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Posts posted by tnmomofboys

  1. I am a huge fan of AG. Yes, we did get low scores on punctuation because we are not there yet. I know they are getting a really good understanding of grammar compared to many years of not quite finishing the book with other curriculum and then we would start ALL OVER the next year. This year is the 3rd yr. for us with AG. It is one of my best finds.

  2. I have never posted on a theological thread but always read them. I am posting now just to say thank you to those who defend their faith in a loving and informed manner, a special thanks to Kathleen in VA. I wish I could write so clear and concise. My ds(14) will be studying world view/philosophy this year and I think I will save this post. I do believe that the scriptures are the Word of God and to really understand them you have to read the entire book and study the verses in context. This discussion has been a great reminder to me the importance to studying God's Word. I have enjoyed reading this thread.

  3. My kids don't have terrible handwriting, but I taught a couple of kids in my co-op that did. I never really criticized them, but talked with the class about writing through out life and it needing to be legible, not to mention the essays on the SAT. They have greatly improved over the past several years. Writing for someone other than mom can be a movitator and of course lots of practice.

  4. My youngest ds in the 7th grade, so I am just on the tail end of this stage. I used IEW because of the very clear instructions. While some find it constricting, my dc, both boys, found it clear as to what to do. For me, I would have loved some sort of grading rubric with maybe guideline numbers for each grade for number of words, grammar mistakes, etc. Examples of writing for each grade would be great. I have seen "good" examples but "bad, needs work" would have been helpful too.

  5. 9th grade schedule for ds


    Math - Finish Jacobs Algebra and move on to Geometry

    English - LotLR, 3rd yr AG, Vocab for the College Student

    Science - Apologia Chemistry

    Foreign Language - RS Spanish (co-op), online Latin w/ Memoria

    PE - HS basketball team, karate, maybe cross country

    History - Notgrass American

    World View/Philosophy Class (co-op)

    Extra curricular - Plays guitar for Sunday services


    I would love to add World Geography but it would be too much

  6. Early on I tried the copy thing only so my next son could use the book, but it was not worth the hassle (time, ink, keeping up with the papers, etc) and my ds(s) are so different that I do not always use the same curriculum just because of their learning styles. So, I use the book and then just buy another one if I think it will work for ds #2.

  7. My ds(14) loves writing and recording and uses GarageBand. He plays the guitar and can record different parts and then lay them on top of one another. We just recently got a pretty good mic for him. He then puts his songs on CDs. I don't have a musical ear but I think they sound pretty good. Don't know if that is what you want?

  8. I am wanting an online writing class or at least someone to grade some of his writing. He has completed IEW Basic course and maybe 1/2 of the continuation course, but writing is just not my thing and I need some outside evaluation. I have looked at Write Guide, but how do you know how long to sign up for? Or is it better to just take a complete online course. We have not spent a lot this year so my budget is flexible. What would you do?

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