one had to go because she was not a fan of kids, but she was 6 when we had DS1. Our other cocker spaniel is a LOVE and has the best time with our LOs. He is so sweet and good with everyone he meets. He even loved our German Shepard when we got her. She is a great dog too.

  3. Bell's Oberon. I'm not sure if Bell's is just in Michigan or if it's national, but pretty much the only beer I like is their Oberon Ale. It is sooooooo good. I don't drink it often, but it's really nice on a hot summer night. In fact, after I have this baby, I want DH to get me a Bell's Oberon to enjoy with my first dinner at home.


    :iagree: Love Oberon, as its brewed in my hometown. In fact, Oberon day is bigger than ST Patricks Day and the night before Thanksgiving around here. You can drink oberon with an orange which is delish. Blue Moon and Oberon are the only beers I drink.

  4. Im sorry but this whole "hate the Dggars" thing really irritates me. The last time I checked, it isn't for you or me or anyone else to judge someone based on their reiligous beliefs as long as no one is being abused or neglected in any way. Some people choose to have 20 kids, others choose to have 1. There isn't a wrong way or a right way to have a family and to tell someone different is disrespectful - in my opinion.


    So the Duggars choose to have 20 kids and choose to be religious in the way their children are brought up. I don't judge them because they choose to do so. Their children seem to be healthy and well adjusted - especially in comparison to the self centered brats that seem to perpetuate from this society.


    Conversely, I know many singe children households that produce well mannered, productive children who are a real asset to society. Who cares if the children play sports or not? Many children are not gifted in that aspect and have zero interest. I see that the Duggar kids are out en mass(e?) and exercise on a regular basis.


    These children seem to know what it means to be a family (not saying that a single child household is any different because that is just not the case) and help out as a family. I believe this is one of the major failings of our society and if just one family can make a small difference in that dynamic, more power to them.


    Just my two cents. Its free advice. You get what you pay for. :)

  5. My two cents...I think you should go and have another baby. If you think you have enough room in your house and your heart for another, go for it. The kids will all play together, play separately, and one will be left out on occasion. But that will probably vary between which kid will be left out - especially if baby number 3 is a girl. What I am saying is that at some point, each one of your kids is going to feel left out. That shouldn't stop you from having another.


    In addition, maybe your older can find a play group or sport to have friends to play with. I don't know the age because my kids aren't that old but I know that I was 6 years older than my sister and we still had a blast together. Still do as a matter of fact. At times she felt left out of the group (there were 4 of us in that 6 year period) but at times I felt/feel left out. Its the nature of sibling-hood.


    HTH! Best of luck TTC!

  6. You should see hockey parents around here. Talk about vicious and living vicariously through their kids. My goodness. DH is a hockey referee and he has had to call the cops to have armed security with him as he goes out to his car at night. One parent threatened to kill him because of a call DH made.


    Then watching the parents and some of the coaches, its like watching another culture in some cases. There are parents screaming at the top of their lungs when their kids screws up. Its awful. The players are just as bad too. Oldest DS and DH have been warned that they cannot and will not act like that. It spoils the entire game.

  7. I was reading about Molly and how suddenly it all went downhill and remembering two years ago come July when the same thing happened to my SIL in Atlanta. She'd battled Ovarian cancer for a few years. She was heading toward remission. We got a phone call on Monday that she was going to the hospital for dehydration. We did not know how serious it was. On Wed another SIL who lived in Illinois called us to tell us she'd just talked to sick SIL's Dr and he said the family had to come because she would not make it through the night. The drive to pick up my MIL and FIL in Central FL and then racing to Atlanta was horrible. She died right before we got there. It was all so fast! I'd just talked to her on the phone a few days before. She was looking forward to having my neice come up and do some sight seeing. We talked about a trip we might take up there in December. It was so horrible. Now I have this beautiful baby girl that my SIL never got to meet. Oh, how she loved babies being in the family. Especially girl babies! She was so girly herself. She'd never married or had her own kids but she always doted on nieces and nephews. She talked of one day when the cancer was gone maybe becoming a foster parent to a little girl.

    It's just such a wicked disease. So sorry for all of you who have lost loved ones to this disease. :grouphug:


    Your SIL's story sounds exactly like my MILs story. She went in for dehydration, ended up in hospice and died 2 weeks later. It's coming up on the one year anniversary and I cry every time I think about it. Its so unfair that my kids will never know their grandma. She was ony 60 and a very young 60 at that.

  8. I forgot to add that there are 2 egress windows down there so there is light down there, it's just less light than we would get in the toy room which has 6 windows total on 2 walls. I have seasonal affective disorder so light in the winter is a must for me.


    I know we won't be using the room for formal school for a few years but we can only do the basement once so we need it to function for everything. I do like the idea of making a big closet for homeschooling stuff downstairs though. I hadn't thought of that!


    If anyone else has ideas, I'd love to hear them. :bigear:

  9. Here is my conundrum. We are planning on finishing our basement and we now have 2 potential places for our school room. One is the old toyroom. The other is the basement.


    For the toy room, it is smaller, on the main floor and has a lot of windows on the 2 outside walls. However, the windows don't leave much room for shelving and my boys are highly distractable. Plus, the space is much smaller than the basement.


    The basement is something that I can design from scratch but it will have substantially less light and we live in Michigan so it will be darker in the winter time. Plus it'll be downstairs so it will be difficult to do anything other than school during that time. In retrospect, that may not be such a bad thing.


    Anyway, opinions, advice, anything would be welcome!

  10. That makes me ill just thinking about the fact that she could do that to her child. What a disturbed mind. I sincerely hope she rots in prison for such an awful act!


    And PETA just sealed their fate with me. Comparing the death of a child in such a horrific manner to pork chops and hamburger meat is beyond disgusting. I hope that the people of Sacramento pitch a fit and fight this billboard tooth and nail. Shame on PETA!

  11. You all are some brave ladies! There is NO way I could let bugs and snakes and rodents in my house. I can barely tolerate my dogs! I thought I was going to faint when I goggles that centipede! I'd let the centipede know that rent is due at the first of the month, and get the heck out of dodge. I am so grossed by bugs.


    I am :lol: at some of these stories though! It's good for future reference since mine are all still little ones.

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