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Posts posted by Binalina

  1. My son is 9 months - is taking solid foods (baby foods and a bit of table food) He refuses to drink formula and I'm not ready to wean him anyways. I'm not sure what to do about his biting me but it is getting so frustrating. He does it as a sign that he is done or doesn't want to nurse at all but also sometimes I think he does it for amusement because I jump of course and then sternly say "NO" and then he laughs :glare:


    Does anyone have any advice on how to get him to stop biting? Or if I do have to wean him - how to do it since her really objects to formula? He is a bit underwieght at 15pounds 12 oz and the Dr is concerned for his growth.


    I hope this all makes good sense - I am rushing out the door and will check back later. TIA!

  2. My recommendation is to have a near death experience so that your body will make a last ditch attempt to procreate as quickly as possibly....and voila! double ovulation :D at least I think that is how it happened with me ;)


    I have no idea why I had twins - never expected it. I would agree with the PP about the fact that having twins is not all it's cracked up to be. Yes, it's very special and cute and all but all those rainbows and puffy clouds fly out the window when those kids are keeping you up 24/7 (or very close to it). I literally had 2 1/2 hours of broken sleep per 24 hours for the first 12 weeks of my twins' life. That's no joke - it was the hardest thing I have ever endured in my life.

  3. balance. and it looks different for every family. when I see burnout looming, I take a week off. And I mean off because if I'm fretting, I'll still burnout. so I pull out my hobbies and make sure I get as much of a rest as they do. Sometimes I totally miss the warning signs. and I think the coming and going like the tide is an apt analogy because it's a natural thing, an organic process. They can't be 'on' all the time, they need time to process what they've learned and make it their own, they need that resting of a low tide, and then they're ready for the push of a high tide again. I don't think people can be on all the time, we need times of rest. but in today's all night, all the time 24/7 high energy drinks employee of the month most productive it's expected that this *on* is a sustainable thing. it's not. everyone needs to refill. so don't be afraid to take the times of rest.


    :iagree: I couldn't agree more. The resting times are most precious

  4. Thank you all for your input - I appreciate all of your honesty and advice :001_smile: I went to the Pedi today to do the urinalysis and pick up the orders for the thyroid test and x-ray - and also to speak with the Dr. Well, DS decided not to pee in the alotted time I had to wait there but I did talk to the Dr. She was very open to explaining what her reasoning was for further testing. The nurse really misrepresented the Dr.'s thoughts during our phone call. It was not because the 2 levels came back low (but within normal) that she wanted further testing. She said this was just the next step if the blood work came back fine and since she confirmed that his numbers were ok with endo - she is fine with his blood work. If the blood work had come back any differently then we would be doing different things. She said to me very specifically today - as of now we have no indication that anything is wrong - we are just making sure we cover all the bases so that we don't miss anything. :001_smile: I knew I liked her. I think that I will go through with the 3 tests she asked us to do and meet with the GI but can't really imagine doing anything more invasive than that unless something changes with him.

  5. You need to call and speak personally to your pediatrician. It is outside a nurse's scope of practice to interpret lab results. I know she was probably just reading off a lab result print out, but it is the physician's responsibility to call you to let you know what the lab results were and to give you his recommendations for follow-up.


    ETA: I just read that you are going in tomorrow. That's good. I think you should make it clear that you expect her (the doctor) to call you in the future to give you lab results. I don't think that is asking too much. My youngest had to have quite a bit of lab work when she was two, and my pediatrician always called me to give me the results.


    I was thinking that as I was on the phone. If I were a bolder person I would have asked to speak to the Dr. I was also just trying to absorb the info at the moment. After I hung up I chided myself for not being more assertive - there's always tomorrow for that dream to come true ;)

  6. Unless I read this wrong, the OP has a 9 month old boy who below 3rd percentile in wt. after being born at a very healthy weight and normal gestation. Additionally, this seems to be a hungry baby who is consuming enough calories. If a doc did not do a thorough workup over this, s/he would be defenseless in court. Many an angry parent would be venting their grief in rage that this doc did not "do everything" to help their now-stunted child.


