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Posts posted by BusyBee

  1. My boys have enjoyed Johnny Tremain, Chronicles of Narnia, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Just So Stories and about anything else I get. They just love audiobooks.We want to get Peter Pan and the Jungle Book next.

  2. I am asked this question often and I always answer that we homeschool because it is the best education that we can give our children. I have learned that I do not to care what response I get or what they think of me. I have met people that think our decision is wonderful and people who think we have completely lost our mind (if we had one to begin with).


    I am not sure there is a graceful way to tell someone you homeschool. We all homeschool for different reasons and teach in ways that fit our family best. So just tell them the reason you homeschool and if the response is ugly, move down to the other end of the park bench and take comfort in knowing that you are doing what is best for your family.

  3. My oldest child's favorite subject was Math until he hit division. All of a sudden we had tears and confusion and at times Mommy lost her patience. We stopped math for a while to work on Multiplication Facts workbooks and Division workbooks (which we bought at our local Wal-Mart and K-Mart). I also made up division and multiplication card games. He loved this. This worked well and he was soon back to Math as usual.

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