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Posts posted by Cheekymama

  1. We were in Orlando November 2011 and after seeing the movie several weeks before, our kids begged to go see Winter. We took a day and drove over to Clearwater (only about 1.5 hrs from Orlando). I found it to be kind of pricey (don't remember but you can look up the ticket prices on their website) and small. BUT having said that, we had a blast! When we got their they were having an informational bit about stingrays. We then got to see a show with Winter and Panama. It was very informative and we were really close to the tanks/dolphins. There were two other shows with different dolphins that were great as well. At the time the aquarium only had tanks/room for 4 dolphins so they were maxed out. They were in the process of building and adding on so I'm not sure where they are with that. Back to the animals, they had otters, turtles and tanks of various sea life. The aquarium has a few paid employees and tons of volunteers. We found the volunteers to be very informative and welcomed our questions. So having said all that, it was well worth it. It was probably the highlight of the trip for the kids. Happy vacation!

  2. I personally don't think it's necessary. You're right, there is an outline in the notebooking journal, and there are also several resources on the Elementary Apologia Science Yahoo! Group here:




    If you're not in the group already you'll have to join, but that's no biggie. I've used a couple helpful items from that group like review worksheets (more for my sanity vs. testing my son).


    Thanks for the info on the Yahoo group! We are planning on using Apologia science next year, too. :001_smile:

  3. My dd will be finishing up level 6 of AAS this year and I'm looking ahead to next year. She is not a great speller but she has improved a lot! I would like to continue with spelling but really am not sure what to use. I would like something that reinforces the rules taught in AAS but more putting the rules into practice with harder vocab. Any suggestions?

  4. I was anxious, too, but unlike you, I hadn't planned on homeschooling from the beginning. This decision was made while my oldest was in a private school for kindergarten. Thankfully, I had a close friend who had exposed me to the thought and was one of my biggest supporters. I also had another friend who had taken on hs'ing when her only child was in high school. Now that is scary! She told me one day that I could do it, especially considering I would be holding the teacher/answer book! :) I worried my oldest, who is very social and loved her school friends, would really miss being with other kids but that is not how it worked out. She loved being able to sleep in, not be at school all day and having the freedom we have. There are so many activities that you can put your kids in that will give them social interaction with other kids. Don't sweat it! You can do it!!!

  5. These "reds" are more on the orange spectrum, to me. I would perhaps go with a khaki tan (not too dark) color for walls, but you could also go with something like a buttery yellow or a nice sage green, etc.


    You don't have to match your floors to your furniture and I think that might be too dark, anyway.... I would tend to go with a medium oak tone for the floors....




    The colors mentioned above work as a neutral and would match your color scheme.

  6. You cannot substitute butter for shortening "one-for-one". Butter is much 'softer' (different melting point) so less would be used.


    You CAN make an icing (or 'frosting' whichever word you prefer) with butter --but you'd need a different recipe.


    Decorator's icing contains shortening--and is more 'stable' so you have more control over the final 'shape' of the decorations.



  7. I would tend to want to comment back and say, "We like to think of it as healthy or different, not weird, but to each his own!" and smile. But to the kids, I would explain to them that to a lot of people their tastes are weird and that isn't a bad thing. Weird means different to lots of folks and different isn't always bad!

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