    It takes little radiation to X ray a wrist. I don't know the numbers in a child but a full chest x ray in an adult, which has to get through much more meat and bone, is equivalent to 10 days "back ground" radiation. So, if my dad had lived to 97 years, 1 month, and 17 days, instead of 7 days, it would have been like getting a chest Xray.


    We are also not there in the exam room. We cannot know if this doc is suspicious that the skin turgor isn't exactly what it should be, or the strength isn't just perfect. Things the doc might not be rattling off to the poor mother who could then panic for nothing. A really good, caring, experienced doc (the kind all should hope to have) often has a Miss Clavel sense: something is not right. And bothering to get a "curbside consult" from the endocrinologist doesn't sound like some quack padding his office visits. IMO, but I am, of course, an "insider".


    (Said seriously, but not meaning be mean...just blunt.)


    Agreed - This is why I do like my Pedi. She is thorough and checks everything out. She does not bother with scaring me - she just does her job. Although right now - I could do with a little more information and reasoning. We are going in tomorrow so I will be able ask my questions then. The only thing about being as "good" as she is - is that she really doesn't appreciate the parent questioning her. Seems to me that she takes it as an offense because she knows she is doing what is in the best interest in the child - not the parent. She is fiercely protective of the patients in her care -(which is a good quality to have in my mind) but sometimes it does leave a parent feeling like they've just broken some cardinal law by questioning her. kwim?

  7. It isn't unusual for mainstream pediatricians to want all those tests on a smaller child. I've had friends deal with the whole range of them with each child until the pediatrician finally figured out that smallness was normal in their family. Knowing that, I would base my decision on two things:


    1) Does being small as a baby run in the family? Were your parents, you, your hubby, or any of the baby's siblings small?


    2) Are there any indications of failure to thrive other than size? Is baby reaching other milestones okay?


    You know - I never really thought about it until now - because I am not close with my father's side but my Dad is short statured and so is his sister - my aunt. Other than that - everyone is fairly average.


    No other indicators that he is in any way unhealthy. Yes, he wakes frequently to eat still and doesn't eat large quantities. But he does eat and he does sleep - just not as much as I wish. He is super active and strong and hitting every milestone ahead of time (all my other kids were late on most everything) I think he is doing wonderfully. He is a very happy baby.


    My Dr. is very mainstream - and truthfully - I guess I am more of a mainstream Mom than I like to admit but this may be a crossroad for me and this Pedi.

  8. In light of a patient with no reason not to have a normal pH, I think of a low CO2 as a person who is hyperventilating a bit do to pain, or panic over a blood draw. They "blow off" some CO2. It usually stays in or near the normal range, just a bit low.


    THANK YOU! for saying that! I thought about that myself! As for the diagrams - well, you're right massively complicated - even the "simple" diagram... I don't have enough rudimentary knowledge to decifer even those. But thank you anyways :001_smile:

  9. This is a follow up from my previous post about "Trying not to Panic"


    The nurse called me today to say that the bloodwork came back fine except that 2 values were low but within normal. Apparently my Pedi. needed a day to check with an endocrinologist. His Alkaline Phosphotase was low as well as his blood CO2 level. Both of which are apparently not unusual "so she said" But then she went on to say that my pedi wants to do a blood test for thyroid, a urinalysis, X-rays for bone age and referr ds to a GI specialist :001_huh: I was little bit taken aback seeing how she had just said the levels were within normal.

    What would be your take on this? I agree about checking his thyroid and checking his urine but I don't know about the x-ray and the GI specialist.


    Here is a little info on the Alk. Phos. - I haven't found any really clear information about the co2


    Alkaline Phosphatases are a group of enzymes found primarily the liver (isoenzyme ALP-1) and bone (isoenzyme ALP-2). There are also small amounts produced by cells lining the intestines (isoenzyme ALP-3), the placenta, and the kidney (in the proximal convoluted tubules). What is measured in the blood is the total amount of alkaline phosphatases released from these tissues into the blood. As the name implies, this enzyme works best at an alkaline pH (a pH of 10), and thus the enzyme itself is inactive in the blood. Alkaline phosphatases act by splitting off phosphorus (an acidic mineral) creating an alkaline pH.

