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Classical Book Worm

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Everything posted by Classical Book Worm

  1. I am so grateful for the advice. I will definitely go with Essential Math (very helpful blog link, by the way) and be mindful of the suggestions about manipulatives.
  2. Thank you SO much for the feedback! I've done LOTS of research before posting and I was still confused. Which manipulatives have you found to be the most useful? I can see where one could drop some serious cash just on manipulatives alone!
  3. My son tested into Earlybird Kindergarten book B. So there's the text book, activity book, readers, Essential Math book... I haven't even gotten to manipulatives. I read the FAQ at Singapore's site, and I'm still not clear on what to buy. Also, where's the best (least expensive) place to purchase the curriculum? I don't need to buy anything other than math right now. Thanks!
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