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Posts posted by jjins

  1. We do not allow names at all on clothing or backpacks. HOWEVER, we do allow it on uniforms. I make sure the kids are aware they have their uniform on and THAT is why people will use their name. The children are will me, Dad or their coach and team. They remove uniforms as soon as possible.


    I actually own an embroidery machine and before putting names on ANYTHING for another child, I let the parent know what WE do for our children.

  2. Struggled here with my DD. Same story. Also eight. We were talked to about text size. Kindle really does help. However, so did just KEEP exposing her to other chapter books. Last summer she read her FIRST chapter book. This year she has read several a month. Still not into reading as much as the rest of us, but at least she has found her passion for reading.


    So, again. YES adjustable text size on eReader. Keep going to the library to be other books. I see she is already reading Junie B, but the statement still bares repeating, at this point do not look down at ANY reading. Applaud all reading!

  3. We started with SWIA and then used a history IEW, my children asked if there are more videos of Andrew. We are now doing SICCA.


    I believe they enjoy his upbeat attitude and humor as well as having me HELP them rather than teaching them.

  4. I know you ordered already but...


    I use PR, I think it works well for my daughter, but neither of us love it. We got on the reading/spelling boat too early for PAL...


    However, I have several friends using PAL and do so at my recommendation. PAL is an amazing program. All three families that I know VERY well using it are thrilled... One has two daughters learning together from it. All four children 5-7 are loving the program and begging for more. The seven year old is on the 3rd phonics program and come into with distrust and lack on enthusiasm for anything to do with reading, spelling or writing. Now, BEGGING for more!


    I honestly would suggest you try it. I know you can get the rest of what you need without ordering more of AAS, not sure if you are SET on AAR, but please check this out. I make NOTHING for recommending PAL... I just know it works and as someone who has taught reading to classroom students for 12 years, this program is TOPS!


    I nearly dumped PR for my DD when PAL came out, but she was already starting with yr two, doing VERY well and has a big brother who was completing Bridge and getting ready to start Latin Road... she wanted to follow in his footsteps. Plus, she had already gleamed a lot of IEW from sitting in and doing assignments with brother!


    Regardless, best of luck!

  5. In our society, RIGHT here in our own neighborhoods, there are children hurting and a parent or even both parents, other adults sitting back feeling powerless to do anything. This feeling exists without the "troopers" ready to force the adult into submission. Why is it so hard to believe that these adults would feel completely powerless to protect their children... especially after 73 years of Hunger Games.


    I challenge those of you who do not understand how it is possible for those adults to do NOTHING for their children, too look at our WORLD and tell me you see ONLY adults protecting their children the way YOU would. Tell me there is NOT fear of those in higher power.


    Take a look at homeschooling, not those who do, but those who don't. Those who want to and will not, because they are afraid of the laws and rules that surround homeschooling. Even when they are disappointed by what their children are learning in public schools, academically and emotionally. People feel like they MUST send their children to school, like their hands are tied.


    Katniss says she will not have children. I believe this is her way of fighting the Capital, they put children between ages 12 and 18 into the Hunger Games and she says she will NOT have children. Not only will she not bare the agony of seeing them at the reaping or worse in the games, but she will not ALLOW the capital to have that control over her.


    It is also possible, that in this make believe world people do fight. Gale and Katniss discuss leaving... in the book they meet some who have left their district. However, those who may fight have not baring on the story from the point of view it is being told. It does not matter if other parents hid their children and refuse to allow them to attend the reaping, because they are not Katniss, she is who Hunger Games are about.


    The movie does not discuss District 13 and what happened to it for fighting. This clearly has an impact on how the citizens respond and react to the capital. Those who see the movie and have not read the book will miss this HUGE conection.


    My DD is only 8 and has not read the books. She said she would NEVER fight for her life in the games, she would just die instead. We discussed how the capital would deal with that and my son said, "what if they made me suffer because you would not fight? What if they started to kill your friends, if you did not fight? What if you found EVERYONE you know would die, if you did not fight? Would you be willing to just die, if that means the capital would kill everyone else? "


    Also, I discussed that winning means money and money means food and comfort for your family. With my son (who read the book), I discussed that Katniss was the provider for her family. Without her she was concerned they would starve. If she wins, she would not HAVE to hunt for them, but could provide for them, lavishly. We discussed how not only could she save them, but she could make their lives better.


