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Posts posted by lwilliams1922

  1. Looking for suggestions for music instruction for my 3rd and 4th graders.

    Not able to do insturument lessons this year but it would be nice to maybe try an online music program for music theory and or appreciation.



    What aobu keyboarding? Anyoone have any reviews of the usb keyboard devices?

  2. Looking for suggestions for music instruction for my 3rd and 4th graders.

    Not able to do insturument lessons this year but it would be nice to maybe try an online music program for music theory and or appreciation.



    What aobu keyboarding? Anyoone have any reviews of the usb keyboard devices?

  3. Looking for suggestions for music instruction for my 3rd and 4th graders.

    Not able to do insturument lessons this year but it would be nice to maybe try an online music program for music theory and or appreciation.



    What aobu keyboarding? Anyoone have any reviews of the usb keyboard devices?

  4. My state requires standized testing every other year. My kids actually like taking tests so it's not a probelm.

    All the home schoolers here dislike testing and say to go with the CAT because it's the easiest.


    I'm not looking for easy, I'm looking for an accurate assesment. We did the cat last year, one child just about maxed out the grade and the other child I ordered a year ahead and she scored very high.


    I could prob get away with the lets go lean test every other year but it's not on the list for the nat normed standardized tests the school district has approved.


    I Would love any suggestions

  5. My kids listen to classical music at bed time and I generally let it play all night, (incase they wake up they fall right back to sleep).

    Well I've always used CD players but they wear out.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find a digital source of classical music or educational audio that can be played non stop?

    I just had another CD player die and I'm looking to go digital



  6. I need to work and need to put my Extremely shy 5 yr old in school.

    She will begin at a local Christian school. Since she is 5 she will go into K. I think she is ready for first grade work but socially she is not ready.


    I've asked them if they can offer more to the program for her as she is already reading (magic tree house right now). They kind of blew me off and said their program works.


    This is my 3rd child that learned to read early. I was up front and let them know that she really started reading before I could actually teach phonics. I let them know that from experience she would prob not be enthusiastic about phonics and working on letter sounds. The first 2 girls really didn't take to marking vowels either. I realize the value of phonics but they were all already reading before they were ready for phonics instruction. The older girl was a champion speller and the 2nd one is very good in comprehension.


    I know they are there to teach but from experience with my first two I'm concerned about self esteem and lack of growth. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for ideas I can present?

  7. I just met with the school psychologist and guidance person.

    We went over some initial thoughts before the IEP meeing.



    It looks like we will try her in a regular program with an aide to be with her for all classes.


    So far they seem pretty open to taking some of home school credits towards credits. She did some credit by exam test recently and they are also willing to let her take others.


    I'll need to look more at possible modifications in her work. She is set on going to college so I don't want her to lower standards but there is clearly a point where she breaks down with busy work.

  8. She just had testing done:


    Current/updated Diagnosis

    axis 1: major depressive disorder with psychotic features

    ADHD combined type

    generalized anxiety

    oppositional defiant disorder

    nonverbal learning disorder

    aspergers disorder

    mathematics disorder

    axis 2: emerging borderline personality disorder



    She needs a small class size and individual attention or she starts zoning. I gather that is next to impossible unless they put her in a program for GED students. She is not able to complete work unless someone is with her redirecting her so homework will be almost non existent. Yet she has a high IQ decent SAT scores (verbal portion) and 15 college credits.


    I think home schooling is a better evnirnoment but with the ODD it's just too much emotinally for all of us.


    I just don't know what to even suggest in terms of support.

  9. Dd is about to head back to public school for now. She is ADHD,odd,aspergers,borderline personality as well as math disorder.


    I will have an iep meeting but haven't located an advocate yet. Can any one point me to a list of services to look through or list some suggestions. I just don't know how to document or describe all the things I've had to help her with.



    Thanks for any suggestions

  10. I'm just finishing up round 1 of the hCG diet. I lost 18 lbs in 20 days. I have maintained that weight loss for 5 weeks, and I can't wait to start round 2. It was both the hardest and the easiest diet I have ever been on. Hardest because the first 23 days of phase one is very limited, easiest because the scale moved quickly and after the first 23 days I was able to eat til I was full.


