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Posts posted by prim*rose

  1. I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for online classes or programs for 5th - 6th grade? My 10 yo dd really wants to do something online and independently, but the choices are a little overwhelming.


    We already have Discovery Streaming, and she loves that, but I'd like to add something else in.


    Her subjects for the year include: reading, science, math (RS), Latin (LFC), history, art, WWE, grammar. She wants to add in French, but I haven't found a program for that yet - perhaps there's an online one?



  2. We've been using RightStart for the last 5 years (9 yr old dd in 4th grade), and I'm really happy with it. BUT, it lacks in the real-life applications and I'm a huge "you have to know how to apply it" kind of person.


    We've supplemented a bit with Singapore Challenging Word Problems, but I just wanted to get a feel for exactly *how* everyone supplements. The Singapore is great, but it's a little different way of teaching, and some of the problems don't really mesh with what we're doing. And lessons take us a bit of time as it is, and adding supplementation in seems like overkill and just too much some days.


    I'm wondering for those of you who do supplement, do you do it every day? What program(s) do you use?


    I just feel like I need some guidance and direction at this point. Thanks!

  3. I'm new to Homeschooling this year and live in Ahwatukee. We are secular and will be using a variety of curriculum classical/Charlotte Mason driven. My children are Dd9 and Ds6. The kids will attend Eagleridge on Wednesdays, but I am searching for a co-op or group. The Summitview link and email do not work...can anyone help me connect with someone in that group?


    Thank you,



    Hi Val,

    We're just over the mountain in Laveen :) I also have a 9 yr old dd. We don't belong to Summitview, but we do have go to Learning Expedition's park days occasionally.


    Feel free to DM me if you'd like to meet up sometime or want more info on LE.

  4. By that age she will also be applying logic in her arguments with you, so careful what you teach! (Tongue planted firmly in cheek there...)


    LOL! I guess that will keep me on my feet, huh?


    Thanks to both of you for the recommendations, I hadn't heard of the Orbiting with Logic series before. We'll definitely give it a try, and if it's cheaper than Critical Thinking, that's even better :)

  5. My 9 yr old could use some help with logic, but I'm not sure where to look for what I need. She has trouble with inferences & drawing conclusions. For example, if I give her something like, "Katie is afraid of dogs. Mrs. Smith has a poodle." She'll give me a big long story about how Katie was bitten by a dog walking home from school, and Mrs. Smith's poodle is really nice, so Katie isn't afraid of it. LOL! Which is great for creativity, but I want her to understand how to work these out.


    I couldn't find anything with Critical Thinking that had these types of problems. Anyone know where I can find a workbook with this type of logic in it?




  6. Thanks for all the great ideas! I guess I never thought of the Wii as a real gym class, but we do have EA Active that she likes, and DDR that I can use.


    Ravin - we went to a huge SCA encampment this past year that dd loved! She has wanted to get into the sword fighting since then, but we haven't even known where to start with getting involved - it's a bit overwhelming!

  7. I've been trying to find something for phys ed for my 9 yr old dd, and was wondering what everyone uses? She does horseback riding once/week, but that's really all we do. I saw books like Homeschool Family Fitness, Beyond the Gym and Horizon Physical Education, but wasn't sure what would be the best to get. Any ideas?



  8. We're more whole foods people & I try to avoid processed foods. I make my own veggie burgers with black beans & rice, or sometimes sweet potatoes & rice, or whatever I can throw together. I subscribe to a few foodie magazines that help me come up with some great recipes without using processed stuff, and that helps a bit too.


    I do let dd have some of the processed veggie foods, but only about once a month or when we've had a really busy day and there aren't any leftovers :)

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