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Posts posted by Momof2kids

  1. according to the message boards I have to post something in order to sell. I have been a member here for years and have posted often and have bought and sold many things. Perhaps this is because the web-site is different now. I don't know. Sorry to bother and I hope I can post now.


    Now I also see here that this post will need approval from a moderator before it's posted. 


    OK I admit I haven't been here for a while, but I am totally lost and just want to sell a few things. My daughter is now in college and my son is in school. I am just trying to sell a few things.



  2. So my daughter is in 9th grade and we basically are reviewing stuff because she feels she never got a good math foundation. I agree. Then she will go on to pre-algebra.


    My questions are:


    Can I assign a credit for remedial math for 9th grade?

    Can I assign a credit for Pre-Algebra for 9th (or 10th grade)


    I remember in high school I took Pre-algebra and got a credit for it. That's ALL the math I took for high school.


    Can my daughter stop after Pre-Algebra or should she take Algebra as well? When she goes to college she will be going to the community college focusing on Graphic Arts and Design Publishing, etc. using Adobe.


    She wants to take Business Math and Consumer Math but classes like Algebra, Geometry, Calculus seem to be unnecessary for her.


    Anyway, just wondering about this. She is doing so much work and trying so hard to catch up with math stuff that I wish I could give her a credit for it.

  3. So my daughter is in 9th grade and we basically are reviewing stuff because she feels she never got a good math foundation. I agree. Then she will go on to pre-algebra.


    My questions are:


    Can I assign a credit for remedial math for 9th grade?

    Can I assign a credit for Pre-Algebra for 9th (or 10th grade)


    I remember in high school I took Pre-algebra and got a credit for it. That's ALL the math I took for high school.


    Can my daughter stop after Pre-Algebra or should she take Algebra as well? When she goes to college she will be going to the community college focusing on Graphic Arts and Design Publishing, etc. using Adobe.


    She wants to take Business Math and Consumer Math but classes like Algebra, Geometry, Calculus seem to be unnecessary for her.


    Anyway, just wondering about this. She is doing so much work and trying so hard to catch up with math stuff taht I wish I could give her a credit for it.

  4. So we are just finishing up Level 2 and I was looking over Level 3. I saw that we still need tiles from Level 2 in order to use Level 3. So there goes my selling Level 2 right out the window.


    How are you all dealing with this? Are you keeping your Levels until you're completely finished and then sell them? Are you buying extra tiles so you can sell the Level?


    Is Level 6, 7 etc. still using tiles from Level 2?


    I am bummed about this. I can't sell my Barton Reading Level 1 anyway. I thought this would sell easily, but no. However Level 1 tiles don't seem to be used in later Levels so at least I am able to sell it, but no buyers and it's been listed a while.


    Anyone have anything to say about all this? lol :tongue_smilie:

  5. I see a lot about Lindamood here on the boards but has anyone ever been to their learning centers and had a child in their program actually being taught by the Lindamood people?


    I just returned from a seminar from a Lindamood rep and I am seriously considering this for 11 year old boy. It is very expensive though. I want to to be worth the money. It all sounds great, but I would like someone who has actually done this to give me their opinion.

  6. I homeschooled my son through 4th grade. He is now in a small private school. Only 9 kids in his class. He is doing 5th grade. We have had problems with his reading, writing and memory all his life.


    So my son went through neuro/psych testing at a doctors office a few weeks ago. Today we got the results. ADHD Inattentive. She told us to do these things:


    Get someone to tutor him in reading using Lindamood or Wilson method. Or even Orton Gillingham.


    Read the book Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Schaywitz. He does not transpose letters or see them funny, but he has issues with phonics.


    He needs things to be repeated to him before he gets it. He needs to not be required to write or take notes. (Teacher must supply notes)


    He does not have good fine motor skills and suggested maybe in the future taking him to an OT to be tested for that and they could possibly help but she doesn't think they'd be able to do too much about this.


    I am glad we did the testing becasue now I can stop beating myself up and my husband can be more understanding to my son. We finally got the message. So now what to do? Do I bring him back home? He hates school and is discouraged. They are willing to help, but really how can they do all he needs and do it well? Public school is out. I am not willing to do that.


    I am going to our homeschool conference in June and will be taking the special needs classes and start learning about all of this. I also homeschool my daughter who will start high school at home this fall.


    Firstly, she said its important to get him going with the reading program. So do I try to get a tutor, or do I try to do this myself. Aren't these reading programs implemented by someone trained in how to use the program? Can I and should I even try to do this?


    I am at the beginning of all of this.

  7. Thank you all for your replies. AmyinMD I was just talking to my husband about how nervous I am to put him in ANY school with his skills the way they are. Then I came here and read your post. It was encouraging.