    The primary importance of measuring alkaline phosphatase is to check the possibility of bone disease or liver disease. Since the mucosal cells that line the bile system of the liver are the source of alkaline phosphatase, the free flow of bile through the liver and down into the biliary tract and gallbladder are responsible for maintaining the proper level of this enzyme in the blood. When the liver, bile ducts or gallbladder system are not functioning properly or are blocked, this enzyme is not excreted through the bile and alkaline phosphatase is released into the blood stream. Thus the serum alkaline phosphatase is a measure of the integrity of the hepatobiliary system and the flow of bile into the small intestine.



    A decreased serum alkaline phosphatase may be due to:


    • Zinc deficiency.
    • Hypothyroidism.
    • Vitamin C deficiency/Scurvy.
    • Folic acid deficiency.
    • Excess Vitamin D intake.
    • Low phosphorus levels (hypophosphatasia)
    • Celiac disease.
    • Malnutrition with low protein assimilation (including low stomach acid production/hypochlorhydria).
    • Insufficient Parathyroid gland function.
    • Pernicious anemia

    Vitamin B6 insufficiency

  10. 1. For the boys, we just shut it off. No more tv, it's been disconnected. For dd (who has her own stereo and things) it's been more of an appeal to her understanding. We've discussed how such things can tear a person down. We talked about what we should do versus what we actually do and how seeing people misbehaving (or singing with them) can lead us to think that those wrong things aren't so wrong.


    2. The same reasons you listed. For the boys, they were becoming real brats. I started off just blocking out Disney (Suite Life) and then I realized that a little of this could be entertaining, but there's no break from this bratty, crappy behavior on most of the kids' channels. Then we discovered hulu and netflix (which meant that they could still see shows I didn't mind them watching and less advertising).


    3. Yes and no :p I didn't replace it, but the kids did. They've replaced it with playing, imagination, reading, walking and the millions of other things they could have been doing when they were being swept away with tv and radio. We all listen to classical music and we have found a GREAT Christian radio station with music that we all enjoy listening too.





    It's really not all that hard once you start, and especially if you include the kids in on the decision. Dd listens to the Christian and classical music and she says she feels better, because there are no cringe moments.




    And I would add....


    I have noticed that Disney Starlets generally grow up way too fast (but their fan base has not yet) and I think it's almost like a trap that parents unwittingly fall into. They don't mind the kiddie shows but then the star graduates from Disney they become over-sexualized and the parents do not approve of their child seeing such clothing or listening to such music but the child is already a big fan of the star - and it creates a big division betweens parents and kids.


    Take for example - Mylie Cyrus - and several before her.


    I don't allow Disney at all and I don't allow listening to the radio without me around. It's worth it to me to protect their innocence for as long as possible. They will find out all these things as they grow up - when they are more mature and ready to decide what is right. For now - that's my job.

  11. My very own sister hosts a Halloween party every year and we don't attend. Mostly because I dislike Halloween and all the morbid stuff that goes with it. I am a protective Mom too and I have no problem admitting that to anyone. I would NOT be ok with kids disappearing into the dark recesses of a yard with kids (girls or boys) that I know are parented extremely differently than I do - if I feel that could have a negative impact. I feel it is blatant ignorance for parents to let their children "run wild" for the sake of "socialization" I am all for letting kids be kids but not for abandoning my responsibility to them for protection just because "all the other kids ae doing it" I say - go with your gut. If you feel like this party is just something you do out of tradition but doesn't line up with your parenting style - don't go. If she is a true friend then she will understand. My kids didn't understand why I wouldn't allow them to go to Auntie's Halloween party at first but now that they are older they have adjusted to it and they are on board.

  12. Hi,


    First and foremost ((HUGS)).


    I was a breastfeeding anemic mom with some vitamin deficiencies due to very diffcult, physically draining pregancies and I can attest to the fact that your body will get absolutely sucked dry of nutrients if you aren't careful.


    Cheese, yogurt, etc. those are great forms of protein but protein does not equate to iron. These are two different animals. Dairy products are not high in iron. They are in fact very, very low. Their main contribution to the nutritional chain is good fatty acids (if from healthy, grass fed cows, goats, etc.), calcium, and some vitamin A.


