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Posts posted by BlueTaelon

  1. The after school program just called and dd7 fell off the monkey bars and is refusing to move her shoulder/arm and says it hurts. This child is a major drama queen so I take pain complaints with a grain of salt, if there is an audience she will perform. I can't get to the school before the buses head out so I told them to just put her on the bus and I will check her out. They said they did not see any swelling or obvious breaks/dislocations. Its a half hour drive to the ER if we need to go.


    What do I need to look for?


    I can't believe she was even on the monkey bars, she has low tone on her left side and can't handle her own hanging weight. I need to talk to her AGAIN about why she needs to stay off them:(

  2. If your open to alternative stuff google "Pyroluria" and "Histadelia" and "Histapenia" which is high and low histamine. Mainstream Dr's will poo poo it but its real and it messes people up if not treated. Its a genetic disorder so when people have multiple family members with mental health issues it screams Pyroluria with an histamine issue. I see treating it like going to the Chiro or Acupuncturist, 20 years ago that was voodoo medicine! Now its well accepted and most insurances pay for it. I hope one day its the same for Pyroluria but of course that would mean the mental health industry loosing billions but I digress..



  3. Getting it in writing doesn't help unless you are willing to back it up by reporting him if he doesn't comply.  Technically you already do have some things in writing (your contact) and unless I'm misunderstanding you, he isn't honoring that because no one is willing to take the time to report him and he knows it.  


    No one has gone after him because its not been worth it to wreck your rental history by making him mad, before me NO ONE in 7 years has stayed beyond 3 months according to the electric company. Neighbors said its because the guy is a jerk and a slumlord and as soon as it gets cold they move out because you can't keep this place warm due to the drafts which is why we pretty much stayed in a bedroom all winter. We didn't plan on staying past 3 months either but life happened. The only thing positive about this place is it has an amazing view of the lake from nearly every room.

  4. I would absolutely insist on things being in writing.  or bring a tape recorder - and let him know you're recording the conversation.


    I had a grandmother who did the exact same thing.  in their head - they remember it the way they want it, the way that favors them.


    eta: and no - do NOT take anything verbal he says as trustworthy.  get it in writing - and make him sign and date everything.  make sure you have receipts for everything.


    My mother does that, drives me crazy. I would worry it was me just imagining it if it were not for the fact its happened nearly every time I have spoken to him and it doesn't happen with anything else and we have far more serious issues going on that I would like to hear what I want rather then whats actually going on.

  5. Don't you have a written and signed contract?  Details like that are included in the contract.  If it isn't, they can't insist on it.  http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/state-landlord-tenant-laws


    I know what the contract says, of course the contract also says I can't use the heating system without a maintenance contract though an oil supplier which is something no one provides around here unless they sold and installed the system themselves which they did not because he did. Should I have not taken his verbal word that I could use the system anyway? This is why I want everything in writing from this point on. The verbal does not match the written. He's cherry picking the lease and changes his mind. When we moved in he told me to not to use the kitchen wall heater, it was a fire hazard and was disabled and thats why the knob was removed. It started kicking on itself due to the cold and I freaked since I couldn't get it to shut off. He showed up and claimed he never told me that and it works just fine. Yeah sure, I spend hours in that kitchen enjoying my aching legs because I somehow imagined you told me not to use it because it wasn't safe? I froze my butt off in that room because the kids had the space heater. I just want out of here without losing everything like a lot of other folks have due to these guys, I only wish I knew their reps before I moved in. Everyone who was lived here has been an out of towner and not aware of his rep. No one local will rent from him.

  6. Did you give the 30 day notice in writing? If so, you only have to pay your rent for 30 days from that point, assuming you're on a month-to-month lease.


    Yes it was written, my issue is he said I could use the deposit then at the end of the month changed his mind and is saying I didn't pay rent and can't use the deposit even though verbally he and his father (his rep) said I could. I've had this issue on multiple things with him or his father. They say one thing then write another. Were doing our best to get out of here, this place is a nightmare. I've always rented from an agency and while I may have complained about them I never had issues with them lying and things were taken care of. This is the first time I have ever rented from a private person and at this rate I will never do so again.


    I just don't want to shoot myself in the foot by insisting on written communication only (email/USPS/txt).

