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Posts posted by jjins

  1. This is too late for you, but not for someone who may be working through a lower level and planning ahead.


    We did something very unconventional with our MUS. When DS got through all of the single digit multiplication in Gamma and started into the the more time consuming and multiply stepped lessons we allowed him to do some Delta as a reward for doing well on his Gamma.


    The thought of this was a few things, first he needed to see that the program did not just get MORE and MORE and MORE involved and time consuming. Plus, he was able to reinforce the multiplication tables by working the division.


    This year when we picked back up with school he was already well into the second unit and took the second unit test a couple weeks into our school year.


    I honestly do not see a down side to this and will repeat it with my DD about the time she completes lesson 20.

  2. I am trying to off set any desires my children may have to go to public school with frequent volunteering in public schools. Allowing them to see for themselves it is not like the movies and tv shows, pointing out time wasters and busywork.


    My children are still young 8 and 9, so I cannot say for sure if it is working. However, I can say that they feel the offer on the table to go to school away from home or school at home and have more time. They will bust their bottoms to not go to school away from home... again.


    Again... ds did K in public school both did nearly a year at a private school. I claim teaching the youngest full time because her private school was in my classroom for first grade. :lol:

  3. This was the first recipe given to me when we found out DD was to be gluten free. It was given because DH had made regular box mix brownies with her and she was VERY disappointed to learn that they still had wheat in them. DH is super supportive, just goofed... was making brownies with her to cheer her up, NOT because she could not have wheat... but because she was down. :-(


    Anyhow, I believe this originated as a weight watchers or other weight loss recipe. THEY ARE TERRIFIC and I really did sneak downstairs and have a bit of brownie! mmmmmm...

  4. My daughter has been gluten free for 5 weeks, I am mostly GF with her and my family is eating GF meals at home. However, so far our favorite dessert is black bean brownies.


    I cannot even express how good these are!


    SO... try them, share them, enjoy them!


    Fudgy Black Bean Brownies




    16 squares




    2 cups cooked black beans (or 1 can, rinsed and drained)

    3 eggs

    1/3 cup melted butter*

    1/4 cup cocoa powder

    2 teaspoons vanilla extract

    1 cup sugar (or 1/2 cup honey) - we now use 3/4 c sugar

    1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

    1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts (optional)




    1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. In a food processor bowl or blender, combine the black beans, eggs, melted butter, cocoa powder, vanilla, and sugar. Pulse or blend until smooth (or as smooth as possible).

    2. Grease an 8x8-inch glass baking dish. Pour the batter into the greased dish. Sprinkle chocolate chips and nuts (if using) over the top and use a spatula to push them down into the batter just a little (but not too much; they will sink some while the brownies bake).

    3. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes, until brownies are set in the middle. Watch the edges for excess browning if you're not sure they're done.

    Cool and then chill before serving! Store in fridge.









    The directions say cool and chill... but we eat the first few pieces warm. We have to have something to drink because they are so deliciously rich!


    MMMMMMM.... there are some in my fridge right now... it is midnight, so I think a midnight snack is in order.

    :leaving: that is it, I am sneaking downstairs momentarily!

  5. Two different times I have had scratch testing done by completely different drs in different states. Both times I was given an antihistamine, told to take a cool shower and put benadryl cream on the sites. This last round of testing was difficult on me, as your daughter, caused me discomfort for many days.


    It is times like this I tell my children "aren't you glad we homeschool, you can do a little school in a comfortable spot, take a break and do a little more. Rather than either going and suffering all day OR having lots of work to catch up on because you did not go to school" :D


    Best of luck!

  6. What confuses me is: why people worry about finding a text that teaches a subject EXACTLY as they want it to be taught. If I knew as much about science as I would like to, I would teach my children without texts.


    Instead, we have used REAL Science, RS4K, The 5th Day Series by Apologia and MANY MANY MANY other books from the library, magazine subscriptions and TV shows and real life examples.


    We talk to our children often about the history of science, the different theories and why we (mom and dad) believe what we believe. We teach them to read and listen critically, to question what they hear and listen with both their hearts and their brains. Paying attention to the choice of words, the intent and understanding not only what is meant to be said but also what is unintentionally stated.


