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wide eyes & laughter

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Posts posted by wide eyes & laughter

  1. I've just got to mention our little Yorkie-Poo - Yorkshire/Poodle, LOL


    I see virtually no shedding - she gets brushed only once in a while! As far as training, I'll take blame for that:D It was not good timing to get a puppy in our home when we did; it was a purchase on impulse after only a few discussions on dog criteria - totally out of character for us, but we did it. And we survived!


    Anyway, good luck!

  2. whole heartedly.


    I'm glad to see your follow-up thus far; I encourage you to see it through. It doesn't sound as though it would be your decision as to whether she is asked to step out of that position or not. Before you now is an opportunity to discuss this w/your priest and "hold fast" to the truth (maybe hard to do when you know said teacher seems repentant and broken up) and gravity of the situation as you present it to him.

  3. At the same time, I'd try to remind myself of the home/family we're building together.... and focus on the the things that are lasting - like the investing of your life into the lives of your husband and children. I wish I had time & money to belong to a gym (I don't right now!) so I do what I can for now. There is a time in my life when I would have done the whole gym-body thing but now even if I did go to a gym, that would not be my goal. It would take too much time away from more important things. I have a feeling you could console yourself along similar vein....

  4. Years ago, I began insisting to the dr/nurse to be present while needle was being prepared. (They used to like preparing it in the back room, etc; not sure how they do things nowadays.) I wanted to make sure it was NEW and sterile. They didn't much like this, but.... After hearing of the foolish practice of more than one nurse (this was years ago) reusing needles for unsuspecting patients, this became my choice.


    Re: vaccinations if you're going to do them, I agree w/the first couple posters - space them out at your pace. You can be on your own timetable.

  5. activities and the foundation for having that closeness within a family. BUT I don't think hs alone can "make it happen". Like you, I hate to oversimplify things.... All I'm trying to say is I no longer put such stock in hsing but use the time we have together to work hard at cultivating (and helping my dc learn to cultivate) our relationships.


    Also, it's hard to tell what a "successful" family looks like - b/c we all want to "appear" to be this, don't we? But things are not always as they appear. To bring perspective, I often remind myself of this and utter a prayer when I become aware of our shortcomings (often).


    So, my thoughts in light of your poll - home schooling, spiritual foundation, communication, playing together (vacations + frequent laughter shared). All else is icing on the cake.

  6. my understanding of it, along with scriptures that help me:


    "....He who abides in Me and I in Him, He bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing". (John 15:5)


    ...With God all things are possible.(Matthew 19:26)


    Think of when Peter walked on the water - when his eyes were on Christ, not on the 'situation', he was able.


    Just trying to give my opinion and thoughts - not saying I've got it locked down. Thanks be to God, I have grown in patience and self-control but fall short quite a bit, too!

  7. ckn pox (as I recall) can be serious if they get inside the body and wreak havoc on the organs. I would definitely go have the eye checked out by a doc - and I'm not one to go to a dr. for much. Fwiw, we don't vaccinate either so I've tried to be aware of all symptoms and "red flags".


    Said a prayer for you & your dc.

  8. I'd speak up and calmly tell the child to STOP and apologize. If the other parent didn't like it, tough beans.



    this and would add to it: I would put myself between my dc and the offending child and maybe even ready my hands to stop hers - gently, but enough to make sure her fists stop swinging! I would not want my dc to think they should "politely' stand there and allow this from anyone.


    I also liked Joanne's pov about the transition time. Perhaps coaching the mom with that info will give her what she needs to work with her daughter so that unacceptable behavior stops.


    If it continues, however, I would assertively (tell them exactly why) drop the family from my babysitting roster.


    Good luck w/ all of this.

  9. We use a simple laminated chore chart for M-F (done in Excel). Each day's tasks are listed under the weekday heading, including: School w/Mom and independant school work, chores. All of these are interspersed: some after Breakfast, others after Lunch, some after Dinner; this helps them follow a "routine". They aren't allowed any free time until all work is done through their after lunch chores. So they are motivated to get it all done w/greater focus - school work as well. This has helped w/focusability for me, too.


    They are also motivated by the $3.00 at the end of the week (M-F). If they don't do even one chore (and make sure it's done thoroughly now that they have been trained to know the difference), they won't get paid at all for the week. In the past, we have paid according to the jobs that were done. This new way is working for us b/c I don't ever remind them or nag them. I only occasionally check their work, in fact. It's wonderful!


    On Sat/Sun, they are expected to do work around the house as contributing members of the household (without pay). But then it's nice b/c we work together as a family on the project-type jobs.


    My dc are 10, 8, 6.

  10. I've never heard of a co-op that does.


    Anyway, I would only give referral if I'm happy with my experience.


