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Posts posted by Zuzu822

  1. 15 hours ago, Momof4sweetkids said:

    Has anyone read it? My library doesn't have it yet but I'm curious! (And too cheap to buy nice books while still having book-ripping toddlers )

    It's sweet! Not exceptionally well-written, but the illustrations are lovely and it is a nice little story. Very similar to Miss Rumphius. 

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  2. My husband is the music director at a PCUSA church and we sang it (or they did- I was in the nursery, lol)! I don't think we're doing "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" this week though...the pastor picked some really doozies for Easter and he's trying to gently bring her back around to the more common, well-known hymns. 

  3. My under-12 kids are in the Moderna trial. I'm hoping we'll find out soon about boosters! My friend has kids in Pfizer's group, and they have already started that process.

    My anecdata: one of my kids is six months post dose two. The other was originally placebo, so just he's three months out. We've all stayed healthy so far! We are still masking in public, however, and they're homeschooled, which also helps.

    • Like 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, NotSoObvious said:

    We sell a dual zone swim spa where the hot tub part can be hot and the swim spa part is cold. But it's about the price of a new car. It's also what some of our customers choose who don't want the expense of an inground pool, but their HOA won't let them have an above ground pool. It's a classy option though.

    Coming to say this! I follow a family on instagram with a swim spa and I love the idea! They get so much use out of it! That's our hope for "some day" when our ideal backyard getaway design is realized. Lol

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, calbear said:

    three words...padded bike shorts. 

    ETA: if it was your first class, get there earlier next time to ask the instructor about how to adust the seat and also how to sit properly on the bike. This is actually a thing.

    A proper fit is SO important! And a gel seat can actually be worse in the long run...it can move around and you won't be seated properly. Every time I have a 60 min or longer ride, I think about about getting some padded leggings, but I haven't yet. I do power zone training, and I'm planning a (virtual) climb of Haleakala in 2021 (five hours in the saddle) so I really should get a few pairs!

  6. 10 hours ago, Nart said:

    So far we all enjoyed it. I took a 20 minute beginner class, my husband did a ride set to music from the 90's, and my 11 year old took a scenic ride through a national park in Taiwan for 20 minutes. My 13 year old just hurt his Achilles or would have ridden as well. He set up his profile and is looking forward to riding soon. 

    Don't forget to download the app! As a member, you can get the app for free. Most content will be available through the bike tablet, but you can access all the running and outdoor content via the app. All the classes are outstanding!

    I've been using the app for over four years with a Keiser m3i bike and a Sole treadmill. Over 2500 classes! It's a great community!

    • Like 1
  7. I have Lulu leggings I loooove, and Target leggings I looove, and Beyond Yoga leggings I looove! 🤣 Most of mine are probably from Fabletics, though. I really like the Mila leggings and capris. My primary requirements: thick enough not to be see through, pockets, and comfy. 

    I spent $119 a few weeks ago for a pair of On "cold weather leggings," but they were actually super thin, not compressive at all, and too long for me. Luckily, I was able to return them...so I guess all that rambling to say: I'll buy whatever at any price point if it'll do the job I want. 

    I run/cycle/lift/yoga every day, so I generate enough workout laundry that I wash them all together once a week and airdry. 

    P.S. Not that you asked, but Lulu Sculpt tanks are my new absolute favorites for exercising. A friend introduced me to them, and I alternate between being very grateful and mad because I want one for every day now. Haha

  8. 11 hours ago, ktgrok said:

    Back in the 80s or 90s when power walking was a big thing there was a big deal made over making sure you bought walking shoes for walking, not running shoes. Somthing about how they were made, how the foot hit the ground, I don't know. 

    Is this still a thing? I do way more walking than running, and need new shoes. I also would be wearing them for the walk at home videos, which have side steps, grapevines, kicks, etc so more dance than strictly walking. 

    You might want to consider cross trainers for the walk at home videos if they include other movement.  Definitely something with a flatter sole than many running shoes. I wear a Reebok for HIIT cardio/strength training and Mizunos for run/walk. I always have two in rotation: an older pair for casual walks and a newer pair for runs.