    If you aren't getting a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, you and baby may not be getting enough vitamin C. C is very important in the assimilation of iron and many other nutrients.


    Try to add things like oatmeal, black - kindey - pinto beans, raisins, and citrus plus another serving or two of healthy red meat to your diet and get a wider variety of fruits and veggies....especially those citrus fruits which will be coming into season soon so thankfully, their prices will drop. Carry a water bottle around with you. I found that the quality of my milk, not just the quantity, was affected positively by consciously making an effort to drink a lot more water


    Oh, I guess the way I wrote my post I kind of squished the iron and protien together. I realize too that calcium can inhibit iron absorption. I'm sure I need more vit c in my diet. In fact I have been on DH about keeping fruit and veggies in the house - money is tight and that seems to be the first thing to go. I do consume oatmeal a couple of times a week with raisins. I need to get more water in me though.


    So -

    1. Blood test for ferritin/iron levels for me

    2. More water

    3. More Dark veggies& fruit & red meat

    4. Relax....he's probably just small / get second opinion

  13. If he's 9 months old, then do you feed him more solids than what you've listed?

    I ask because he's nursing like a newbie, eh? My son suckled seemingly all the time -- but I could tell when it was pacify-ing/comfort or nutritional/hunger. Only you know this, but ----- that's why i mention the nutritional issue at all.


    Are you giving him iron drops? (not necessary if HIS and YOUR ferritin levels are good).


    I'm SURE a basic iron/serum ferritin level has been drawn. Surely.

    Only reason I ask is that if he's nursing every 2-3 hours for NUTRITION (again, only you can tell when it's hunger vs. comfort nursing) then his body may be calling out for some more nutrients (of course breast milk is nutritious, but it's only as good as maternal stores/diet --- and only YOU know if you may have nutritional deficiencies that may lessen the nutritional content of your milk). So...if you're eating a good diet and getting enough IRON yourself, then it's more than likely just fine. Also, a baby his age with nutritional inadequacies will be seeking food (solids) -- like coveting YOUR foods, watching you eat them, eagerly consuming what you put before him, even seeking out/craving the particular TYPE of nutrient (for example, if he smells your baked beans and he has a iron deficiency, then they'll reach for it and seek after it -- grabbing, being more passionate about solids.) If he's a typical baby that just eats his little cheerios one at a time and isn't too passionate about solids, then in all likelihood this has to do with stature and no nutritional issue at all.


    Some moms will be up in arms that I question the nutritional value of breastmilk (I breastfed my son for over 2.5 years, so....I'm a BF mom no doubt), but I've heard some assume that it's intrinsically healthy (and it is up to a point), but I've known moms who eat GARBAGE while breastfeeding (colas and other nutritionally bankrupt foods) and somehow think the body's supposed to generate nutrients from thin air. People also mistakenly think (while pregnant and breastfeeding) that the BABY gets first dibs and it's not true. The materal body is SELF-protecting FIRST; it gets first dibs on nutrition and baby gets what's left. I've heard many a mom believe otherwise. I say this in case your own diet may be nutritionally less than optimal and, now that he's 9 months, he's suckled many a "first-fruits" off/out of you, so now's the time when your milk quality would be at risk IF (and only IF) your diet is poor quality.


    Also, some ladies have bigger babies due to higher circulating blood sugars. The number one predictor of macrosomia (big babies) is materal one-hour glucose results; this result is more predictive of big babies than even being diabetic or gestational diabetic. With time, as they slender up, they start getting more in line with their stature/REAL normal -- so it'll look like a decline, but it's really just loosing this baby fat/blubber. Again, it's MOST LIKELY he's just leveling out and reaching HIS personal NORM for his STATURE and it just appears to be a drop. He is the 5th babe, eh? Babes tend to get bigger, so his 8 1/2 lbs may have been deceiving in the early days --- he had that 5th baby beef-up advantage in utero, and now he's just getting in HIS groove.