    Then we discussed rather her life would be better... He immediately said it would not, because she would have the rest of her life to remember all the terrible things that she did. Money cannot fix that.


    I am glad that my son has read this book, giving us an avenue to discuss these things and more. I look forward to my daughter also reading them

  6. Now, I am not a pacifist, and I think pacifism in the world of the Hunger Games would be an interesting topic to discuss. As a pacifist, what would the most honorable course of action have been if you were a participant in the Hunger Games?


    We also discussed "what would the capital do if you just refused to fight. Consensus among those teens and preteens in book club: The capital would make you want to fight by punishing your district and your family to get to you."



    However, this in and of itself leads to powerful discussion, which boils down to NO ONE can make you do ANYTHING, but they sure can make you want to!

  7. my ds (10) has read the first book with both dad and I (and his book club), who have read all three books. We have discussed it thoroughly. He himself has come to the conclusion that Katniss did not kill for fun or even enjoy killing, her entire desire was to survive so that she could take care of her family, that those she did kill were either in DIRECT defense or mercy. He told me he thinks the that the districts that train, see it as a sport and a means of survival, because if they win, they are comfortable with money to take care of themselves and families and fame.


    He talks about how even if they live, they are maybe better dead, because they know the killed to live. They will feel bad for it.


    He would not want to be IN the Hunger Games, but said if he was, he would try to make it to the end, especially if he could without killing anyone, maybe survive by living off the land and hiding. Maybe not have to kill anyone. He said, that to decide not to try and live is the same as killing yourself, suicide, that how can anyone decide to just die, you have to fight, even if you do not want to.


    I believe that he did not see the killing as a glorious act, he feels bad for those who train and do not understand anything else.


    I think this series is dark, but does reflect several elements in world history. We talked about those. We discussed rather or not this type thing could happen again. I would not send my children off to read this alone. I would NOT recommend that the movie is watched by children who have not read the books. I would strongly recommend READING the books if you are sharing them with ANY of your children, regardless of age.


    However, I think they are VERY good, well written and thought provoking. I am very happy we have read them.


    I look forward to discussing difference between the book and movie with my son and hearing his thoughts on how the differences change the messages from the book. He already pointed out that the mercy is not shown very well.

  8. I have two and one who has crossed the rainbow bridge.



    They are incredibly loyal and intelligent to a fault... meaning, my 2 yr old sheltie does everything she CAN get away with. Constancy is a MUST.


    Also, the one who crossed the rainbow bridge was an incredible herder. My children where toddlers and preschoolers when we got him, if they or their friends ran, he chased them and tried to herd them by nipping on their clothing... never got their skin, but scared some kiddos. I used to tell them all when they came over, "now remember, the dogs know the rules and if you run in the house, they are going to grab your clothes and slow you down, make sure you run OUTSIDE."



    Outside they are on a lead or in a small fenced in area. So, running outside was never an issue.

  9. Sounds like this is working for you! I am pleased to hear that. I know stress is bad. I am prone to anxiety attacks and recently found out that I have started having another type... different from what I used to have.


    Fortunately, although homeschooling is stressful for me, it is not THE stress. I just want to do it ALL and I go between, we are doing too much to we are not doing enough. I believe that is because we are often doing one or the other, not nice and even keel. UGH!


    Again, glad you have found some ideas that work for you.

  10. We use it... the one thing that absolutely drive me crazy is my children have their own portable DVD players and are CONSTANTLY miss placing the DVDs... I am talking CON STANT LY! Right now our Delta is on the lamb. I have even cleaned my son's entire room with him, while looking for it!


    Also, there are parts where I feel what my children are doing is a bit of a waste. Two examples:


    One was already discussed writing the numbers over and over in three day time period. Yes, this is good practice, but do it at a different point, break it up so the child does not get tired and know why you are having them write all these numbers down.


    The other is that my DS has a lot of math he does in his head, he understands many math concepts from our daily lives. So, when he is introduced to a new idea with Steve my solution is to have him do page D, if he can do those problems without any issue I do not have him do the pages that focus on those problems.


    I suspect I should really just speed him through Delta, but I want him to watch all the lessons and WELL... back to my main problem... miss placed DVD!!!!

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