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Posts posted by mytwomonkeys

  1. i hear really good things about newton running shoes. you can visit their website here: http://www.newtonrunning.com/


    youtube has a lot of videos for newton too. very informative and excellent!


    they're claim is "Newton Running shoes were developed to make your feet think they're barefoot and increase performance. You will run smoother, more efficiently, faster and with less injury."


    fwiw, i have a high arch and wide foot, and my favorite shoe is the saucony progrid ride 2 (not a minimalist shoe though). i use them in half marathons on pavement, not on gravel though. they're awesome and have never let my feet down!



    born to run is an awesome book!!! glad it inspired you!:D

  2. YES! YES! and YES!. i do it all of the time. i am the queen of hiding stuff so that my home doesn't feel cluttered . i hate things on my counter tops or tables. i'm constantly shoving things in drawers, closets, under beds, etc. and then i'll forget what i did with it. you'd think i'd have learned by now....but nope. still doing it daily.

  3. call her mom!! my nephew (only 8 years old & attends a christian private school) told another kid that if you say "bloody mary" in the mirror in a dark bathroom she would appear. the child was so upset that he had nightmares (of course!) & he also told his mom. she then talked to my sister & my sister about died!!! she found out that my nephew had heard this on the bus. had the other mom not confronted my sister though, she could have never disciplined my nephew and addressed the situation. apologized for it. corrected it. etc. disturbing situations aren't always as they appear. talk to her mom for sure.

  4. we do the tooth fairy & santa brings one gift here. we've never celebrated the easter bunny, but we do easter baskets. my kids know that some kids do celebrate the easter bunny though, so i've asked them to not spoil it for other kids & let them have fun believing. it stinks when other kids spoil it. i'd just let your kids continue to believe. they'll probably figure it out and pretend to believe for a while longer anyway, if they haven't already. i think this is the stage my 9 year old is in. she loves to believe in santa (even though i i think deep down she knows we're santa). it's not related to whether or not she'll get a gift, as he only brings just one anyway. i think she loves the imagination of it all.

  5. i make friends easily with all types of people. i would say half of my friends are conservative christians, and half our very liberal. i didn't become a christian until i was 25 (almost 40 now) and many of my friends date back to high school and middle school (when i was incredibly liberal). they stood by through terrible choices and loved me in spite of myself. i always remember that, and love them in spite of choices or opinions they make which i disagree with. in some circumstance, we have challenged each other... but that's what friends do. i love them all unconditionally though, & pray for them often.

  6. Here is what I am doing:

    DS 6 - Explode the Code, First Language Lessons, Writing With Ease, and All About Spelling

    *He really needs reading help, but other then Explode the Code, I really don't know how to go about that?


    I'm not sure if you're looking to add more, but with my 6 year old, we're using CLE Learning to Read. It's so wonderful. I wish I had known about it when I was teaching my daughter to read. It's been awesome! It's a half year program, and we'll probably switch to grade 1 reading when he's completed the LTR program. He also uses AAS, WWE, and FLL. Additionally, we like the free Scott Foreman grammar for Grade 1. He does one page a day (if it involves writing, he narrates for me).



    for your 8 year old, my daughter uses bookadventure.com for reading comprehension. she reads books, takes quizzes, and earns points for free stuff. she loves it. i know there are wonderful reading comprehension curricula as well, but we've not invested in that as of yet.



  7. I used R&S for grades 1 & 2. In mid year of second grade, I discovered CLE. After a lot of research, we decided to switch (last Christmas). My daughter had to start at the beginning of second grade with CLE, because she had missed so much in R&S. So now, she's only in Unit 206 in grade 3.


    Now, I'm sure it all would have evened itself out with R&S over time, so I'm not saying it's a bad curriculum. I imagine their s&s is just different, and those concepts would have been covered eventually.


    As for the teacher guides, I thought R&S had an excellent teacher guide...very good! As for CLE, we own the teacher guides but I have not used them yet. The student book is very self explanatory. We should be on Grade 3 soon, and I'm not sure if we'll need the teacher guides or not...but I bought them just to be safe. At a glance, they also seem very good.



  8. I went through the placement exam and he almost has all the Saxon K stuff they asked about covered, and is almost 5 1/2 (which is when they recommend Saxon 1).


    So I don't wanna go buy something we are pretty much not gonna use.



    i think you could just use saxon 1. i'm using it with my son, and it assumes your child has no previous math exposure. it has been slowly progressing enough that my son has not been overwhelmed at all. he's 6 1/2 (a little older than you son), but we did no formal math previously, and this has been a gem for us. hth.

  9. i started my older child in level 1 in second grade, but only because i knew i could use it later on with my son as well. my daughter flew through it in a couple of weeks, but she really struggled with spelling, so for us, the review with level 1 deemed helpful. if you don't plan to use it with a second child, you could skip level 1 imho.


    eta - AAS has their word bank listed for free at their website. you could just get the words and review the rules with a whiteboard and their list for level 1. the chatterbee forum for AAS is helpful too.

  10. i used saxon k with my daughter, but it was too slow moving (although i loved it!!! it just was too slow for my daughter). my son actually needs something that moves slower though, so i specifically chose saxon 1 for him this year. it is such a wonderful fit & math is a real joy each day. next year, we'll probably switch to CLE (because i just love it), but i've been very pleased with saxon. i think it just depends on the child.

  11. wow. where's the popcorn icon, lol


    i liked the book. it was entertaining and thought provoking enough....even if those thoughts roused feelings of injustice, anger, or theological upset in the reader. it's not God's Word, and isn't intended to be. it's just a paperback book in the fiction section of your local bookstore.

  12. we are using abeka history for 3rd grade. technically, it's a textbook....but it is just a book of short biographies. we are really enjoying it very much! it's very open & go ....but we do add brainpop, netflix, and other literature to our topics of interest. the comprehension questions are good, and the geography is perfect for what i wanted to cover this year. hth.

  13. You know, I do the same with my daughter. SWB says to start by saying the passage 2 times, which I do, but it takes at least a couple of times more than that before she has it down perfectly. I think that's pretty normal. For what it's worth, we used WWE 1 and WWE 2 as well and I think most of the passages are just longer and more difficult in WWE 3. Have you seen the youtube video of SWB dictating to her 13-year-old son?
    It will make you feel better and probably totally change your expectations.




    thanks for sharing this video!!! so helpful!

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