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Posts posted by ColoradoMom

  1. I think it really depends on what your kids want to do in college - if they go to college. If they want to do science then they had better know how to make a PowerPoint poster and a presentation to go with it.


    Frankly, I don't see PowerPoint going away any time soon. I use it every single day and there are so many add-on programs to PP that there is no way they will phase it out. In fact PP 2010 just came out. (And looks great in my opinion - I can't wait to get it).


    If they want to do business then they had better know Excel spreadsheets. Again, I don't see Excel being replaced - updated YES, but replaced no. Not any time soon.


    If they are going into math then they had better know how to use a TI-83 (4 etc) or they will be LOST in college calculus.


    If they want to do art then they have a choice - do they want the traditional starving artist path with paint and pastels, or do they want to do graphic design? If graphic design, then they better know a little bit about Illustrator, Photoshop, Draw etc.


    So it really depends. We are technology oriented and my son wants to be an artist so this year (8th grade) he is learning Corel Draw and painter as well as 2-D animation on Toon Boom. Friday is nothing but technology and art in our house. He will also do a PowerPoint poster this winter for his science fair project - it's just good to have them prepared and not limit their choices in my opinion. PowerPoint posters are pretty typical, even in freshman year.

  2. I've been reading a bit about this on the web & would love to hear from you all on the topic. Do you think there is any validity to the claim that John Hanson could be the "real" first president of the United States? I understand an email addressing this subject was circulating some time ago; however, the topic resurfaced for me today when a friend told me her public school children were being taught that George Washington was not actually the first US president. What do y'all think?


    Thanks for sharing your knowledge & insight,





    George Washington is the first President of the United States.


    John Hanson was ONE of the MANY presidents of congress under the Articles of Confederation, which are not the Constitution of the United States of America.


    Hanson was the first person to be elected under the Articles of Confederation, but there was NO EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government - therefore there was no president of the United States under the Articles of Confederation.

  3. No, mine cannot be one page because of education and research stuff, which takes up one-two entire page or more, plus work experience.


    But it really depends on what kind of job it is and how much relevant work experience you have. You should make it just long enough to get everything in that is important - but don't add things you can tell them later unless you feel you need to convey this message in order to secure the interview.

  4. I like it - it works for me learning Japanese. My son doesn't care for it BUT it also works for him learning Japanese. I think he's tired of Japanese really, and not the program. It has been almost 3 years and now he wishes for German.


    HOWEVER - if you are looking for good customer service you won't find it with RS. And God forbid your hard drive crashes or want to change computers. You get two chances then you have to call up and pretty much beg them to reactivate your key.


    I find this absurd when a homeschooling family buys 3-5 levels of a language and expects to use it for many years, yet they are continually harassed when they upgrade computers.


    And you cannot resell RS. No matter what people tell you. Whoever buys it will have to have orginal purchase information before they will activate it.


    We will probably get German for next year but I am not sure if I will buy RS or Tell Me More. I will research a lot more this time around.


    And edited to add - immersion learning is not fast - especially when you have no one to talk to.


    I have a friend who is an editor for a Christian publishing house. She works *hard* to clean up the grammar, plot inconsistencies, anachronisms and more of "her" authors. That is her job. That is the *job* of publishing houses.


    Yes. It is. And wouldn't Little, Brown, and Co. know what they were doing? I might add that they were so obviously correct in their decision to let the writing stand on its own that it bewilders me when people question them.


    I leave this thread with the wise words of David Crockett:


    "I have been told that I do not understand English grammar. That is very true. I have never been to school six months in my life. I have raised myself to be what I am by the labor of my hands. But I do not on that account yield up my privilege as a representative of freemen on this floor."


    It is the message that counts, not the form it takes.

  6. That's not "voice." It's poor writing and was shoddily edited.



    Well, millions of people disagree with you. I'm not saying it is "great" writing by any mean. I could never get through it myself.


    But grammar freaks are my pet peeve. It's so...uppity. And to spend so much time, as that person did on that blog, doing nothing but trying to convince one's self that they are so much better than the millionaire writer because they don't have a run-on sentence in any of their blog posts is sort of pathetic in my opinion. No - not sort of. Really pathetic.


    I bet she's a "writer"...how much you wanna bet? :lol:


    The "writers" did the same thing to Eragon. I thought that was just as pathetic as well. The kid wrote a book and LOTS of people liked it. Get over it.


    Ditto for Stephenie Meyer. She managed to do what millions of wannabes could not - and she did it without being grammatically correct or spending years learning about "literature". She wrote what she felt and people related to her story - run on sentences and all. That alone beats "bad grammar" any day.

  7. Wow - that person really needs to get a life. Who cares about the grammar in a piece of fiction? It's called voice. And while Twilight is not my cup of tea, nor up to my preferred reading level, the woman wrote several best sellers so her grasp on the art of writing is better than 99% of the people calling themselves writers.


    Twilight, like it or not, was professionally edited by a major house.

  8. Oh, the median home value for Detroit in 2008 was $7500.00 (this is not a typo). A couple of repos in Rochester Hills (very nice neighborhood in the northern burbs) sold for less than $20,000.00 and required little to no fix-up. If you can find a job and have job security, Michigan is the place to find a wonderful home, land, you name it for virtually nothing. 8000 sq. ft. homes on Lake Huron (Sandpoint to be specific) - the kinds of places where there is a fireplace in every room, private lake footage, two dining rooms, and kitchens the size of conference rooms, are selling for less than $100,000.00


    No recovery here.




