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Posts posted by Momof2kids

  1. I just bought a package (but I'm sure I can revise it) for about 2,500.00 for a family of 4 for 7 days hopper passes with the dining plan that is 2 counter service meals and 2 snacks per day for each of us. This will be in September.


    They said their other meal plan was free right now. That would be 1 table service, 1 counter and 1 snack per day. That package would be 1,800.00. But I just can't imagine making reservations and planning my time at Disney around reservations. We like to just wing it on vacation, because we just never know how we are going to feel.


    But then I read these boards about how much food there is at the counter service and how the kids' meals are bad. I asked them and they told me all meals are the same offerings for all 4 of us. My kids are 9 and 12.


    We thought of not buying any food plan but then we wonder if we will end up spending more money in the long run. Are the counter services limited? Should we just wing it? Should I stick with the meal plan we have? Should I take the free dining and get 1 counter service meal free and 1 snack free and then don't use the 1 table service meal and just supplement by paying our own way for extra food?


    I don't like being roped into costs like this if it's not right for us in the long run. I like flexibility But I also don't like shelling out tons of money on food all day cause I know that can add up fast.


    What category do buffets fall? Counter service or table service?


    I don't know what to do.

  2. My dd will be in 7th grade this fall. We have just finished Oak Meadow Grade 6 and plan to use it probably through high school.


    Could I have my dd take one or two "fun" high school level course(s) throughout 7th and 8th grade from Oak Meadow? We do it at home by ourselves though. I would assign the credit. We do not enroll in Oak Meadow. We only use their curriculum.


    I was thinking maybe she would like to take Lifetime Health & Fitness or Psychology.


    I was thinking she could get a jump on high school and get a couple credits.


    Has anyone done anything like this?

  3. I have tried to use it in the earlier grades but I didn't like it because it was light and vague. Just not for us. However part of this could be that I wasn't in the frame of mind to deal with a curriculum like this back then. I was in workbook/textbook mode back then. I think I could implement OM in the lower grades better now if I had to do it all over again.


    So once we got to 5th grade I found it to be a great fit for us. We have used 5th and 6th and I am waiting for the UPS driver to drop off Grade 7 any minute now!


    There aren't any test, quizes or grades in the same way a traditional textbook company would do it. There are mid term tests I guess. Basically just questions to answer. And at the end of every science lesson there are a few questions to answer. same with math. They are called "tests" but I don't really feel like they are "testy" if you know what I mean.


    We do a lot of talking about the reading assignments, especially for history. Also, my dd writes the answers to the Science questions every week. We LOVE the math. My dd has been able to do it without much assistance from me. And it's not that she's a math whiz. OM explains the math REALLY well!!


    I like that it's written to the student so I don't have to explain everything. The curriculum explains it and we talk about it then. So I don't have to "teach". Oh how my non-homechooling friends can't understand how this works!! :D OM has taken so much stress off of me! I LOVE this curriculum.


    So overall, we like the gentle relaxed approach to tackling these subjects. We don't like workbooks. We found OM to be just what we needed.


    It's a little light in Grammar and Writing. I would like it to be a little more structured. Maybe 7th will be so. We'll see. Some people do supplement for Grammar and Writing. There are things to do with Grammar and Writing but I guess with these subjects I would have liked a little bit of a workbook style or something more structured.

  4. I only know of Young Scientists Club. Any others I can research?


    We never do experiments because I don't like it especially the gathering of materials. My 2 kids want to do some experiments so I am thinking about just throwing in some experiements with mail order science kits.


    What do you do if you have more than one child that wants to do the kit? Do you order a subscription for each child?


    Thanks for your help.

  5. We have used it for 5th and 6th and loved it. We plan on using it for 7th and 8th too. I just ordered 7th and it will be here on Friday. Yea!!


    I'll probably use them for High School too. Except for science we'll use Apologia.


    During the month of May Oak Meadow has a 10% off sale.

  6. My dd (11) also struggles with spelling. We are working Spelling Plus 1000 now. (Link below) I also bought the dictation book. It covers K-6th grade and lists the most common 1000 words used and how to teach them. We love it. We did not like the Sequential Spelling approach. I can see the reasoning behind it but we didn't like it at all.


