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Posts posted by Kanga

  1. I usually only cut my hair once a year. I don't get split ends, but I also do not color, perm or use a curling iron on my hair. I rarely blow dry it, so I don't do anything to damage it. (swimming in chlorinated water is hard on it too).


    Really the hardest part is just not cutting it! Most people are so accustomed to getting their hair cut, that they just have a hard time not doing anything.

  2. LOL:) You guys aren't helping at all;)


    Yeah, my MIL lives next door on one side and my SIL lives next door on the other side, and I know they'd let me pop in a couple times a week to use their internet!


    My mom and above mentioned MIL both raise kids and homeschooled without the internet and survived! Surely it must be doable! Right?? Right????


    I homeschooled my oldest without the aid of the internet and I am actually finding it a distraction for my second child. I used the library a lot and I met with other homeschool moms IRL and we discussed what was working and shared resources.

  3. Your mother sounds very similiar to mine and I would absolutely never put one of my children in her care!


    I say to my mom, "I am sorry, but that will not work for us" as many times as I need to before politely saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. If necessary I let my best friend, the answering machine, answer the phone.

  4. You have already received some great advice. I just wanted to add from someone who has BTDT, that some people that come from this background have a hard time accepting praise, so you need to sneek in under the radar. May not apply to your husband, but thought I would share just in case.


    For example:

    "I noticed that you shoveled the drive way (indisputable fact, can't put up praise deflector shield). That is going to make getting to the doctor's early tomorrow so much easier for me (another indisputable fact and you have now given solid evidence to establish the credibility of your praise). Thank you for clearing off the drive way. I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful husband! (He can't dispute how you feel).

  5. Rew was just a baby when I came on these boards. His name is actually Andrew, but my husband used to joke that I gave birth to a marsupial because he was always in my front pouch and attached. So he started jokingly calling us Kanga and Rew. I wasn't sure if I wanted to use my name and how much info to give because my husband was getting ready to deploy, so I used that nickname instead.


    I actually had a dream the other night that I introduced myself as Kanga. I took it as a sign that I had been on the boards too much lately. :lol:

  6. My 2 yo hates hair cuts so I decided to do it at home to save the public temper tantrum. I now realize why I need to go to a shop: I have to hold him while somebody else cuts. I cut what I could in between him flinging his head around and flailing his arms. He is now sporting what I call the "chemo cut". :001_smile: I know it will grow back, but that doesn't give me any comfort because then it will have to be cut again.

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