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Posts posted by 3peasinWa

  1. Since you do want to go to your neices/nephew's b-day's - then as others said - accept the invitation & bring a homemade gift - there is no need for an explanation. Just celebrate the kids - being there means a lot & having a heartfelt gift is a lesson to your own children of what's important.


    Also , for the Mother's Day, maybe talk to hubby for next year about inviting Mom over for lunch beforehand - so you don't get "sucked in" to something you don't/can't do.


    Being proactive instead of reactive may help in this situation. Not saying this is how it went down, but instead of waiting for other family members to make the plan & just expect you to fork over lots of $ - just make your own plans with MIL next year.

  2. Its important for oral development, swallow, avoiding texture defensiveness etc.


    Here is where I add that my oldest nursed until he was mmff years old (Today show territory, people) and that I weaned no one before age 3 here. I am an advocate of nursing as long as you want. Im not an advocate of delaying the inevitable and Im sure not an advocate of the plain old meanness of the OP's friend/ relative/ neighbor.



    But it is appropriate and important to begin your child on finger food after 6 mos and before 12 mos bc there is no medal for BFing martyrdom AND bc the kid needs more oral experiences. They are primed and ready for them. And if they are not doing the things listed here there may be an issue for which you should seek intervention.






    ITA. I think they're setting up their baby for food issues. I think she needs to be part of the eating time

  3. We're out. I'm so excited & relieved. Really, I can't believe I stayed in all year long. It was a PITA!! I'm working on shipping all the stuff back.

    I'm thankful for a childcare job I rec'd this summer to help pay for all of ds cirriculum next year.

  4. I'd be hurt too - whether or not that I know I shouldn't be b/c of who J is(I just read the 2 previous threads). But these things still hurt. I pray you heal from this & move on from them in a healthy way. J is not a healthy person - she is spiritually/emotionally sick right now. So how she is acting is not b/c of you, it is her sickness. She will have to deal with it. Just try & remember not to take ownership of it.

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