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Posts posted by snipsnsnailsx5

  1. Well for 1A & B I don't think buying the TM just for the answers would be worth it? They are pretty easy concepts. I haven't used them even once yet to grade his worksheets.

    I haven't even needed them for the third grade worksheets either.

  2. Thanks everyone! I feel very good about my choice then.


    I am a curriculum junkie I think too...I've only been homeschooling my 8 yr old for 5 mo last year and almost two months this year, and my 11 and 6 yr old for two months this year so far..BUT I've spent countless hours researching curriculum and hanging on on these boards. I've changed my mind SO many times.


    However what I feel is lacking with our English program I think that R&S will really pick up.


    I went ahead and ordered grade three for my third grader and grade 5 for my 6th grader. I did that because I read that grade 5 is a good starting point for jumping into the program. He's a very bright and quick learner, but I've noticed that perhaps that has gotten him into trouble. At PS I think he was such a quick learner that he'd gloss over the materials to get a good grade but not actually LEARN it. I'm doing Winston Grammar right now with him, and its amazing how much he's struggling with helping and state of being verbs. I know he's smart..but I don't think they ever covered this in PS last year, or if they did then he didn't actually retain any of it.

    SO I think R&S will be awesome for him too.


    I also got the R&S spelling for my 3rd grader. It looks similar to Spelling Workout and I don't have a spelling book for my 3rd grader yet. I'm doing Spelling Workout with my 11 yr old.


    I see that R&S has everything for curriculum - is R&S a good enough program to consider other subjects for too? Such as, how does their math compare? What about their reading program, and science, etc?



  3. Thanks for the suggestions! :)


    BTW - I've read the Summer of the Monkeys...its is really good!


    The books our book club has read so far, that I've been there (not sure what they read a few months ago since I just joined) is Mockingjay (Hunger Games series), Sarah's Key, and These Is My Words.

  4. Hello!

    I have to pick the book club book for...April I think? I forget...haha


    I need to pick it early though so that 1) I don't forget until it really is too late and 2) they want time to order the books from the library if there are not enough copies


    SO...ideas? I've poured over Amazon.com's suggestions and other website suggestions but I just don't know. I really don't have time to read the book before my book club month, and then read it again at that time. I'm not usually a read a book more then once kind of person (well except for the Harry Potter books...LOL).


    Guidelines...must be PG13 rated...in otherwords, no excessive profanity or graphic sexual scenes.



  5. I'm using Yellow with my 3rd grader right now and Tan with my 6th grader.


    I don't know about older or newer editions? I bought them both used off Ebay. I believe they are newer though. I have student activity pages for yellow that look entirely different, and I think they are an older version. They still match up pretty well with the newer teacher manual though? So far at least..lol


    My gripes about LLATL - its just too confusing to me. May sound silly, since you should just be able to follow the lessons. I never know how much I should teach in one day, and if I can just go through the lessons from cover to cover, or if I should skip around to pick out pieces for grammar, reading, writing, etc for each day's lesson.

    We don't use it for spelling so I'm picking through it and taking out the spelling parts. I also am doing some grammar already with FLL and WWE (for my 3rd grader). I do like the literary/reading parts though. However I've found that each level is laid out differently. Maybe that's why its confusing me.

    I saw LLATL Green sample pages and the layout looked MUCH better to me. I may move my 11 yr old up to Green if I decide not to just drop LLATL all together.

  6. My 8 yr old is currently doing FLL level one (year two) and WWE. Its very easy for him, a lot of repetition. He's doing well with it but I feel that its moving SO slow that he's not learning much. Something more challenging needs to be paired with them I think?


    Because I'm moving my 11 yr old to Rod and Staff per many recommendations, I thought it would be good for my 8 yr old also.


    Side question, (and maybe this should be posted separately) I like MCT a LOT,but just can't afford it right now. I may use it next year if R&S doesn't work out. However, is MCT the much better program then R&S for overall language arts? Or do they each have their strengths and thus you can't compare them? (basically, is one program better over the other as far as a great, thorough, LA program)


    But back to original question...what level should I start my 8 yr old in R&S? He's in third grade, so I thought 3rd grade level. Last year I pulled him out of public school halfway through the year. He did Voyages in English grade 2 with me at home for 5 months. He covered writing different types of pieces (informational, personal, etc), as well as punctuation, sentence types, verb and noun types...


    Would I be okay to start him in 3rd grade R&S English? Or bump him back to 2nd grade? He gets frustrated easily if its too complicated. BUT on the other hand, I don't want an entire year of review for him.



