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Posts posted by kubiac

  1. Help!

    Currently reading aloud the 26 Fairmount Ave series to DS7, and he likes it very much but he is getting worried about what we read after this, and I’m hoping to bring him some options so he can “choose” and have a little buy-in.

    Here’s the Venn diagram I’m building:

    * he’s chronologically 7, intellectually 10 and social-emotionally 4 

    * he strongly prefers non-fiction, including memoirs; he’s good w SOTW

    * last I heard he cannot tolerate talking animals but that was a couple of years ago

    * he is quite sensitive and newly diagnosed as ASD. Today he sat for “The Emperor’s New Clothes” as our short story (we do a “novel” chapter and a short story or folk tale or picture book most days) and he thought it was kind of funny until we got to the part where the Emperor was going to walk naked through the streets and then he started screaming and spinning and wouldn’t let me continue.

    * he’s a fluent and strong independent  reader, my goal with read-alouds is family bonding and some emotional and linguistic stretching *if possible*

    I’m thinking Boy by Ronald Dahl, Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder, maybe Little Britches by Ralph Moody, maybe Betsy-Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace. 

    Any other suggestions? Have you had any success reading COFAs/biographies to this type of kid? TIA for advice and shared experiences 

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  2. 18 minutes ago, DesertBlossom said:

    But what I've learned is that people like to make stupid comments no matter what stage of life you're in. If you're single, they only ask questions about who you're dating. If you're childless, they want to know if you're trying. If you have 1, they want to know when you're having more. And eventually they start asking if you know how to stop.  I learned long ago that it's better to pay them no mind and to own my own decisions. 


    This is absolute wisdom.

    • Like 5
  3. Hello! I am due with #4 in May. In our area and social milieu, having four or more kids is...not common.

    We know one Orthodox Jewish family with 10, a Catholic family with 5 kids, and I have a couple of LDS friends who are from large families. But four or more is generally NOT the done thing around here.

    Where I live, I find that one kid is common, two is the "norm," three is "oh how cute they like having kids and they can afford it" or "well you know those immigrants are so family-oriented," but four is "what is wrong with you are you insane?"

    Sidebar rant: My parents are somewhere between irked and irate (they only had three, so that's their number). We are 41 and 42, married, happy, financially independent and have a paid-off home. Our kids are well-fed and well-educated. I need to lose weight but other than that none of us have any major health problems. My dad said we were being selfish and expressed a concern that we won't be able to take care of them in 10 years (which is totally unfair since we live two miles away, and are available at their beck and call, and heretofore they have always literally *laughed* at us if we asked if they needed any help with aging) and demanded that we find a birth control method. I was pretty much planning to get my tubes tied after this one, but I told him we do have a lot of ambivalence about birth control versus family building. Heck, just being told I *have* to do something makes me want to not do it and head in the opposite direction and do IVF to get pregnant with #5 & #6 as twins.

    ANYWAY, I think we have entered the phase of our family building where we are statistically weird. Only 14 percent of American women have four or more children. I was wondering if any of you larger-family moms have any experiences or wisdom on how you manage responses to "you're nuts" or "you're being selfish" or other responses you get from people. Help?

    • Like 5
  4. I'm asking here because I remember this existing and I'm sure I learned about it here, but hell if I can find it again through much Googling. 


    Does anyone have a link to a one-page reading vocabulary/reading level test that was like twelve rows of words (for the 12 grades) and there was a guideline that once the kid didn't recognize like three or five words on a line that was probably their reading level?

  5. DS7 is very excited about multiplication. We are doing lots of multiplication problems using C-rods. Last night he snatched a book about multiplication out of my hands and hid in a corner with it for a while.



    Our math program includes lots of multiplication work up to x10, but no further.


    * Multiplication facts up to x12

    * Squares to 30 & Cubes to 30 - inspired by Miko - 



    * Did you or your kids memorize further than twelves? (I knew a kid in elementary school who had them up to 15 and I thought he was a god.) Was it useful to have them memorized even though everything  above 10 can be "worked out"?

    * What other math facts might be good to practice at the grammar stage?


  6. 1. Signing Time ABC signs is my very favorite. I usually start w that and then move on to Letter Factory.

    2. Rusty & Rosie videos if you can find them. They were recommended by a mom on this forum years ago and we really liked them. Quite old-fashioned (80s/90s computer animation) but oddly catchy songs and illustrations.

    3. My must-have alphabet book is Curious George Learns the Alphabet and then second (for letter sounds) is Abadaba Alphabet, which comes with a CD narrated by Jim Weiss.

  7. Ds4 read-aloud: Jenny and the Cat Club
    DS7 read-aloud: just finished Cricket in Times Square. Next will be Homer Price, Miss Hickory or Basil of Baker Street
    DS7 independent read: Quikpick Adventure Society & Hardy Boys

    Me: Lessons from Privilege: The American Prep School Tradition by Arthur G. Powell & Schools That Work: America's Most Innovative public Education Rograms by George H. Wood 

    • Like 1
  8. Disclosure: This runs in our family. My dad has allergies, my mom has eczema, I had both. I have expected one or more of the kids to have to it too.


    Anecdata follows: DS4 had eczema on his trunk and behind his knees. His nose seemed to be running CONSTANTLY, even more than usual for snotty little kids.


    Took him to our favorite allergist and paid out of pocket for the basic food panel. He was said to be NOT allergic to dairy. He was very mildly allergic to egg whites, pinto beans, tomatoes and blueberries. We took him off all of those things. No change. Snot. Bad skin. Eczema. 


    Finally I said this is milk (which is what I thought it was in the first place). We took him off all dairy products (although now and again he will encounter a slice of pizza or string cheese in the wild and we try not to fly off the handle). Snot is gone. Eczema is gone. His visibly healthier and more vibrant; his mood also seems improved.


    In some genetically predisposed children kids, cow's milk is the keystone trigger for allergies. Everybody panics because cow's milk is considered *the* fundamental food of childhood, but it's not as essential as you've been led to believe and in some kids it does serious damage.


    I wish more than anything that when I was a kid my mom had spent less time washing my clothes in Ivory Snow and more time addressing nutrition/diet factors for my eczema.


    [/end anecdata]


    Link: This article from The Guardian about extreme eczema has a number of helpful comments. Good luck. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/may/21/life-with-extreme-eczema-maggie-ofarrell

    • Like 1
  9. Kid has classic atopic disorder symptoms.


    Take him off dairy and the inflammatory autoimmune response will begin to subside.

    He will be prone to inflammatory responses to other foods as well. Keep an eye on wheat, soy, eggs. 


    Add an omega-3 fish oil supplement if you can trick him into consuming it.


    Best of luck.





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