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Posts posted by bluedotsmom

  1. It is time for me to delurk. :D My name is Anne! My children are dd13, dd12 and ds 8

    We have homeschooled from the beginning, sometimes more ‘school’ than others. I have been the primary breadwinner, but stayed home for 2 ½ years after my son was born. I went back to work full time in June of 2005, so DH is now chief child wrangler.

    We have floundered a lot since I went back to work. We did find math that was a perfect fit, Teaching Textbooks. Still fumbling some, but am planning to get Michael Clay Thompson’s LA and need to figure out history (looking at Tapestry of Grace and Beautiful Feet.)

    Thankfully, my kiddos are amazing readers & probably know more than if we had tried to teach them.


    I will probably read more than anything, but hope to be able to contribute something, too!



    (whose homeschool philosophy is basically 'throw some good books at them' with a little Classical & Charlotte Mason seasoning, but looking to formalize some things :D)

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