    I wouldn't exactly feel hurt if I learned someone was paid to encourage my membership but it wouldn't offer greatest comfort either.... And, btw, membership is another thing I don't like! But that's a whole 'nother story - revolving around the same reason. (Statement of faith for a certain religious affiliation = OK, but all the other hoopla I can do without.)


    Does CC do this?

  11. is your psyche :D Ie though I love darker colors.... I've found that my psyche does best with a lot of light around me and lighter colored walls as a result. Not white. But how 'bout a tan or creamy golden color or even a gold color that brightens without overpowering? That would lift *my* mood each day anyway!


    I also think dark walls would lose your dark sofa and loveseat - they'd blend into the surroundings too much if you went w/dark walls.


    Personally, I love the darker wood flooring even though I think it would show more dust/sand etc.


    Then you could splash more color throughout the room with accents: vases, throw rugs, window treatments, wall decor, etc.


    This was fun to think about! Hope you get to do something that lifts you :001_smile:Cheryl

  12. The doctor asked my 7 year old son if he felt happy most of the time. ....



    Huh?:001_huh: I could see this question being asked if you took ds in b/c you were concerned about his psychological well-being. But this was a "wellness" visit for goodness' sake. Sheesh! What's that all about? :confused:


    Makes me raise my eyebrows - a little of what Parrothead was saying.

  13. This is the one area of consistency for me/us :)


    Since "the beginning", I have read (on average) 1 1/2 hrs per day each morning while snuggling on the couch usually.


    We begin w/Bible and go right into a chapter book. The books I remember reading include: Dangerous Journey (tons of times!), Charlotte's Web, Swallow & Amazon book series, Ms Piggle-Wiggle, Little House series, Lamplighter (publisher) books, Little Women, Little Men, and now Jo's Boys. There are tons of others - can't recall a single book we didn't like!


    Many evenings dh reads aloud to us for about 30 - 45 min; currently it's Trumpet of the Swan.


    My dc are 10, 8, and 6.



  14. and I am amazed that you have accomplished as much as you have. Since that's the case, it looks imminently possible that you will finish your curricula this year. Hang in there. I love the verse you chose for your siggy line.... "that we may have patience and comfort...and hope."


    :grouphug: and prayer for you & your dear ones,




    Pardon me, I just need to vent a moment.


    I've had trouble getting thru a school year since I started. However most of the 'interruptions' were big and "understandable": 3 moves in 3 years, dh damages both feet and is put in wheel chair for a bit, a new baby, major home improvements that the kids helped to do ... plus the typical problems with focusing on the job, sibling issues, etc. So this year I just prayed for a smooth school year. One where we could do our work and finally have summer for a break and a chance to actually prep for next year.


    Well that's out now! In Sept my Dad died and I ended up with a wierd virus that hung on for about a month. My mom was up and down for months before and after and has now passed away just this Feb. It's taken about a month to work with my sister to deal with the estate .. which btw is on the other coast! While I was out there dealing with this, my dh was home with the 4 kids for ~2 wks after the funeral and not much of any school work got done (fine with me at the time since I just didn't want them to have any more tension ... mom being away was enough). During this time my dh's cousin passed away. Now that I'm home and we are trying to get back on track, we learned that the father of the flower girl from our wedding just passed away. ug. This one probably won't take us away, it just jars the mind. As I think about this, I have 3 relatives that may go soon also. Life.


    So I just spent some time finding the floor in our school room and checking our status. Looks like we are on week 8 for history (of a 36 week SL curr.), about 1/2 way or so thru math, and science never did get past the first week for my older two (grades 7 and 8). My 3rd grader may still try for CC Foundations memory master but I'm not sure he'll get it at this point. I started considering what to use for next year, but will probably need to just figure out how to finish this year. Guess we'll just take it day by day.


    ug. Well God doesn't give you more then you can handle, so I gather I can handle all of this. Perhaps we just need to show the kids how to handle multiple "disappointments".


    Thanks for the time to vent.

  15. This reminds me of something dh read in a book about brains (I think it was this one:http://www.amazon.com/Making-Good-Brain-Great-Performance/dp/1400082099/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1237227754&sr=8-1)


    Apparently age 11 is a time of massive brain change. The brain goes through a major "pruning" process, where information that is not being used is "dumped" and neural connections are lost/re-routed. I imagine that trying to focus or be mentally organized (when the mental faculties are in the process of being completely re-organized!) must be extremely difficult.


    So, no real advice on the tomato staking bit, but this might make it easier to be understanding & work through this difficult period. :tongue_smilie:


    (I should probably save a copy of this to re-read when B turns 11 in the fall! :lol:)


    My ds10 is entering this stage, I think. Anyway, lately he has been responding to a list (laminated) and has actually enjoyed checking off all school work and chores. I also talked to him about hormones and how they affect the mind/body and asked him to work at having better focus. I'll be keeping the "staking" in mind, though, if needed in our future!

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