  7. I'm having issues with him and his father who have told me things verbally but EVERY TIME they turn around and say "I never said that, I said XYZ" which is the OPPOSITE of what I was told verbally. For example when I was first checking out the house to rent the father who lives locally showed me the house and told me if there came a month when I couldn't afford the rent I could use my security deposit or I could use it as last months rent. This is highly unusual so I clarified it and yes he meant it. 2 weeks before I gave my 30 day notice I called the son who I actually pay rent to and again confirmed what his father told me, he said no problem, he saw the house a couple weeks ago and the house looked great so no worries and it was fine. I give my 30 day notice, today, a the end of the month he tells me NO, you have to pay the rent for April and the rent is now a month late, late fee at this point is almost as much as my rent!


    Were trying to get out of here and he's refusing to even fill out the rental ref's other apts are sending him until I pay him everything he claims I owe him including the $150 discount I got on the first months rent for cleaning up the yard which I did. It did not state I needed to make sure there were NEVER any leaves on the ground the entire time we lived here. It was listed as a 1 time thing which I did. Wish I had taken pictures to prove it.


    I am sick of dealing with this guy and I want everything in writing because everything he says verbally he comes back around and says "I didn't say that".


    I have years of perfect rental history but around here they only check the last 2 places which for us is about 18 months, 6 mo here and a year at my parents which was a nightmare so I'm in a tight spot and this guy knows it. He has a very bad rep in this town and is well known to screw people over.


    I'm already stressed because were supposed to be out in a few days and we don't even have a place to move to yet. I dont have money to pay all this. I swear I feel like I need to just say we've been homeless for the past 6 months but I don't think that would help get us a place. I'm pretty sure code enforcement will condemn this place since he refuses to do major repairs and what I read today says its substandard but I cant even ask for the repairs according to state law until the rent is current in his eyes and withholding rent is illegal in this state. If you don't withhold rent whats to encourage them to do the repairs? Especially when its thousands of dollars worth needed and they already told me verbally they will not do it so don't even ask.


    Anyway, he emailed and texted me asking me to call him but obviously I am VERY leery of talking to him since he's shown to be two faced multiple times.

  8. Just get a salt grinder, I don't use it in cooking but stuff I put salt on anyway like grapefruit or avocados, its really yummy with almond butter and honey, pink salt with a course grind is perfect with it.

  9. Do you mean exocrine pancreatic insufficiency? Its treated with Creon, which is high dose digestive enzymes. You take one before every meal, not a major thing imo but eating makes you miserable without them. Fwiw I have it, dr believes it was caused by them taking 24yrs to dx my celiac which damaged my pancreas. You start feeling a whole lot better about 2 weeks after starting the creon but I still have to take vitamin supps. It has nothing to do with the fodmap diet.

  10. I hope everything works out for you. It sounds like good vibes and positive thoughts are streaming your way anyway. What kinds of produce would you be growing?


    Pretty much everything:) Tomatoes, lettuces, beans, cucumbers, herbs, squash, zucchini, potatoes, garlic, chives, ect. Stuff we like to eat but is to darn expensive, especially when you have to drive 30 min to get it and it wilts in days.

  11. I haven't done more then wave to the neighbor for at least 6 months so he has no idea of my situation.

    First and I don't know why but he mentioned that if I make less then $15k a year then I should check out the res (Indian reservation) food bank for commodities since we live on the res. I had no idea it even existed so yes I will be checking it out because heaven knows we need any help we can get right now but the most interesting thing is...


    There is an 18 acre plot of land with a mobile home on it right next to my parents and said neighbor. Its a nice piece of land and I've been oogling it ever since we got here, even my parents want to buy the land but can't afford it. I've had plans for the land since the moment I saw it. Ol Mrs Rusty finally passed away a few months ago and the place has been for sale and no takers. I called the reality place and asked about a land contact or similar and they flat out said no. Well, funny thing, according to the neighbor the owner says he's open to it with zero down and 3% interest, I hate interest but I'd suck it up for this place because I can do a lot with this land. My neighbor came over out of the blue to talk to my parents today and brought this stuff up to tell me. I'll be having a nice little chat with my old neighbor in the morning I hope.



    I would LOVE to have this place so I would be grateful for any prayers or positive thoughts/vibes. I figured we would be stuck going back to the city in the next month but if I could get this place... I could even afford the mortgage for this place on what little we make.