    Here's the link for what we like.


  7. We just started it this year. I have an 11 year old girl. She hates writing but so far loves the workbook. She says it feels so personal. I'm sure the questionarie about her likes and dislikes on the first few pages helped!


    Soon she will be gearing up to actually write a paper that is in some logical order. She has written papers before but they were not put together properly. I tired to teach her over the years but Jump In is a nice all in one writing curriculum that will show her what I've been trying to get through to her for a couple years now. That there needs to be some format and proper logical set-up to her papers!!!


    I think Jump In is pretty thorough. We're going to work through it for 6th and 7th grade.


    I just LOVE it!!


    I would like to see a nice colorful friendly grammar book similar to Jump In. I would also like to see a thorough book of literary terms with suggestion readings of real books to demonstrate the use of the term.


    I LOVE all-in-one type of books. I like things streamlined. Then we keep one book for examples and reference.


    Jump In is great!

  8. Melissa B - Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions. I will probably use them for high school as a nice easy add on for fun. I've been searching the net and found some people who do save them for high school. I'm going to read the Caesar one and George Washington's World since I can get those from my library. I'll make my final decision when I see the books in person. Thanks so much!!

  9. Melissa B. I am planning on using My Father's World for High School. I have just been salivating over their Grade 9 high school package for a while now. I can't wait to see what they develop for the next 3 years.


    Do you think I can just add the Foster books to that curriculum for the high school years? I think I heard some people have used them in high school but I can't find any threads on that right now. I know MFW uses 2 of the Foster books in their lower grades packages but we don't feel MFW is a good fit for us for lower grades so we will stick with OM.


    I know alot of people use Foster in the lower grades. With my daughter she just never liked having books being read to her that were over her head. Even SOTW was way over her head when we tried using it. People use SOTW 1 with 5 year olds!! But my dd did not enjoy this type of book so young. Even at 7 she just never took to it.


    We had the same problem with Sonlight. The books were just too much for her.


    So over the years I might have burned her out. If I had to do it all over again, I'd really try to stick with more age appropriate/grade level type of books. It seems so much in Classical Education is just too much for my daughter and I can see why because I would have been the same way at her age. So I need to work up to the good books and literature slowly and then hopefully while we do MFW high school she will be ready to take on some serious reading.


    So I just want your opinion on if the Foster books would be too grammar schooly or not. I've read on Amazon.com reviews that even adults enjoy these books. And maybe by high school she will apply herself more (we are really going to be working on this the next 3 years) to her school work.


    I requested the first book Agustus Caesar's World from the library. When I get it I will start reading it myself and see what I think. But I'd also like to know what you think.


    Well, thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it!!

  10. Melissa B - I found several World of William Penns on various sites. They range from $40.00 to outrageous. I guess I can spring for a $40.00 one.


    Do you know why it has never been picked up by BF books? Also, where would it fit in the chronoligical order? I'm thinking After John Smith - right?


    I know we don't have to read them in order but I think they go like this.


    Agustus Caesar's World (44 BC - 14)

    Columbus and Sons (1451-1539)

    World of Capt. John Smith (1580-1631)

    William Penn (he lived from 1644 to 1718)

    George Washington's World (1732-1799)

    Abraham Lincoln's World

  11. Are "The World of" books written for a younger person than the "World of" books?


    I was thinking about using these with a 10 year old boy next fall for fourth grade. I was going to read them aloud (unless he makes a huge jump forward in his reading from now until then). I was going to plow right through all of them in order of time period. I was going to use Hillyer's A Child's History of the World as well. But maybe I only use CHOW and save the Foster books for 6th and 7th grade because .....


    I also have an 11 year old 6th grader who is currently taking a survey of World History for 6th grade and it continues into 7th grade using the Oak Meadow curriculum. We have also added a few other books for enrichment. I was wondering if I should start her on Agustus Caesar's World when we get to Roman Times and then have her read all the Foster books chronologically for 6th and 7th grade and maybe into 8th.


