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Posts posted by femke

  1. MissKNG: That's what we've been doing, but there is no improvement. So I don't really feel like moving on now, even though he understands the rest


    forty-two: Place Value was introduced in Lesson 10 of 101, and he didn't get it. We moved on anyway and are starting 103 now. Basically I'm explaining it everytime again, working with him on the problem until we get the answer.


    Jen3boys: Yes he is. He loves Math and is doing fine with it, he works independently on the other problems.

  2. Since you otherwise like CLE, I'd be inclined to stick with it and add in manipulatives to flesh out the instruction and practice.


    What about the base ten blocks confuses him? Does he not get what 45, for example, really is - that it is how we represent in writing the quantity of 45 units, arranged into 4 sets of ten units with 5 units left over? Or that he doesn't get why anyone needs to spend time trying to learn this totally obvious concept :tongue_smilie:.

    He does understand that the number 45 represents 45 blocks, but gets confused by the rods. Maybe he makes a different mental picture of the number 45 :confused:

    If you gave him 4 tens and 5 units, could he tell you that was 45, and vice versa, whether or not he sees the point of that activity?

    No, he would count all the blocks, even after I've told him many times that the tens represent the number 10.


    What sort of place value activities have you done?

    Basically just what CLE offers in the workbooks. They give a number, and he needs to break them up in ones and tens. I've tried to do this with the base ten blocks as well.


    I'm not sure what you mean by being "fine with numbers up to 100" if he really doesn't get place value :confused:. Does he have any understanding of what those quantities *are* - does he at least get that 88 is 88 units yes, even if he doesn't get how those units are arranged into 8 tens and 8 ones to get the notation 88? Yes, he can't break them up into tens and ones, and I don't have a clue why :D

    I would say that, yes, you really need to be able understand how to break apart numbers into tens and ones, and how to build them up from tens and ones. An understanding of place value is foundational to being able to understand arithmetic, particularly the standard algorithms. Without it, you're stuck learning the procedures by rote.He's been doing so well with everything covered in the workbooks, but this keeps being a problem. He really wants to move on with math, but indeed I feel like we have to work on this first...but it gets kind of frustrating for him.


    Reply in quote

  3. My son is absolutely loving CLE Math right now. He loves writing, and CLE has a lot of that! We're also really liking the spiral method. He loves workbooks, but I feel he needs more hands-on learning to grasps the concepts. I'm not sure what to do:


    -Keep using CLE and add manipulatives

    -Change to a more hands-on Math curriculum, that also contains quite some writing and worksheets. Any suggestions???


    He's doing grade 1, and is doing fine but place value is where we got stuck. Please, I can use some ideas, what manipulatives would be helpful? We have a base ten set, but that's only confusing him. He gets really confused by the terms 'ones', 'tens' or 'units'. Maybe I'm just now explaining it well enough :glare: Do we actually really have to break up numbers into tens and ones to understand place value? Would it be possible to introduce this later and still go on with this curriculum? He seems to be doing fine with numbers up to 100.


    Thank you!

  4. We're just started using CLE LA with my 3yr old. I sit there with him doing all the letters, if I walk away he would be drawing on the pages. I even hold his hand, but let him do the actual writing. This has helped a lot and keeps his attention focused. Don't expect it to be perfect at this age, they still have years and years to practice it! Adding in another program, would be quite a lot, as CLE is already quite heavy on the handwriting IMO

  5. From what I hear, and from what I've experienced, the teaching can get off track from the Bible and go in some strange directions. Of course that can happen in a big building church as well, but I think there might be more accountability in a larger more organized setting.


    I think the teaching gets off track much faster when there is only one man (woman) on top. In our 'church' the men share the 'duty' of preaching, leading etc. We're all accountable to each other, we question each other, reproach each other. We really know each other, and notice really fast if someone is going 'offtrack', so to say...

  6. No sick day for me! I had a flu last week...just had to keep going. Dh got the flu this week, he stayed in bed all day, of course. :001_huh: I don't mind really, I'm now used to it. The boys follow me everywhere, even to the bathroom. They're like little ducklings, following mommy, even on the days that I'm not well. Just snuggle up on the bed with a big pile of books!