  7. I don't find myself using the teacher's manual at all actually. There are some good ideas in it, as well as a chapter planning. Then it has each chapter broken down with how to teach it. For the first grade level though, I haven't needed help on how to teach the concepts. ;)


    Here are the chapter headings for 1A and 1B as to what is taught, I see that one chapter is on calendaring and time in 1B:

    Chp 1 - Numbers to 10


    Chp 2 - Number Bonds


    Chp 3 - Addition Facts to 10


    Chp 4 - Subtraction Facts to 10


    Chp 5 - Shapes and Patterns


    Chp 6 - Ordinal numbers and position


    Chp 7 - Numbers to 20


    Chp 8 - Addition and subtraction facts to 20


    Chp 9 - Length


    Chp 10 - Weight


    Chp 11 - Picture graphs and bar graphs


    Chp 12 - Numbers to 40


    Chp 13 - Addition and Subtraction to 40


    Chp 14 - Mental math strategies


    Chp 15 - Calendar and Time

    (Using a calendar, telling time to hour, telling time to half hour)


    Chp 16 - Numbers to 100


    Chp 17 - Addition and Subtraction to 100


    Chp 18 - Multiplication and Division


    Chp 19 - Money

  8. I'm using MIF 1A and 3A for my first and third grader right now.


    We've only just got through the first chapter so far, but I like it.


    I agree that the fun games are geared towards a classroom like setting, however I've been able to tailor a few of them to just me and my child.


    For manipulatives, 1A uses a lot of them - but the teacher's manual also gives ideas on what to use in place of the typical manipulatives, such as buttons, beans, pasta, and so on.


    I found my cheap old abacus working for the grouping of numbers activity, and a handful of colored pasta working for patterns and so on.


    1A starts out very easy, like kindergarten level in my opinion. For example, the first two lessons are on counting items through ten, and then writing numbers, and then reading the names of the numbers and matching them to the number. It gets harder though quickly after that. We're just at the start of lesson two, and now we're doing beginning addition such as take a whole and making parts.


    Lessons can take as long as you want to take. They recommend something like an hour of math a day. However, we just do about 30 minutes. Mostly we do one section (like 1.3) and then do the recommended worksheets that go with that section.


    I'm not sure what calendar work is? So I can't answer that question, sorry!

  9. Wow I'm a little shocked at the responses so far.

    As a mom of five boys, I encourage them to not hold in their emotions. I tell them that its okay to cry, that it's okay to be sensitive. I never want them to feel or think that because they are a boy, they aren't allowed to let their emotions out like girls can.


    My 11 yr old rarely cries. He cried at his last soccer game because he made a goal...for the other team. And then he did something else that gave the other team a penalty kick.


    Crying is healthy, in my opinion. Whining and throwing a fit...well that's a whole 'nother story. lol

    I will always make time for a sincerely upset and crying child though, no matter how trivial I think it is.

  10. I really feel like I'm struggling with keeping my days scheduled!! Things are getting done, housework is really hard to keep up on.


    I am using the workbox system to organize and schedule schoolwork, however with three kids using them - I can't seem to stagger them enough so that I can equally help each child. Rather it seems like I'm being pulled in three different directions AND have a preschooler and toddler needing my attention too. Forget the housework. Its trashed. lol


    SO...help! Ideas? What do you do, especially with multiple kids hs'ed?



  11. So far so good!


    I've used it for two lessons now. I really like the way the program introduces concepts slowly and builds on it. I think this is the better way to go for us. So what is that..incremental? Spiral? Its supposed to be based on Singapore math approach.


    I also like the different little activities and games in the student text. However, it seems to be geared for classrooms so some of them don't apply (like when it asks for the children to get into groups).

    There seems to be enough practice and review for the concepts before the child moves on to the workbook exercises, so far.


    The teacher's manual is impressive, but I haven't found myself using it much. It does lay out an example lesson plan of what to cover each day...but so far I dont' know if it would be worth it to buy for just that.


    I definitely like the program so far though!


    It goes up until 4th or 5th grade, so after that we'll just transition into Singapore or Saxon.

  12. I have such a love hate relationship with this program. lol


    I think its because they change how the layout and materials are presented in each book. So while I don't really like LLATL tan...LLATL green is great! I like the units laid out in a more organize manner in Green.


    SO I think I'm going to revise my DS 11's LA to WG until his finishes it, which will be soon. Then I'm going to pull from LLATL Tan and Green to make up this year's LA - just because that's what I have now.

    I really have liked the look of Rod and Staff though, and I'll think I'll go with that next year.


    Do you think jumping into R&S in 7th grade would be okay?

  13. I use both AAS and Spelling Workout with my DS8 because the Spelling Workout is his main spelling program, whereas I use AAS just to help him with phonograms and correct letter sounds. However I don't really use it as a spelling program for him.


    Yes, LLATL is doubling up! That's why I want to get rid of it, or else just use it for the reading/literary aspect. However, I don't think the literary aspect is that strong in LLATL.

    I just want to make sure that FLL and WWE cover enough of the grammar for my 6 and 8 yr old. Also that Winston Grammar is enough for my 11 yr old - which I don't think it is. Oh and I forgot to add that I recently started my 11 yr old on Writing Strands to help with the writing aspect.

    So I guess what I feel I'm lacking is more of the reading/literature part.

