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Posts posted by cellocoffee

  1. I bake cookies when stressed out. It really helps my attitude and seems to improve everyone else's as well. Especially Chocolate Chip.

    Cooking used to be my stress-relief when I had only one child. Once upon a time I even follow Julia Child's recipes for my daily meals....Now this is the way my DH does to calm me down. ha ha


    When I'm anxious or experience very strong emotion in a very short period of time (anger, for example) my tranquilizer has been this:




    It takes effect amazingly fast and does great things for my stress levels.

    Will try this tomorrow first thing!!
  2. or oxygen mask when homeschool doesn't go the way you planned or when kids put off their work or simply when you feel you are left alone to tackle problems?


    This is just the end of my second year of HS. Still got a lot to learn.


    So many parenting books tell you to "just take a deep breath", or "put on your oxygen mask" before you should get upset and yell. But when kids push that botton, before I have time to take a breath, my brain switches to the "fright or flight" mode.


    Where do you find your oxygen mask??:confused:


    Obviously, mine is still lost somewhere in the mess of my living room....

  3. Hi, y'all,

    I am so excited to know there are so many music talents on this forum.


    This is Shu-Yi--cellocoffee.

    I started cello when I was 10, got a doctoral degree in cello performance.

    I am originally from Taiwan. I maintain a cello studio at home and homeschool two DD. This is my 3rd year of homeschooling.


    Nice meeting you!

  4. Don't feel guilty!! We do school from 8:30-12 everyday and then I have a play tutor/nanny come in four days a week from 1-4 just so I can get work done. It's good for the children (and me) to have time away. I used to have my dd read and I'd work while ds slept, but this left me frazzled because he'd wake up before I was done or dd would continually interrupt me with questions. So much easier to have someone there that I can trust watching them so I can focus on what I need to get done for work. I've realized that if I can get done what I need to in a none stressful way, I'm a much better mom :).

    Thanks, Pata. (I feel really excited that the author of Elemental Science responded to my question. Celebrity!)



    It is so invaluable to me to know how other working/HS moms deal with this situation. So far I have four sitter/tutor interview lined up.

    Thanks again! Y'all are AWESOME!!:thumbup:

  5. I would start earlier in the day. I am schooling 3 kiddos and have almost 2 yo twins. We finish by 3 pm every day because otherwise our afternoons are nuts once the twins are up from their naps.


    We start school at 8:30 am. It's great b/c the twins are usually content to play right after breakfast w/o interaction with us too much.


    What about finding a 'mother's helper' that you could hire for very little money?


    Maybe she could 'supervise' the girls and work on prepping dinner for you/your husband/whomever cooks?


    I agree that i do not believe children need to be directed every minute or it will lessen their ability to self-entertain.


    That's what I am going to do.

    Thanks for your support!

  6. As far as fitting in schoolwork around your work, While going through her schoolwork, I would have her set aside anything that can be done independently, and have her work on that during your teaching time. You're probably doing this already. Sounds like the issue is more guilt.

    Hi, Lisa, this is a great tip. I do plan DD1's work this way now but not as well paced as I would like it to be.


    This might mean doing math in the evening, or waiting until pesky younger siblings are in bed to sit down and do a writing lesson with older dd.
    This is another great insight. I am glad I am not crazy for moving our school time together around the clock. Although I will keep in mind not turing into a pushy monster mom, I see the more flexible way of time use.


    Thanks for the encouragement!!!

  7. With a 2 year old, I'd hire someone even just for an hour or two. It would be entirely too stressful to me to worry that he/she might interrupt. I've thought about having another child and I know I'd have to do that.

    Thanks for confirming this. I have been playing tough..thinking I can do it all.

    Now I realized I have been too hard on myself and it's bringing stress to the whole family.


    BTW - I feel guilty about working at home too. I don't think it's possible not too. I try (try being the operative word) to remind myself that this is better than the other options we have and that they learn important skills from the situation, too. But at the end of the day, I still feel guilty....


    And thanks for listening and sharing!!

  8. And you are also giving them some free time in which to exercise their own creativity, without it being entirely adult-directed. I think that's good. A sitter, esp. a young one, won't ruin that dynamic. :)


    Thanks for your cheering! Yes, when the girls enjoy their free time playing either on their own or together, I feel calm.


    I have put a help-needed announcement and am interviewing some sitters.


    BTW, I like your signature. CFO...cool.

  9. I am a full time WAHM and I feel guilty too, even though I have a full time stay at home dad! Just know that the feeling seems to be typical especially if you used to be a full time SAHM! I was a SAHM for 5 years before we switched our roles, right before we started to homeschool. I still managed to homeschool, but we are splitting the subjects up even more next year as it was stressful for me to try to get them all done + work.
    I admire your strength. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences!!


    I agree with the other posters, that they should see that we are not just Moms only and that we can share our time with others, as well as them. If they are safe and have something to do, than I feel better about the situation. If they were staring at me the whole time, that would be impossible for me!