    My children do not learn science only from us because there are a great many science books out there that intrigue my children and excite their learning. I will not stop using any of these books as a result of not agree with them or the author 100%, I will stop using them when my children stop showing interest in the way the material is presented.


    No matter what subject I am teaching, what novel we are reading, what movie we are watching there is going to be something that just does not sit right with us. THAT is why we talk and talk and talk with our children. We have discussions and ask leading questions.


    Please understand also that although RS4K prelevel one may not be enough Chemistry for a years worth of lower elementary, it is likely to have MORE Chemistry than most lower elementary students are likely to ever be exposed to. Yes, use more in one year, if you feel the desire. This is part of the freedom of homeschooling... I love it!


    Follow your children's love for different elements of science.

  7. Okay, so I too have an 8 yr old third grader, who is barely 8... as in started the school year at 7.


    So, what do we do, for right now is in third grade... but I have told her, "you will not finish homeschooling until the end of the school year of 18 yrs old." This means that she will apply for college with other 18 yr olds and although she is in 3rd grade she will be in school for 10 more years after this.


    She understands this. I have told her at some point we will reassign her grade... but we will be careful to tell people that she is graduating from HS at 18!


    BTW, this is not because she is struggling, but because we want her home with us as a young 18 yr old, not out in a college. Plus we hope to have her duel enroll in a community college during high school

  8. We had our daughter's pierced as an infant. I had so many friends with infections from too much touching and not enough cleaning, through out my childhood. Not something I wanted for my daughter.


    Her ears healed SO quickly and her tiny earrings were sweet, dainty and very feminine.


    Until about 8 months ago we rarely changed her earrings. Now at a little over 8 years old, she changes them on her own, takes great care of her ears and is a very happy little girl.

  9. My DD has several AG dolls and dolls similar, she has several doting grandparents who live far away and for most of them she is the only granddaughter.... UGH! :glare:


    However, she is eight years old and MY rule is that she cannot take down any of their hair yet. She does play with Kit's which cannot be put up, but she has learned the value of brushing from the bottom.


    We do allow her to play with Julie's hair. Julie is the only doll that she has who's hair seems to hold up to the wear and tear of an experienced "hair dresser". I agree that the straight hair is easier to style and knots less.


    I would suggest JULIE or a just like me doll with LONG STRAIGHT hair. :-)


    OR... one of the several knock off doll, which all cost less than replacing a wig.

  10. Things that are normal in our house with two children 8 and 9:


    Doors do not get locked, lights get left on, parents are so tired sometimes one of us sleeps through things we would NEVER sleep through.



    I understand saying that the dogs did not bark, mine bark if the wind changes direction... I live in KC, it changes direction here often! They also bark at all sorts of other noises. We actually keep them in at night with our children. This keeps the dogs quiet and keeps me feeling safer, because they would not just bark a few times, if a unexpected guest (known or unknown) came in the house or the room.


    Same thing with not hearing the baby cry. Both my husband and I have slept through the babies crying. Mostly my husband, do not get me wrong. However, there have been times he has told me, "I cannot believe you did not wake up last night, she would not stop crying until after I had already..." I am shocked I slept through it all. That happened once with one kiddo and twice with the other. One of those times he brought the baby into me to feed... and I did not remember that!


    I would love to see Little Lisa found, healthy, and returned to her family, but as time ticks on I worry about rather this can actually happen. Regardless of what is found, this situation is clearly tragic!

  11. Along with healing on the inside, which does take considerable time. your DS may have feelings of regret and remorse. Not only did his pain and surgery away from home have serious effects on his ability to have a good time, it also stopped the vacation for others. I am not sure how many are in your family or if the full family stayed with him, but I imagine it that way.


    I know that either of my children, but especially by boy would harbor a great sense of responsibility for messing up other people's plans.


    My DH had emergency surgery in Feb and still brings up how he could not even help me finish painting the bedroom for our daughter. Not only were we almost done, but I told him, "you are hurting too much, you have already helped me a lot. go take a break. I will finish this up." He feels like he should have helped me finish. There are rooms in our house that I have painted completely on my own from picking the paint to completion. He does not like to paint, I do. He helped me paint her room because of the furniture. Yet, still kicks himself. Also, as a man, he was (maybe still is) angry at himself for being "sick". It was hard on him to have all of these people taking care of him, including his seven year old daughter. He actually voiced, "I should be taking care of you and the kids, not you guys taking care of me."