    But just to be sure, I would get your own serum ferritin level checked and make sure that this has been run on your baby. Ferritin is the blood level that indicates the LIVER's stores of pre-iron (ferritin is readily converted to iron as needed by the body). I use this analogy: an iron level is akin to how much CASH a person has in his wallet; a ferritin level is how much cash he has at the bank. If I went up to Opray Winfrey and asked her how much cash she had and she said, "ten bucks" and I said, "Well you need to be looking for you a job" -- you can see how inaccurate this is. So, just like I would be advising her wrongly, diagnosing anemia based solely on IRON levels isn't QUITE accurate either; it's a rough indicator, but a ferritin is more accurate. Usually doc's run a complete PANEL which covers the iron and ferritin, but I'd double check.


    Hope this didn't muddy the waters.

    (I'm too tired to be too coherent....goodnight!)


    Wow...Thank you for putting so much thought into this! No, I don't feed him anything beyond what I have written but when he nurses he is very efficient and can empty each breast within a couple of minutes. Sometimes he doesn't even like to go to the second side and seems full. Seems to me like his stomach is small and fills easily. (Makes sense - small baby/small belly) So I just give him a few minutes and then offer the other side - sometimes he takes it - sometimes not.


    My diet I would say is probably not the model diet but I don't drink soda or much caffiene (1 cup of coffee per day) As for iron - I do eat meat - red meat about 2 times per week but am not great about getting dark green veggies (note to self - get back on track with that) I also eat other protien rich foods ie: eggs, cheese, chicken and greek yogurt frequently. Overall my diet probably lacks vegetables and water in the proper amounts but I am not a junk food junkie by any means.


    He does seem to be fairly excited about table foods- for a few bites anyways and then he loses interest so I still need to give him baby food. He is more a "pick at the Cheerios" kind of baby but I keep trying him on all sorts of foods to see what piques his interest. I haven't tried any meats yet because his gag reflex is so strong and once he gags - he refuses to eat anymore at that sitting. He only has 2 teeth so he can't chew even small bites yet.


    I didn't know about iron vs ferritin so thank you for that information and I will check it out. I think it is worth it to have myself tested as well.


    Thanks again!

  14. First of all, that weight seems normal to me. Secondly, breastmilk has MORE calories than almost all solid foods. So you may have been limiting calories rather than increasing them if you were replacing any breastmilk with solids. Especially since they can't digest them well before at least 6 months. Also, it's really normal for breastfed babies to grow fast the first few months and then slow down compared to formula fed peers. I really wouldn't worry at all. And I agree with the person that said it sounds like the doctor hadn't looked at the bloodwork yet.



    I haven't decreased the breast milk at all - still feeding every 2-3 hours round the clock except on the rare occasion that he doesn't wake in the night for a stretch of 4 or 5 hours but that is the longest. In addition to that I feed him a baby yogurt and cheerios for breakfast (if he will eat because he likes to cluster feed in the early morning and often isn't hungry for bfast). At lunchtime I feed him about 1/2 a cup of cereal/baby food mixed with a little formula, and dinner the same. Though we are starting table foods I try to keep the amount the same.

  15. He's been slowly falling off his curve since birth. Instead of a nice steady rise, what we see is a sort of slanted line upward and then an almost flat plateau and a dip in the wieght and hieght percentiles. Head circumference is ok and holding around the 20th? percentile I think. The nurse said that the Dr wanted to "research" what some of the values meant. I agree that maybe she tested for things she's not extremely familiar with and just didn't have time to check everything thoroughly today. The nurse said she had JUST gotten the lab results so the Dr really hadn't had time to digest the results at all.


    Thank you all - I feel a whole lot better now. I hope she calls in the morning so I don't have to wait the day out tomorrow.

  16. How did you break the news to them? DD10 still believes in Santa, in fact she wrote him a letter the other day that erased any doubt I had that she still fully believed. I have always had some reservations about "lying" to the kids that Santa existed but went along with what my husband and the rest of the family said was "right". Now I am getting this sinking feeling that this will be the year she finds out and will know that I have "lied" to her all this time. Some friends have already started poking holes in the Santa fantasy but so far she has just thought they were misinformed or just being disrespectful to Santa.


    How did you all handle the transition with your kids? I just want to be prepared when it happens. Part of me just wants to tell her and get it over with. BTW - we are Christians and do put most of the emphasis on CHRIST but Santa has always been part of our Christmas tradition.

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