  7. I bought babybooks for both sons. They only contain information in them that I was able to write down before they were born :blushing:


    I make pictures with a digital camera, and also make little videos every now and then. Just a couple of days ago I was curious about when my oldest son started to speak. I found a video of him not talking, and a video of him talking...so he must have started to speak somewhere in between those two videos. At least now I have some kind of a date.


    I have a big pile of photos, waiting to be put in albums. I came up with this idea of doing a photography unit study when they're a bit older. The creative part of that study will be to make their own scrapbook, from birth onwards.... :lol: saves me a whole lot of time!

  8. Hmmm this makes think. We have quite some allergies in our family. My son wasn't able to drink or eat any dairy for 2,5 years. So I guess looking into that would be a good idea as well. We don't eat anything artifical, food dyes etc. But celiac allergy would be something to look into, as my SiL has that. :glare: Why do these things have to be so complicated...just invent one simple test for everything! :tongue_smilie:


    LittleIzumi: I think in case of a misdiagnose, testing can turn out bad. Guess that's my biggest fear right now.

  9. Thank you all, for your kind replies! I'm discussing an evaluation for our Ds with my Dh right now. We just don't know, it sounds like a good thing to do, but I don't want him to be misdiagnosed! Not that I would ever put him on any medication or treatment without me being a 100% confinced. Also, all that testing might take a long time, many appointments and would cause us a lot of problems with him....but it in the long run, it might be best for him.

    I do agree with what Tonygirl wrote, but then I'm reading what 8FilltheHeart wrote and feel so torn between the options.

    Reading all these stories about your kids makes me wonder: Some kids have been better off being tested, and other would have been better off without being tested. How do I know what will be best for Ds? :001_huh: I think I'm not going to make any decisions yet, thinking it over for a while. He has been wiggling for 3 years now, he can wiggle a bit longer while we ponder which road to take.:D

    Reading about overexcitabilities has been interesting. I can see a lot of my son in that. Especially the psychomotor part.


    Another question (sorry offtopic): My other son is showing signs of giftedness, but only since the last couple of weeks, is that possible at all? That it shows much later? He developed in such a fast way over the last few weeks, and still going strong. He seems like a total opposite of his big brother. A perfectionist, who doesn't do anything until he does it perfectly (he doesn't talk to us, but we know he can, he's practicing when we're not in the same room) His behaviour is totally different, and has been very easy to deal with. I was just wondering, how do you educate a child that is a perfectionist and doesn't want to try anything :001_huh: *thinking waaaaaay ahead here*

  10. Hi,


    I have a question. My son has been advanced since birth onwards. A couple months ago we started really thinking that he might be gifted, it is in our family. We started doing some 'schoolwork' with him straight away and he loved it and has ever since been pulling me along. But, also from birth onwards, he has been hard to deal with. He never slept as a baby, was always moving something, doing something, crying all the time etc. He has quite some behaviour issues, some of them have dissappeared since we started schooling him, but other have not. We tried many different parenting techniques, which all have lead to (almost) nothing. He is super active, but not always. When he is you can't reach him. I try to stop him, but there is no point. He can't stop. 5 minutes later he's sitting on the cough reading a book (though still wiggling ;) ) and 10 minutes later he is back to active again. He also bites him self, is very very clingy and scared of many things. All thse things seem to get worse if we're out an about. He also had a lack of oxygen at birth. I know that this doesn't necessarily have to be ADHD or Autism, just by these points mentioned. But my mother-feelings tell me there is more than just giftedness. My problem is, when I google on these I get lists with symptoms, which just doesn't seem to fit. I have a feeling this is due to him being gifted, he doesn't match with these symptoms. Please help me, is this normal? Are there more people that have a gifted child with ADHD or Autism (if that even exists :S)


    Thank you!

  11. We do gifts on New Year's Eve.


    2 gifts each:

    A book

    A toy ($20 )


    And a new game, for all to enjoy.


    Guess it's not so much compared to what you're all spending, but I like to give gifts year round, just to surprise them every now and than.

    Two years ago we did do lots of gifts, but my son burst out in tears and was shaking all over... not going there again!

  12. In the morning we do hands-on activities; cutting, painting, drawing, basically anything my little one can join in. After lunch (when ds1 takes his nap) we do our curriculum-work. In the afternoon we read books or do some more hands-on things. But our only time scheduld right now is right after lunch, for about an hour or two. Before and after, just how the day goes.

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