    If your son, has been exercising some adolescent independence and then felt very much like he needed help, especially from his "mommy", he may be feeling like his was not acting like a man, or taking care of things as he should. Unfortunately, this ideas seem to come from inside our children, regardless of what they see around them.


    Best of luck and you and your family heal from this event. Glad to hear you had such GREAT medical care. What could have been a terrifying experiences, sounds like it was really primarily raised the bar for your future medical care!

  12. My husband did ask for my hand in marriage, but only after I told him that I would marry him... as if he had any doubts!


    Anyways, asking my Dad was more about respecting him. Dad spoke with me and I told him, "surely, you told him yes." He laughed with me and told me that DH could only have my hand in marriage if I wanted him too, but otherwise Dad was going to put his foot down and say NO.


    Love my dad and my husband. Both very great men who have filled some wonderful spots in my life!

  13. The news from this case is not looking good. Both this article and the video attached to it have information that does not make the parents look innocent. More recent pictures were released by not immediately I will link those too. I have to agree she seems like a BIG 10 month old, but my kiddos barely hit the 20 lb mark at a year. One was only 17 lb the other was 26 in tall. Neither were very big at all, but I have seen 4 month old out weigh my 12 month old son.


    News article and vid:




    If you can get into facebook, this page and its content are set up by Seeking The Lost. Seems to be a non-profit trying to help spread the word.


  14. Mine daughter is eight, like your daughter does dumb herself down to fit in with peers, very emotionally sensitive to cues around her other miss. An amazing child.


    We have moved her into ONLY mixed age groups. It is interesting because although we do a lot with homeschoolers, most of her peers come from cheer and gymnastics. Within the cheer program the girls on her two teams are 4-12. She is small for her age but very mature, both mentally and emotionally. The girls in cheer and gymnastics tend to be small for her age, so they do not judge as much by her size. (48 in)


    What is interesting is that this is the group that she shines intellectually. They all think she is so smart because she is homeschooled, many ask their parents to homeschool so that they can be as smart as her. THE BEST PART of this: last year two different girls one in third and the other in fourth, routinely asked her for help with THEIR math! They let her know how proud they are and how they wish she could be like them.


    THIS is so different than when she was in private school OR what she gets from homeschooling groups.


    Find the peer groups for her. They are out there. She will find people who do not make her feel ashamed of her gifts.


    ALSO, remember not to expect too much from her. These gifts often lead to some sever insecurities.


    There are psychologists who specialize in gifted children, which DOES fall under special needs in most states. Feel free to use one for her and your family. Read, read and read some more. This will help you to find out more about her.


    I am lucky, because we soon realized our daughters potential after learning about our son's. So, he, although a VERY different child than her, is beating the path for us. Also, part if his being different is he THRIVES on sharing his gifts, is older and sometimes she feel dumb in comparison. Nothing that other siblings do not go through - except that she is anything but dumb AND has a higher IQ! (a fact neither of them know)




  15. We have enjoyed the strategy behind the sequence games, but this one is helping to associate states with their capital and even a little about the state shape. My daughter, 8 years old, (not into strategy games - because she is the youngest and works the hardest at them) declared "this game is some what boring." I let her know "it is more fun that writing all the states and their capitals." She agreed and now brings the game out to play, mind you she has NEVER had to write the states and the capitals and neither has her brother! :lol:


    I did not look for a good price, just a link to show the game



  16. Standing line (quietly) also known as "how to handle being bored and not allowed to move.


    I do find that my children struggle with this, I am positive they would not like having to do it, but COULD.


    WE have discussed that our children do not know how to be bored. If one is done with a lesson while another is receiving one, they move on to more work, read, play, cook, take care of our pets.... anything but "sit quietly at your desk, until everyone is ready".


    Sure this could cause them some issues later in life, but I doubt it will!

  17. We use mostly handsofachild.com


    I started with a one year super member. I bought a lifetime while it was on sale. Super membership gives you a discount and two free lapbooks a month, every month. Most of these are themed and they are always in two age groups. I have paid for several of the $5 ebooks. We love them. Now they have notebook pages to go with the lapbook materials.



    Free book:



    $5 book


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