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Melanie in WI

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Posts posted by Melanie in WI

  1. I think this reflects our changing times. 20 years ago when I was working on an adolescent ward in a pediatric hospital, one of the unmarried nurses was asked to quit as it was a bad role model for the patients. I can't see this happening now. My two youngest, 12 yo son and 15 yo daughter would have picked up on the fact that that person was pregnant and unmarried and would have commented on it to me, even when they were younger. It would have probably sailed over my oldest ds's head.

  2. The TM is absolutely, positively necessary for the lower levels. ALL of the teaching information is in them.

    As a matter of fact, if you teach from the TM and give a few practice problems, you could call it good for the day (if the kid really gets it). Those problems in the student books are tools to be used AS NEEDED.


    Please don't feel like your child has to do every problem on every page. You don't use every tool in the toolbox for every job, right? Same with this. Use as needed.



    I agree. My dc like using this. We don't do every problem.
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