    Since some days at home my son is not up to par, and sometimes he is and he blows my mind (but it's rare) my husband thinks our son is playing me and that in school he will rise to the occasion and be just fine. My gut is telling me that after a few bumpy weeks he probably will be fine like your daughter is.


    I hear ya about the hovering and not getting anything done with your other kids. My daughter is in 8th though and pretty independent with her work, but she'd still like some attention and bascially everything is going to my son and trying keep the house together right now.


    Since my son REALLY wants to go to school he is motivated so I am happy about that. Tuesday can't some soon enough. I want to get this ball rolling!

  8. Awww thanks Creekmom. Yeah, I feel bad but not as bad as I used to in the past. I feel good that we are going to be moving in a new direction. I think my son is different from my daughter and while my daughter flourished with homeschooling and had many outside classes, volunteering, other opportunites, etc, so it's been a full homeschooling experience. My son is just not thriving right now. I just can't grasp for him what he needs and I can't teach him anymore.


    Just spoke to my husband and he really wants him to go to the private school ASAP and not do Sylvan. The private school was closed today so I couldn't visit them. Then Monday is a holiday. So hopefully we will visit on Tuesday and have him in there on Wednesday! It's a Lutheran School and I am very familar with that since I went to a Lutheran School for my younger years. I'd rather start here than the public school for now.

  9. So I am at my wits end with my son. If you search my past posts you will see going way back that I have always had a difficult time with him.


    Well he is 10 now (11 soon) and in 5th grade. His reading is ok but probably more like a 3rd grade level. His math is ok. He prints ok but hates it. He will not cursive write. He can copy sentences in cursive but he can't get it from his own head and write cursive. He HATES writing! His spelling is poor too.


    I am exhausted. And I am done! (I homeschool my daughter too (grade 8) and all is well there.)


    We are trying to decide WHERE he will go. And when he will go.


    He wants to go to school RIGHT NOW and God HELP ME I want him to go RIGHT NOW!!! He wants to play sports, be with other kids, make new friends (if private school), be with all his neigborhood friends (if public school). He says he WANTS to learn. Unfortunately, I just can't help him.


    BUT since his skills are not on grade level we don't want to put him anywhere. He said he will be embarrassed. I can see his point.


    So I am considering the private school (small class size) but I am still uncertain about him going while his skills aren't up to grade level.


    So we visited Sylvan Learning center today. I like what I heard and what I saw. They will test him for $125.00 or $150.00 if we do the writing portion of the test too. (Although he never writes sentences! So I don't know if he could even TAKE the test!!) Then they will sign him up for 9 weeks (4 hours per week) and GUARANTEE that he will improve one grade level from where he started! This will all cost around $2,000.00 total. When they re-test him, maybe there is another fee for that. I don't know.


    I just cannot .....DO......THIS......ANYMORE...... with him. :banghead:


    So we are willing to pay, but I am so nervous about this! Does anyone have any experience with Sylvan? I know they are a franchise but they are independentaly owned so they may differ a bit.


    I was thinking to let my son do Sylvan for 9 weeks which gets him to about Christmas, then maybe starting the private school in January. And if he liked it he can go to 6th grade there. And if not, he can go to the public junior high school with all his neighborhood friends.


    I just want him to do well with his learning and be happy. He is not happy here at home with me and his sister all day and I just cannot provide to him what he needs from a bunch of outside sources. I need school. One stop shopping for him. I should have known. He LOVED pre-school at the park district. I should have just kept him going to school. Then maybe he would be better off right now. :crying: I feel like I really failed him.

  10. So I am trying decide if I want to go to this. The sales guy said they will teach us about all the gadget and stuff, have food, raffles, and a party type atmosphere. I want to bring my daughter too since she will absorb more about all the gadgets than I ever will!! LOL! This is for AFTER you buy the car. I bought it yesterday. Have any of you ever been to these types of things? I know Saturn has done this sort of thing too. Not many people I hvae talked to ever heard of such a thing.

  11. So I just joined facebook and my name is not showing up in the public search. I checked all of my privacy settings to allow for my name to pop up and it just does not show up!!!


    Also, I know of other people who do not show up in the public search but when I look at mutual friends, I see that they do indeed have a facebook page. Maybe they are set on private or maybe not. I am not on private yet I still don't show up! Any ideas on this?


    FB is supposed to be so great but there are so many dead pages on it. The search engine is so unsophiscated. It's a mess. Some people have a common name and I have to go through over 500 results to find who I am looking for. The filters don't really help much, even if the person HAS the correct info on their profile page that SHOULD help you find them, but in fact don't always help. :-(


    I am bummed.

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