    My daughter is very unmotivated to read anything other than popular culture type stuff. She has glimmers of enjoyment when she does school but she is not really into it. She does love Oak Meadow though since we've run the gamut in curriculums and finally settled on OM (with some good enrichment books) for 5th through 8th. I worry that if I lay another book on her this year she will rebell and get really mad. I currently have her whole year planned out for her. I scheduled everything on a chart of 180 days ala Sonlight and Winter Promise. I laid out all the expectations and books 2 weeks ago when we first started and if she sees a new book thown in I'm afraid she'll have a meltdown.


    So I guess maybe I could just save it for 7th grade (Agustus Ceasar and Columbus) and 8th grade (John Smith, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln). 8th grade will be Oak Meadow Civics and United States History.


    I am just trying to work this through and could really use some advice. Thank you.

  12. Rush Limbaugh discussed this years ago on his show. He plays The Pretenders (Chrissie Hynde) song Ohio as bumper music. Limbaugh pays the proper royalties and fees and he can use it. Apparently Chrissie Hynde's musician friends asked her how she could let this happen. She pretty much said that's the way it goes. As long as the rules are followed and the fees are paid, Limbaugh has the right to play her song as bumper music on his show and she never raised a ruckus. I give her alot of credit for that. Classy. Class act.


    The other musicians big babies. Crying whinny liberal babies.

  13. I would like to learn Korean but I don't know what program to choose. Rosetta Stone is my top choice so far but on their website it looks like there is only Level 1 available.


    Power Glide and Learnables don't have Korean.


    I would really like to learn Korean but more to have a converation and not just for travelling in Korea.


    Is it even possible to take on a task like this and succeed?

  14. I have been ordering them for years. In my experice shipping is FAST!! I always get exactly what I ordered (CDB has made several mistakes over the years with my orders, but I still love them. They are very nice.)


    I have even done a return with them and had no problem getting a refund.


    My only problems are:


    We live in Illinois and they are in Illinois so I have to pay Illinois Sales tax which REALLY stinks! It just cancels out their great prices! If you don't live in Illinois, then this won't matter to you.


    Shipping is free on $150.00 and over. BUT if you return something and the total order then falls below $150.00, they will re-caculate your order and charge you shipping so your refund will be less than you expect it to be. I DO NOT like that at all!


    But overall, I do like them and will continue to order from them.

  15. I just looked at the sample too. Well from what I can remember, it was probably just me not being able to implement this type of curriculum. I didn't "get" it. I was in the textbook/workbook phase back then and I was floundering around with OM and I found it to be difficult.I didn't get the whole gentle approach thing back then.


    Like I said in my previous post if I had to do it all over again I'd plan better and really work on implementing the curriculum properly. I have scheduled OM 6 out for my dd like Sonlight's schedule. Much easier to read at a glance and check off. When I looked at the sample again just now I was a little sad that I didn't try to "get" it and then keep it on my book shelf. Oh well, it just wasn't where my head was at back then.

  16. I just wanted to add that there is a newer curriculum that you might like. It's called Moving Beyond the Page at movingbeyondthepage.com. If I had to do it all over again, I'd also probably do this with OM. It looks great but we've passed the age group where this curriculum would be used. They will develop more as time goes on, but for now it's not for us. Maybe you would like it.

  17. I tried OM 1st, 2nd (I sold it very fast! Too much for me to deal with.) and 4th. Turns out that Grade 5 is where it becomes pretty independent and a lot more meaty. The lower grades are very gentle and slow moving. But yes, they require alot from mom. And there is also much for you to read aloud in these younger grades. If I had to do it all over again though I probably would follow OM from the beginning. I think I really just didn't know HOW to implement that type of curriculum. But I get it now.


    We have used grade 5 OM. My dd could work independently with just some guidance from me. I am currently planning out my schedule for Grade 6 and I plan on using OM through 8th grade and possibly a few of their high school courses.


    I really like OM. I especially love their math starting in Grade 5. Easy to follow and not alot of worksheets and busy work, but just enough periodic review.


    I plan on keeping all my OM stuff for years to come. Maybe dd will use it with her kids. It provides a VERY nice spine and you can add library books for extra fun. I have wasted SOOOO much money on curriculum over the years trying to find what works for us. And poor dd remembers that and she also now loves OM. Hopefully her kids won't go through what she and I did with curriculum!! But hey - I'm a first generation homeschooler.

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