  9. I don't have knee pain, but I do use the Peloton app and spin at home. I started with a Sole SB700 bike from Dick's and then upgraded a year ago to a Keiser m3i. I love it so, so much, but it costs just as much as a Peloton. It is, however, a great bike for shorter people because the handlebars adjust forward and back. If you're on FB, I suggest joining the group for Peloton Digital subscribers because they are VERY knowledgeable about bike options. The Sunny is a popular one, and it's available on Amazon.

    If your Dick's has a Sole on the floor, definitely try it. It's a very sturdy bike, and the 900 is even nicer than the 700. I bought my Keiser at a local fitness supplier and they had half a dozen models from various brands to test. I did also go to a Peloton store, and the bike was better than I was expecting (they look so flimsy), but I didn't want to be locked into their subscription either-- or have to update that screen one day. I've had the app for close to four years and $12.99 is AMAZING. There's so much content beyond the bike now too.

    • Like 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, pitterpatter said:

    This is what I thought too from the Amazon samples. I have From Colonies to Country (for elementary) as well. The answers in the back are only for the extra activities in the teacher's guide unless I'm missing something. 😒 (Hoping I am.)


    Do the ISBNs match? Another thought: are you looking at the middle/high teacher guide? Of course, it's also entirely possible the Amazon sample is from a different edition. I was able to match questions/answers from my guide to the sample, but what you have in your hand could be totally different! What a pain! 😞 


    ETA: Forgot to say I have the older student guides so maybe the elementary guides don't include the answer key at all. In which case, WHY?!?

  11. On 7/19/2019 at 9:14 AM, pitterpatter said:

    I ordered a used copy of one of the teaching guides (elementary version, 3rd edition) so I could gain a better understanding of what the guides offer. I'm confused. I don't see answers to the worksheets from the student guide in it? Are no answers provided for the student guides anywhere? That was half the point of me buying the guides. 🙄 The darn things are expensive. Surely, they should include answers to the student guides.


    I just ordered a bunch of the student study guides, and didn't event think about an answer key! 🤦‍♀️ I just went to the corresponding teacher guide on Amazon, and after going through the whole sample, it looks like the answer key is waaay in the back, after the teacher guide answer key. I'm looking at From Colonies to Country. 

    I realize you posted a few days ago, so maybe you've found it anyway. But now I have to decide if it's worth tracking down the teacher guides too...

  12. 4 hours ago, J-rap said:

    I was told that vitamin E oil helped with scarring.  I'd get it in capsules and make a pin hole in one at a time so that I could squeeze out the oil.  One capsule would last for several days, depending on the size of the scar!


    You can buy Vitamin E oil on its own now! That's what I've used with kids after stitches. My youngest got a deep gash on his forehead at 18 months, and I was so sad to see his sweet baby skin scarred. Vitamin E oil religiously for 6-12 months, and now five years later, you can't even see it! Of course, he has youth on his side, but I think it's a miracle worker! (Sunscreen too!)

    • Like 2
  13. I’m with you! I waste at least ten minutes every week dealing with those things, and it irritates me. I’ve just decided to leave them out on my fussiest bras! 

    Anyway, I have two from Fabletics that do NOT have removable pads, and they’re pretty good. One is a high-impact that zips on the front, and the other is a medium-impact. Their styles change a lot, but I’ll link if I can. 


    https://www.fabletics.com/products/COBIE-MEDIUM-SUPPORT-SPORTS-BRA-BA1826721-0919 (Never mind; these can be removed! But they do stay in place well— fooled me!)

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Catherine said:

    I am an infrequent visitor to the boards these days.  My youngest is finishing high school this spring and he attended a brick and mortal school-not my choice, but in fact it was a great fit for him and has worked out well.  FYI he attended a Bard High School Early College and if you have any interest in learning about the Bard schools, please PM me.  I am a huge fan!

    My purpose in writing this post is to find out how you all have handled the books, papers, and ephemera you have left, when you are finished home schooling.  I freely admit to being, not a packrat exactly, but too sentimental for my own good about the books we read together, the papers with scrawled first sentences, etc.  I have a vague idea of culling a few representative pages from each stage, with each kid, and parting with the rest, which honestly is mostly trash at this point.  

    Please tell me how you've handled this stage.  