    DD8 does see how much I multitask and how devoted I am in teaching. She has learned to greet my students' families, help them get situated and even play with their younger siblings.


    Has your kids said anything about it to make you feel guilty or is it just a gut feeling? Did you just start this new routine recently? Because you may feel less guilty overtime, but it does come back sometimes... but than I read these threads on WAHM and it helps!

    No, they haven't ever complained except my 2-yr-old occasionally wants me to nurse her...:tongue_smilie:


    I think the main reason I feel the guilt is that I witness DD1 who just turned 8 this week wants to learn a lot more things and do more. I think I need to start our daily routine maybe an hour earlier to try to get all subjects done before I teach. Thanks for listening to me.

  10. Here is my permission to stop feeling guilty. You do not have to be totally engaged with your children 24/7 in order to be a good mom/homeschooler.


    You don't even have to "need" the money. It is perfectly acceptable for you to work at home (or, even outside the home) just because you want to and it adds to your adult life. You are a woman: wife, mother AND other stuff.


    My personal experience is that my kids ultimately benefited when I included areas in my life that were apart from them or homeschooling or parenting.



    I think I should print your thoughts out and read it everyday before I teach.

    Thanks!! I am thankful to be able to maintain my career partially while I can still see my girls grow.

  11. Fellow musician here, feeling your pain!


    Yay!!! Are you a cellist, too?


    It sounds like your problem is getting the kids to work at something productive while you are occupied with teaching, right? Definitely tricky. For me all bets are off when I go in to teach...they might do some school work, but mostly they'll play. If I were in your shoes, I'd continue to do as much as I can with them during the day and try to get my dh to take over a subject or two when he's with the kids in the evening. Or, do you have mom's that sit in on the lessons that might be willing to supervise some schoolwork, perhaps for a small tuition break?


    I'm sure there is a way to work this out! When you figure it out, let me know the secret... :grouphug:


    Yes, I agree with you totally. I think getting up earlier to finish the heavy duty stuff before I teach will definitely help with my nerves.


    I am also considering hiring a tutor/sitter now on two of the longer teaching days.


    Thank you all for listening!! Let's keep in touch Sara in AZ.

  12. Can your dd do more of her work on her own?


    As for feeling guilty...yeah, but I do it so he can do the extra curriculars he wants. I would probably feel even more guilty if I stopped tutoring and stayed home but couldn't pay for art and karate and swimming.


    Thanks Truscifi,

    Yes, DD8 does do work on her own quite well when I ask her to. Recently she even practices cello or piano during my teaching time.


    The problem is more me...I just feel guilty. But like your situation, it is nice to have spare money for their extra activities. I must remember that.



  13. Hi, fairly new member here.

    This is the third time I am trying to post this thread. So if somehow one of you find my lost two threads with a similar title, please forgive me.


    I maintain a cello studio at home. I don't teach until 4 or 5 and I try to be done at 7 or 7:30. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE teaching cello and share my passion about music. On top of homeschooling, teaching cello, I also try to continue performing chamber music regularly in my community.


    BUT, DD1 is now 8 and she is learning so much quicker than before(last month she asked for cursive, Latin, and more science). With a 2-yr-old acting terribly to her right, it's getting harder to finish all the schooling before I teach. Although it's usually no more than 2 and a half hours a day I spare from the kids to teach, I am feeling more and more guilty and pressure when I am teaching.


    Besides my passion for teaching, financially I can't quit totally either.

    Have any of you hired a tutor or nanny while you work? My husband comes home around 6. So it feels almost silly to hire someone.....


    Thanks in advance.

  14. Hi and thank you for your warm welcome!:001_smile:


    My name is Shu-Yi. I am from Taiwan. Cellocoffee's name is from: I am a professional cellist and I love and live on espresso drinks.


    I heard about this forum through a close homeschooling mother friend/mentor(Sharon in Austin, did you hear me?)


    I am married for 9 yrs to a sweet TX cowboy and I have two girls, 8 and 2&1/2.


    Reasons I started homeschooling:

    1. Didn't want my DC to loose their Mandarin.(DH kindly only used his limited Chinese skill to communicate with DDs until he can't disguise himself any more.)

    2. I teach cello at home mostly during after-school hour. If DDs go to school, I will not see them during the day until their bed time. I don't want that kind of life style.


    I am so glad to have found a forum like this. It really provides lots of knowledge and stress relief tips.

  15. I am just curious if any one else is pursuing this......:tongue_smilie:


    Since I feel like a rarity in any homeschooling groups....


    We do almost all the subjects in both Mandarin and English every day. Now my DD1 (just turned 8 this week) is learning much more and quicker in all her subjects in English, I feel I am in a rat race everyday trying to maintain her Mandarin writing and reading....

  16. We actually started using it this year after watching a documentary about Dr. Bronner from Netflix. Check it out, it's very interesting.


    At first we used it for head-to-toe shower. Then I found it made our hair fuzzy and the girls hair got tangled more. So we switched back to regular hair shampoo. Other than that we still love the body shower gell.

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