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Debbie in OR

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Posts posted by Debbie in OR

  1. I could consider using some of Literary Lessons from LOTR with her...hmmm, that would give me reason to have it now...!


    I believe they recommend going through the books once before starting LLfLotR. My ds read the books last summer and I was bummed, thinking we wouldn't be able to use LL but I read somewhere in the opening pages that it is actually helpful (unless I dreamed this....:tongue_smilie:).

  2. We made it safely to Whitefish! Oregon was the worst but outside of Spokane (western side), there was a terrible multi-car accident that had traffic backed up for miles. Also, when we were driving over 4th of July Pass, a semi moved over for us to pass (he had several lined up behind him) and his trailer just kept right on swinging around...we were sure we were going to have to stop and help him if his truck went over the side of the mountain. But he recovered, leaving me with jello-legs :w00t:


    Anyhow, I am hoping all of the rest of you travelers are safely where you were going. :001_smile:

  3. I know that the west side of the state is going to be bad today. Anything that melted today from traffic running over it will have refrozen overnight and will stay that way today as the high is only expected to be 27. And hearing that Spokane got hit hard with temps that low...I'd stay home.



    Thanks, JoAnn...this would be my preference but dh just said we're going, slow and steady. Oh my.


    Hope everyone stays warm and inside! :001_smile:

  4. Now this sounds interesting! Do your dc help out in the care of the horses? I know that stable work is very hard work, as my sister worked for her horse lessons when she was a teen and she has a great work ethic! Anyway, this just sounds like a neat service/cause and it would be awesome to be a part of something like that. You are very blessed!


    (Wow...I can not ever remember what threads I have posted in ....:001_huh:)


    ANyhow, mostly, we scoop poop and clean up the grounds, write thank you notes to donors, keep the rings in order, weed, water, clean out the water troughs, take care of the garden, keep firewood filled, keep the tack room straight...


    In the summer, it's a lot more work but we do feel blessed to be a part of it. My kids and I are all animal crazy and even though I am not particularly attached to horses, I am so happy that they have saved these abused horses and are providing a great life for them. And the kids that get to come here...it makes me so thankful we get to help.

  5. Couple of thoughts..(because, hey, we all raise our voices to some degree ;))...


    1) Someone told me one time to imagine that someone from my church is standing there with me...how would I talk to them? If I can control my tone when I know other people are watching me, I can do it when I am alone with them. This one actually works for me.


    2) My SIL has 3 very boy boys. The more she needed their attention, the lower she would take her voice. She will start talking in a lower-than-normal voice and if they still are not listening, the lower and quieter her voice gets. Soon, they are listening and she gets to communicate whatever in this very low, very quiet voice. It's something to behold, really. I don't think this would work with all kids, and perhaps because she started out this way, she trained them inadvertently to listen to her lower voice...I don't know. But it worked. (I, apparently, clued in to this too late because...um, I can't do it. :glare:)

  6. For the past year and a half, we've been volunteering at a local youth ranch that takes in abused horses and then opens the ranch to kids with issues to learn to ride and take care of the animals. We adore being there.


    We've done a number of other things over the years (homeless shelter meals, etc.) but this is our first long-term weekly commitment.

  7. This is what we did for our dd, who had it so bad she looked like a burn victim: our dermatologist told us to soak her in very warm water for about 20 mins. until she was pruney. Dab her dry with a towel and here's the most important part: within 3 minutes of getting out of the tub, rub Vaseline all over the affected parts. Put clean, cotton pjs on and then to bed.


    You have to do it in under 3 minutes or it won't work.


    She had it for about 3 years prior to this and we had done/used everything out there for her. It cleared up after the first treatment of this but we did it another time (maybe two) just to make sure.


    She hasn't had any problems since.

  8. I agree with letting her try it. My ds is in 6th grade and is doing it in a co-op with all 8th graders. His instructor told me he is holding his own and is actually at the top of the class. He loves it because it's stretching him. I NEVER have to ask him to do the assigned work, he gets excited about studying for the tests, etc... This was a total surprise for me. You never know..she may need lots of hand holding, which is fine, but she may also thrive on it!

  9. With you on every point...including the part that it's not poetry.


    Besides, even if they do resent you now, they will find themselves calling you at some point in the future and apologizing for resenting you because....they just heard the exact same words come out of their mouths to THEIR kids. :001_smile:


    For the record, my ds11 loves rap but has chosen -- of his own free will (which is good because it is also a hill I will climb if necessary) -- to not listen to Eminem. He thinks they have messed up everything he likes about rap.

  10. Knee pain can be a lot of things. It could be your stride, or weak leg muscles, or weak hip muscles, or any number of issues. I would see if you can figure it out on the site.



    :iagree: My knee pain was radiant pain from my Illio-tibial (sp?) band (IT Band) which runs down the outside of the leg from the hip to the knee. Once I started doing exercises for the IT Band, the knee pain went away as well.

  11. I'm about halfway through right now. I had read some of his other stuff in college (Letters and Papers from Prison, Cost of Discipleship) but had NO IDEA about him, really. What an incredible man and a fabulous book...


    Just FYI, Library and Educational Services (libraryanded.com) has the book for $18.29 (plus shipping).

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