    They keep telling us Colorado is "lucky" to have escaped most of the recession but if your business depends on national sales - who cares if Colorado is doing better - customers come from all over the country.


    Too bad about Michigan - it is so pretty up there. If i had money I'd buy a place - and I have a friend who is from Michigan and they just purchased some lakefront property up in Northern Michigan and can't wait to go home.


    Did anyone see the lady ask Obama if this was "her new reality" the other day? I felt so bad for her - she looked like she was going to cry as he responded. It's hard not to look back and say we were doing so well - what happened?


    Everyone needs to think outside the box for income potential. I know I will be selling hatching eggs on E-Bay next spring like I did a few years ago for extra money. Normally this time of year I am downsizing my animals for winter - but I can't afford to this year. I need them to produce income for me next year. I thought those days were over but I guess not. And of course - all the homeschool curriculum goes up for sale just as soon as we are done with it.


    It sucks to think this might take 10 years or more to dig out of and ya know what sucks even more - to hear that Germany, China, and LOTS of other countries are already growing again. Something is terribly wrong here. Terribly wrong.

  9. I have been homeshcooling and working full time for 8 years! You can do it! :001_smile:


    I admit I work from home now (most of the time), but it wasn't always that way. I can remember MANY days of getting up an hour early to write out lessons on our whiteboard. It helped that my kids were 7 years apart so the oldest always took care of the youngest - but she never sat down and did lessons with him. He's been an independent worker from the beginning because he had to be.


    Things havne't always been easy and even though my homeschooling never interfered with my work - I've had employers who really looked down on me for it. In fact, I had my major professor in grad school tell me to choose between homeschool and my PhD...I chose homeschool and switched programs.

  10. IMHO I think a higher tax bracket for those making millions of dollars is not sticking it to them at all and is simply a matter of fairness.


    Fairness to whom? You? Or those who foot 90% of the bill?


    I think we are well on our way to a flat tax with 15% as a good number. And I think EVERYONE should pay taxes - even if you only make $1000 a year and pay $150 in taxes.


    You MUST have skin in the game or you begin to think those with more money OWE you welfare when they don't.

  11. I didn't think it was a big deal but I did CRAM for two solid weeks before my test and spent a summer in an undergraduate research program the year before I took it where they told us exactly how the computer test is scored.


    You MUST pay attention to how the test is scored because the first 15 or so questions dictate how high of a score you can get. If you flub those up your score can decrease dramatically because the questions are weighted and your sequence is redirected towards an easier path.


    It is worth it to do LOTS of practice tests. Especially if your program requires a higher minimum score - like over 1400. Most PhD programs only require 1100-1200 and masters programs only 900-1000. So know what you need and then go from there.

  12. All these comments about others deciding how much an executive should be able to earn and how we should really stick it to him in taxes are familiar.


    "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need " ----- that philosophy did not work out too well.


    Yeah, I'd like to see ONE example of where communism actually made people happy and productive and not lazy and fearful.


    I'd like to add that I haven't gotten a raise in over 3 years as well and I'm pretty sure there aren't any on the horizon. I work for the State so I'm all for hunkering down to get us back on track - except my paycheck comes directly from the entities I regulate and not tax money. So in reality the state is stealing from my fee-paying producers and putting their money into the general tax fund for other things - which I am pretty sure is unethical if not illegal.

  13. I guess it depends on the reason you homeschooled in the first place. For me, DS wanting to go to PS isn't even something I care about. I homeschool because I know I can educate him better and give him the truth about history and science and not have him indoctrinated with crap like "The Story of Stuff" when he's in their care.


    So, if you were homeschooling for reasons other than that - then PS would always be an option. But unless the schools do a complete 180 we will never step foot in there again.


    (And I would add - that after 8 years homeschooling is so easy it is almost criminal. Why would I quit when I just got my groove a few years ago?) :001_smile:

  14. I have way too many chickens right now - about 18 hens and 3 roosters...not to mention 25 ducks...


    But YES - having fresh eggs is WONDERFUL! My girls are in the middle of their molt right now so they are not laying very much - but I get eggs all winter. Not the dozen+ I get in the summer but seriously who needs a dozen eggs a day. YOu can get a giant hanging feeder and leave them go for a fairly long time - ditto for a waterer. If it is winter you'll just need a water heater base or something if you live in snow.


    You should definitely get chickens! :D


    And yes - go to Backyard Chickens for info - they will quickly talk you into it though - be warned. I am DuckyBoys over there - so say Hi if you join!

  15. No one deserves to make that much money, no matter what they do, but that's how our society is set up.


    WOW. I never knew we were allowed to dictate who much money one deserves. That comment simply STUNS me.


    Back on topic - I think everything is going down and that is not necessarily a bad thing in the end, but the adjustment to the deflation is going to be tough - especially for us small business owners.


    I have been thinking a lot lately about how much harder I work now than I used to and the reason behind that. I am certainly not rich but I plan to be someday (I just hope Mergath doesn't come take all my hard earned money away...that attitude is really disturbing.)


    I am prepared for whatever the economy throws at me and my family, and as a single mom I take on all the responsibility, which sucks but what can you do. We will survive because that's who we are.


    If I wanted to I could give up homeschool and my home based business and my home based real job and go find one BIG job making 100 grand a year. But then I give up my freedom. So, I'm staying home. It's my choice to live on less money right now so I can't complain too much.


    I do hope we see some economical growth soon though. We could probably speed up our recovery if we took the hard road - stop spending, cut government jobs, tighten our belts, and let it all reset itself. It still might take 5 years or more - but at least we wouldn't be looking at decades.

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