    No advice, but I wanted to say that I went to Bard College at Simon's Rock twenty (😱) years ago! I'm also a huge fan of their options! 🙂 

    • Like 1
  15. 31 minutes ago, Pen said:


    Yikes.  Scratched in eyes sounds bad.

    There used to be a map of USA rabies cases Available maybe on CDC site, but I don’t see it now.  

    NY and that part of country has had more rabies issues in domestic animals  than some other parts.  

    I think this has included dogs imported from other countries with fake rabies vaccination certificates.  

    And it may not be impossible for an indoor cat to have contact with a wild animal  that gets inside.  Though vaccinated plus  indoor animal seems to be extremely low risk.  


    It was such a weird thing to have happen! The kitty is now four years old, and he and the son in question have always been BFF. No lasting damage! 

    And yes, to incidents of rabies in NY. We had something in the news just in the last month about a rabid animal in either my county, or the one next door! I can't remember now if it was a raccoon or a dog, however, so I'm not very helpful. 😛 The health department's attitude toward our incident was irksome, but I guess anything is possible. 

    Found the news articles! There was both a feral cat positive for rabies in the neighboring county in January and a rabid raccoon last month. 😞 

    ETA2: Last summer the same area (very rural) also had confirmations of another rabid feral cat and a bat.

  16. When my son was bitten by one of our own cats, it did get infected (within hours) and we took him in, which triggered an automatic public health response (I'm in NY). We had to provide proof of his rabies vaccine while we were in the office, send a copy to the department, AND quarantine the cat (who was an inside cat) anyway!

    A few years before that incident we had an over-excited kitten who scratched another son in *both* his eyes (kid was sitting inside one of those hanging tents, and the moving fabric was too much to resist), and it initiated the same chain of action after we visited urgent care. (I'll tell you: waking up at 6 AM to a blood-curdling scream from a five year old will give you some gray hairs!)

    Honestly, I'm both impressed and annoyed by the response. It seemed over the top for known, vaccinated, INSIDE cats, but OTOH at least they're thorough.

    So all that being said, if the doctor isn't obligated to let the health department know you were seen for a cat bite, I'd probably let them know. So far behind on shots concerns me some, even though the rabies infection risk is so low. 

  17. I'm so sorry! I've been through it twice in the last year... first with my Zuzu (of username fame) and just a few weeks ago with Nunzio. In both of these cases, we went to the vet knowing it was a possibility, but not a sure thing. Our vet asks if we want to be present (we do), then takes kitty to have a catheter inserted and brought them back all wrapped up in a cozy blanket. They left the room, and let us have a few moments alone. Then the vet came back, and began to flush the line before inserting the drug. In Zuzu's case, she was still meowing a little and rubbing against the vet; with Nunzio, I was holding him and he was being very still but purring. After a few moments, the purring stopped and he went more limp. It was very quick. They checked for a heartbeat, then gave us a few more moments alone with them, before taking them to wrap up. Our vet has you settle the bill before the process starts, so once it's over, you can whisk right out the front door and around to the side where they'll bring your pet out (if taking him home to bury).

    They did warn us that eyes don't always close, so if you have kids with you, that's a possibility. 

    Our vet in general is so lovely and sweet about the whole awful process. They took our kitties' paw prints and made ornaments which they sent us with a condolence card. Honestly, it sucks, but they made it as painless as possible. 

    Again, I'm sorry your family is facing this! The loss of a pet is rough...my office chair is so empty without Nunzio this month! 😞 

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  18. I was having this problem messaging my parents' when I updated to iOS 12 on my new phone last week. My husband figured out it's because my parents were sharing an iCloud account, even though they have separate phone numbers (and have for years)! Lucky for me, that's more annoyance than anything (my dad doesn't check his phone often, so messages meant for my mom's number went unread), and we were able to solve it by giving my dad his own iCloud account and then setting up family sharing for the two of them. Apparently Apple really doesn't want people using iCloud with more than one phone number. 

  19. Searching on this site seems like it's getting better, so try that too. I used the other day and got decent results. When I just typed "notgrass" into the search just now, and this thread was the second result. The first had activity two hours ago, and the third was from Sunday.

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