    The land itself is profitable with a mature orchard, hay fields and grazing areas, I have no doubt I could turn a profit on this land and its right on a busy highway where I could open a fruit stand for summer income (we live in a food desert and unless you grow your own its a 30 min drive for overpriced produce that wilts in a week or less). This place is the ideal set up for what I want, well minus the mobile home but we could survive in it for a few years while I got everything cleaned up and back in good order, she wasn't able to take care of the land the past few years and its gotten overgrown.


  12. This is the outside wall, this damage runs in the length of the house which means it effects a bedroom, the air in that room burns your lungs when you enter and the living room where there is no smell present. This was pretty much covered by leaves when we rented and its on the side of the house where we have no reason ever to go there.



    This is inside the bedroom when you peel back the carpet in the corner, you can see the flooring has rotted through along the wall. (we never used the room since the owner used it to store stuff for repairing the house, paint, caulk, trim ect and we didn't need it)




    and when you pull back the carpet a little more.... gee, don't that look like mold?





    Do you think the health dept would declare this house uninhabitable with this kind of damage? There's more, less severe stuff like damaged/rotting stairs into the house, rotting deck, raccoon problem ect, but my LL is being a jerk and were trying to move. This damage was hidden when we moved in a few months ago and it was freezing temps/subzero but now that its been warm the past few days you can tell there are problems. Praying we get to move into the new place next week, prayers appreciated:) I can't believe how clueless I was about this stuff, I've always had fairly well maintained places so I didn't even know to look for or how to spot rotting wood and old mold stains and such. Anyway, a friend said to get the health dept out here and they will declare the house uninhabitable and he will have to let us leave and can't haul us to court or keep our deposit (we haven't so much as put a nail in the wall)

  13. I can't recc a Dr but I will say the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford was great and the play areas, inside and outside are amazing. dd7 was 3 I think when we went and she still asks if we can go back the place made such an impression on her.


    I hope your able to get her fixed up quick:)

  14. I must say that I'm concerned with the idea of taking her skills range from a 2 YO to a 10 YO, and then forming an average of a 6 YO ?

    Where this idea of an average, has no real meaning.

    But then as you write that her IQ is normal.

    This makes me wonder if this 6 YO score, is a test of 'adaptive functioning'?

    Where it is important to make a distinction between IQ and adaptive functioning.


    Sorry, this is all new to me and no one has even explained the report to me. The age is from the SIB-R which is the scale of independent behavior - revised. It tells me a bunch of different areas and the year and month she's able to do things like 5 years 8 months for Dressing. Her Broad Independence score was 6 years 4 months which I think is kinda of an average of everything and whats cited as her functioning level.


    ok, I googled adaptive functioning and yep, thats what I'm talking about. From what I understand this will all get explained to me along with further testing once we pick an agency to work with but for now I'm kinda floundering and being asked to make decisions when I don't even know the options. I asked for a menu of services so I could at least be making calls and finding out options but no such luck. I'm still trying to understand how someone would have normal intelligence and not function like it. I get if there was something like CP that physically prevented it but I'm having trouble understanding it as it applies to our situation.

  15. dd13, 14 in Aug has a normal IQ but is functionally 6 years 4 months over all according to the developmental testing she just had. (was dx'd with Autism a couple weeks ago after a lot of head banging years and not being able to get testing due to insurance) I need to meet with the Developmental disabilities lady at the end of the week and she wants me to have goals in mind for dd to reach over the next year. Problem is, if I didn't realize she was THAT far behind then I obviously don't know anything about child development. I knew dd7 was more mature then her in a snarky kinda way but to find out its actually true... Her skills range from 2YO to 10YO but over all its a young 6YO.


    I need to find something that lists specific skills she should have by this age, actually it would be helpful from say age 7 on up so I can see skills as they progress. The DD lady didn't think she would be able to get anything for me until Friday when we actually meet which means I don't have time to actually think about her goals.


    That said, I have been on the phone a lot the past week and it was been wonderful to meet people who understand the issues were dealing with and I'm not just a crappy, lazy mother with an undutiful daughter and that there is a ton of help out there now that we have a dx.

  16. I remember getting them when dd13 was little but that was a long time ago. We just got our developmental budget and I want the catalogs in hand after our OT eval since we will need to have everything figured out when we meet with our broker to submit our requests. Not sure what we need yet, dealing with Autism and sensory issues.

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