    I am maintaining by eating 2200 calories a day on a modified Atkins diet. As long as I keep my meals high protein I can eat low carb/sugar foods and not gain. I literally did not gain an ounce in 4 weeks.


    I'm starting round 2 the first week of Sept.


    I lost 30 pounds with HCG! and I tried a LOT of diets (including WW).

  11. So you asked for stories. I'll tell you this story, but please don't think that your dd will end up like this!

    I have a dear friend whose dh is Borderline. She's had a very rough time of it, and after 14 years of marriage they are now living in separate homes. She does not believe in divorce, but he just could not change and it has damaged her and their children. How it played out for him was that he sees his wife as the enemy and his mother as his saviour. My friend is an amazing wife, she literally served him for 14 years out of love and selflessness. He could only see that it was all a trap, that she was out to get him with manipulation. He never told her he loved her, never bought her any card or gift ever, just demeaned her and threw her food on the floor on a weekly basis. From what their psychologist said, this is completely normal; to have one person seen (falsely) as the mortal enemy, and one as their hero. Everyone else in his life (except his children) sees him as a very put together intellect. I've had very deep conversations with him. He knows all the right words to say to put out an admirable facade of character. But those closest to him (in his home) see it otherwise. Nothing pleases the man. The man who demanded his 7 yr old dd pay him $5 for gas money to drive her to get a surprise Mother's Day gift when all she had was $5.50. :glare: He has a great career, is esteemed in the community, but very selfish in his home. Selfish isn't even the right word. He's incapable of thinking of others and how his words hurt.

    I do hope you can get another dx. I hope the others are right and that it's something else or just her personality. :grouphug:


    It's very plain to see the vilian/hero all/nothing view with DD. Now that she is 15 and her actions and emotions are escalating I hope to find her the treatment so she can get to a better place. She's in a residential treatment center now. The insurance will cover 5 months but the treatment team there has better resources in terms of diagnostics and therapy/treatment than we could EVER find here.

  12. I'm rather surprised at that diagnosis in a teen as well. My mother-in-law just received that diagnosis and is in her 50s. They spent years ruling out everything else before handing out that label because of the connotations that it carries. I don't have any advice other than if that is the true diagnosis, you are in for a long haul. I don't mean to be negative, either, but I've dealt with my MIL for the past 11 years and heard DH's stories of his childhood. It's tough. Sounds like you need some :grouphug:



    Well, the more I learn the more I think my own mother may also fit the criteria. Even more frightening is the possibility that I may as well. :confused:

  13. There is a lot of argument as to whether borderline personality can be dx in teens. The characteristics themselves (rather than the intensity) are fairly typical of 14 year old girls! The remission rates are much higher in teens than they are in adults dx with it. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is the gold standard for treatment, I believe. :grouphug: I'm sorry. It's a hard disorder for everyone involved. I assume other conditions such as bipolar disorder were looked into? I might be tempted to seek a second opinion.


    ETA: I just realized that she is gifted.... I wonder if the person who dx her has much experience in gifted adolescents and the intensity that characterizes extreme giftedness?


    This is the 3rd/4th opinion. The more it's described to me the more It appears to fit better than any of the other suggestions over the years.

    I don't know much about DBT other than google searches indicate there is no one offering it in my area.


    DD has a high IQ but her thought patterns and emotions make learning/school just impossible for her right now.

  14. :grouphug:


    What led to the diagnosis? It is unusual to diagnose personality disorders in adolescents due to their rapid development and hormonal shifts. BPD is an extremely serious personality disorder that has a poor prognosis overall. I'm sorry if I am not more encouraging. What kind of therapy/treatment is being recommended?



    It's been long journey since she was 4. I've heard everything from ADHD, bipolar, Aspergers, ODD,... When she turned 15 things heated up. She spent over 2 months in an inpatient hospital before going to treatment facility in TX which after the most extensive testing she's ever had are saying 'emerging' borderline.

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