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Posts posted by missplacedalaskan

  1. This year we are on our own as Dh is deployed. By the time Thanksgiving Day gets here we will have gorged ourselves on 3 or 4 "Thanksgiving" dinners. So...the kids asked if we could do something fun and different this year. They asked for a Chinese feast! So, we are making egg rolls, Asian pork ribs, sweet & sour chicken and fried rice. And we will come up with something fun for dessert!

    We decided we don't need to go shopping on Black Friday so we are going to have craft & sewing day. We will also probably play games or watch movies.

  2. Thank you all for the great ideas! I am still looking for a place to stay. We have reservations at the Hale Koa, but I really want to be outside the city for part of the time we are there. I found Pilillau Army Rec Center, but we can't book there till 4 months out because we are not Army.

    I know there are a lot of things that Husband wants to do, I'm just excited to be getting out of the Alaska Interior for a while during winter!

  3. We have bought several refurbished items from Mac and had little to no trouble. We have a refurb iMac, MacBook Pro and several iPods. The only item we have had any trouble with was son's iPod and they ended up totally replacing it with the warranty. We really like their warranty and Apple Care as well. No trouble and will probably buy refurb again in the future. I am currently looking at an iPad...

  4. We are currently in Alaska. My Dh is Air Force and we are on out 2nd tour in Alaska. The first time we were stationed at Elmendorf AFB, outside of Anchorage. We are currently at Eielson AFB, outside of Fairbanks. We love Alaska and hope to retire to the Anchorage area someday. We like the Anchorage area much better than F'Banks...winter here is just too cold!

  5. In Eagle River there is a Nature Center, the drive out there is beautiful. There are hiking trails and you can usually see moose along the trails.

    We love going out to Girdwood to Alyeska ski resort. There are some wonderful hiking trails out there. Also Portage Glacier is wonderful! If you feel up to the drive through the tunnel to Whitier, it is beautiful there, but not much to do....it is a port town where the cruise ships come through. Seward is great, beautiful drive, and Exit Glacier is pretty amazing...you can hike out to the glacier, but you can't walk on it anymore, it has receded so much.


    Denali is fun! A bit of a drive from Anchorage...about 4 hours.


    We are stationed outside of North Pole, Alaska and make the trip to Anchorage a couple times a year. Used to live in Eagle River.

  6. We are currently stationed at Eielson AFB, outside of North Pole, AK and about 20 miles from Ft. Wainwright. We were stationed at Elmendorf, in Anchorage previously. Anchorage gets more rain and snow than Fairbanks area. A lot of people have said it is more "dreary" in Anchorage. BUT we loved it there. We are looking to retire to Anchorage someday.


    There is a lot to do in Anchorage, it is a city. Alaska is wonderful for outdoor sports & activities! Hunting and fishing are big here.


    It is more expensive to live in Alaska, but not terribly so.

  7. our update...

    We have had nothing! We have our house in Mississippi listed for sale sine 7/08 and listed it for sale or rent in 6/09. Due to a military move we are now in Alaska and the house has been empty since mid June. I know that God is in control and will take care of us in His time. But it is so hard not to worry and fret over this. We have dropped the price on the house from $199,000 to $165,000 this is currently $2000 less than our loan. Please continue to pray that God will move on our behalf.


    Heather~that is so frustrating! We are praying for you guys.

  8. We just returned to Alaska. We lived in Eagle River for 3 years while Dh was stationed at Elmendorf AFB. We are now in Fairbanks as Dh is stationed at Eielson AFB.


    Around Anchorage some of our favorite things to do: Eagle River Nature Center is really nice. There are some nice, easy hiking trails. There is a $5 parking fee.

    Thunderbird Falls is beautiful. $5 parking fee

    Moose's Tooth for pizza can be pricey, but worth the expense for us.


    Portage Glacier area is beautiful! Fun hiking trails there as well.

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