    Any curriculum or suggestions on what to do there? I saw the Free Curriculum post with literary guides. Would that be sufficient for the reading/literature part?

  14. Language arts is the one area I feel like I'm constantly "not getting".


    What components make up language arts? What am I forgetting? Where can I improve? What better curriculum is out there than what I am using?

    I'm NOT a math person, I am totally more of the language arts person - and so maybe that's why I feel so underwhelmed all the time.


    Here is what I am doing:

    DS 6 - Explode the Code, First Language Lessons, Writing With Ease, and All About Spelling

    *He really needs reading help, but other then Explode the Code, I really don't know how to go about that?


    DS 8 - Learning Language Arts Through Literature (which I'm not impressed with at all), First Language Lessons, Writing With Ease, All About Spelling, and Spelling Workout.

    *He also needs more help with his reading and comprehension. He doesn't like to read though. :(


    DS 11 - Learning Language Arts Through Literature, Winston Grammar, and Spelling Workout.

    *He loves to read, but I really want to find more literature study units to do with him and he needs more challenging books then what he typically chooses for himself.

    Winston Grammar is only teaching him parts of a sentence and how to diagram them. I feel he needs a lot more language arts. Learning Language Arts Through Literature has not been a help at ALL for him. Maybe moving up a level will help-he's on tan right now. However it seems we skip over so much, like the spelling, and areas he already knows that it's just pointless.


    Please help!! :)

  15. We're doing 1AB and 3AB. Its an armful of books! wow!

    Its labled "The Singapore Approach" and my local homeschool store I bought it from calls it the "Saxon/Singapore math". lol


    So far, just a super quick look through - I really like what I see.


    The workbook page are graphic and "fun". Their are not too many problems crammed on one page (which intimidates my 8 yr old).

    The teacher manual looks very thorough, and even has fun math game ideas for each chapter.


    I hope this is the ticket for our math this year!

  16. I just posted my Managers of Their Homes book in the for sale folder. :)


    I really liked their idea in the book, but I haven't had a chance to really implement it yet. I literally spent weeks reading the book and getting our schedule together, however now I'm just looking at a completed chart and haven't started doing it yet. We're new to homeschooling this year, so I'm just trying to get through that right now. lol

  17. Honestly, we are on food stamps. We have seven people in our family - five children (and hungry boys at that LOL) under 11 and two adults.

    We get $600/month. We can NEVER get it to stretch for a whole month. We do shop pretty minimally and do not buy junk food (okay rarely junk food like cookies and chips). We shop for sales and bargain deals and don't buy name brand unless its on sale.


    If anyone has a secret on how to get $600/month to stretch for seven people...let me know! I guess if we just ate cheap boxes meals all month then it'd work. Its all the healthy food that kills the budget! Especially when you are shopping for seven people. One bunch of bananas only lasts MAYBE one day in our house. lol A big bag of oranges (like the ones that go on sale at Safeway occasionally) lasts about 2-3 days. aack!


    Also wanted to add, that thankfully we are not bad off enough that food stamps are all we have for food money. When we run out before the end of the month, we use our money to buy more food -but its very minimal. We are on a super tight budget. uggh

    I have gone shopping at midnight before, but that was because we had a busy night and I had to wait to get the kids to bed, etc before I could go. That's more rare then normal though, and we've never gone shopping at midnight when the food stamp money came in. I'm just grateful that we haven't been to that point of not having any food in the house nor having money for food.

  18. I am!

    I'm still trying to figure it out though, so I look forward to reading the replies.


    I did take all online classes through my local college this quarter. So that helps, although it means I need to spend a lot more time on the computer in the evenings when I also need to get prepared for the next day homeschooling.


    Basically I just have to learn to stay up really late to get everything done that I need to...and keep repeating to myself that I WILL get a break at the end of the quarter...LOL

  19. Personally I like to teach my boys to be accepting and loving of all.

    There is no fine print (that I'm aware of) underneath "Love Thy Neighbor" that says, "unless he has long hair, extra piercings, and weird clothes".


    I am LDS, and we have a guideline of how to dress I guess you could say? However the guideline is more in line with being modest (which I totally agree with) and treating our body as something special and sacred -which usually means no tattoos or extra piercings. (I'm a recent, 2 yr, convert to the church so maybe other members of the church can help clarify more...)

    THAT said...I've seen several tattoos in just in our local church. No one shuns them.

    In fact, our Bishop's son likes to wear long hair and skinny jeans. He's into the whole punk thing I guess? I don't know.


    I would not ban my child from befriending a kid with long hair, different kind of clothes, and an extra piercing or two (or more).

    Rather, what I'd do is get to know the kid first - meet his parents and have him over to the house where I can see how he behaves...before I decide.

    Really I think that's a good idea for ANY new friendship, because like another poster before said...a clean-cut looking "nice" boy may not be very nice at all...

    Just going to church doesn't make you Christian.

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