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Posts posted by bluedotsmom

  1. Hi!  I don't get post much at all, but always try to read during lunch at work!!


    We will be moving for my job & have only been in our current house three years.  The market is pretty good in CN Arkansas, but I expect we may be at a small loss just due for the commission & closing fees.  We are priced at about a $2,500 gain.


    So, I will have a much higher salary and was wondering:

    1.  is it better to pay down the principal $5 - $10k, and be able to drop the price if needed

    2.  or just bank some extra to be prepared to pay more at closing.


    Hhhm, when I write it out, #1 just seems to make so much sense, but I can't seem to get my brain around this!


    Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated!


    Anne in Arkansas

  2. I rarely get time to post, but read & appreciate everyone on this board.  (I didn't do the quoting right!)


    My take on the OP's comment & spefically  the quote below.  I have often heard parents talk about the sacrifices they made for their children as if their children owe them.  I have friends from other cultures who bore enoumous guilt for all the scarifices their parents made for them!!!


    I gave up XXX for you and this is how you repay me???

    We sacrificed so much so you could go to school so you owe me home to live in!



    I wonder what you MIL was going after?

    "The topic of sacrifices parents make for their children comes up so often. D and I have been talking a lot about this because of a discussion with his mother. I am at a loss."


    So, in my mind, the choices I have made, are mine to own.  My children do not owe & I pray I never start a conversation with them that starts, "I sacrificed so much for you......"


    sorry for rambling, just had a quick lunch break & just wanted to share a little.


    Anne in AR



  3. Wiser moms than me have replied, but the comment below really struck me.  Please don't compare his heart, compassion, etc... to another sibling.  Maybe you mentioned something about saving a cookie for DH and younger ds heard it.


    When we let our minds consider our 'bad' versus 'good' children, I believe we can do much harm.  They can read our emotions & body language far better than we want to believe.  We can all fall into this on occasion.



    Last night we baked cookies and his younger brother thoughtfully put one aside for dh since they are his favorite. Ds offered to put the bowl in the kitchen for daddy and made a big display of saying how much daddy would enjoy it, etc..


    It sounds like you may have found part of the issue & will try to spend more time with him.  Good luck on your journey!

  4. I normally lurk, but this thread was very interesting to me. Good warning for not trying to be casual about work value for myself or others!


    The statement quoted below, that OP made in her update is probably the crux of the issue. If there was already a casual relationship regarding his work value, they probably expect the same.


    Of course, that doesn't mean OP has to take on a very big job with their daughter for too little money.


    90% sure I'm just going to tell them forget about it. OTOH, this is my fix-it guy I call when I'm in a bind & don't have funds to pay right away {I always pay ASAP though}. I don't want to burn my bridges.




    who loves reading these boards, posts very rarely and needs to get back to work!

  5. Hi!

    I am in love with the thought of MCTLA, but need a reality check, please!

    I work F/T outside of the home. DH is home during the day, but doesn’t actively teach (if that makes sense, short answer is good, conversation is bad. :))

    Am I just looking for frustration on all sides If I try to have my 7th & 8th graders work on their own & we just have a meeting once a week? If I did try this, should it only be the Grammar portion?

    I have been looking at Janice Campbell’s Excellence in Literature & corresponded with her some & her courses really seem like what we should do, but I just thought I’d ask some others before changing course.


    Anne, who needs to quit falling in love with curriculum that describes itself as parent intensive. :001_rolleyes:


    (I also need to quite buying said curriculum :001_huh: )

  6. I am completely failing at scheduling this! I found Level 1 and Level 3 schedules on the MCTLA Yahoo group, but the Level 4 is HST+ and I don't have that.


    I keep opening Excel and keep trying to count pages and just get it done!


    I don't know why I have such a huge block on this one, so If anyone could share their schedule, I would be most grateful!



    F/T WOH Mom with dd13, dd12 and ds8

  7. My thanks to all!


    And, Josie, "You can do your ideal school year when things are more ideal." really hit the nail on the head for me.


    I've been back at work full time for 6 years now, you'd think I would have let go of how things were.


    It is funny that a couple of you mentioned more scheduled hs days. My dd2 (12) is desperate for that. She thrives on completing tasks.


    So, let go of the past, configure the now with what I have & can afford and just move forward! Sounds simple.....:001_unsure:


    I will visit the high school board for ideas and will START moving forward.



  8. Did you start late or completely re-start your homeschool journey when your kiddos were older? What did you do, how did it work? Specific methods, tools, etc.... I need a Vulcan mind meld from someone wiser. :D


    Background from my intro: My name is Anne! My children are dd13, dd12 and ds 8


    We have homeschooled from the beginning, sometimes more ‘school’ than others. I have been the primary breadwinner, but stayed home for 2 ½ years after my son was born. I went back to work full time in June of 2005, so DH is now chief child wrangler.


    We have floundered terribly since I went back to work. We did find math that was a perfect fit, Teaching Textbooks. Still fumbling some, but am planning to get Michael Clay Thompson’s LA and need to figure out history (looking at Tapestry of Grace and Beautiful Feet.)



    Thankfully, my kiddos are amazing readers & probably know more than if we had tried to teach them.


    Finances have tightened. I know we will continue with TT, but I am thinking now that I will purchace MCT and just cobble together history & the rest. (we have a science.) MCT seems quite robust and I believe it would appeal to everyone. Does MCT seem like a good way to get us restarted?


    I'm trying not to panic, but have never felt as unsure as now. I appreciate your patience with what is probably a confusing post.




    (whose homeschool philosophy is basically 'throw some good books at them' with a little Classical & Charlotte Mason seasoning, but looking to formalize some things :D)

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