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Posts posted by annlaura

  1. Good whistling is a joy, bad whistling is not.


    My dad was a fabulous whistler, and I remember his polkas and hymns and waltzes punctuating my childhood. All important news was "broken" to us with a preamble of music as he approached. Strauss was big, Sousa, and just about anything Lawrence Welk would have played, too. How I miss it.


    Often, in our on-the-cheap sojourns, my mother and brothers and I would sit on the suitcases in some train station while my father walked from hotel to hotel to negotiate a good price we didn't have to pay a taxi to get to. Periodically he'd stop back in to see how we were, and a dirge would echo up in those domed train stations, and we kids would not reassemble; but oh, if The Beer Barrel Polka struck up, we'd all run back from our adventures to grab our suitcase, and start heading to the origin of that sound.


    Wonderful story!

  2. I shop at a local store as much as possible. They have fabulous produce, meat, and deli. And their prices are fantastic. My boys love going there and helping me shop. They each get a huge dill pickle every time. They don't have a great selection or prices on some things like cereal, and they don't stock organics. I shop SuperTarget and Aldi for a few non-perishables regularly, and sometimes just buy everything I need so I don't have to make trips to multiple stores. And I sometimes go to SuperTarget or TJ's for a few organic items. I haven't had good luck with quality or prices at the Jewel near us, so I only end up there about once a year anymore.

  3. We have two bedrooms. So we're in one and the boys are in one. Right now the 5yo just started sleeping in a twin bed, which is the bottom bed of bunks. The 2yo will transition out of the crib into the toddler car bed in the next couple of weeks. So their room is pretty crowded right now. But hopefully they'll both be ready for bunks within the year, and then their room will be fine.

  4. I remember going as a kid in the 70s. Made a huge impression on me. A couple of things that struck me as a child were the head rests for sleeping, and a beautiful child sized chair. I went to an exhibit a few years or so ago. Is that the one that's still touring now? DS5 and I were just looking at the book from the 70s exhibit the other day.

  5. I would love to replace our hedges with blueberry bushes! This year I built a narrow but long raised bed for lettuces. I have tomatoes in hanging pots with herbs on top. And some carrots in giant pots. Oh, and green beans getting ready to grow up bamboo poles to make a teepee. We have a grapevine that must have been brought over by a squirrel a couple of years ago. I don't know if it will ever bear fruit, but that would be exciting if it did.

  6. I have an older record player a friend's husband tuned up, as it were. It's in the living room. My DH has dj turn tables and a small portable record player. I've seen the little portable ones for sale for around $30-40, even places like Kohls. They'd be fine for a kid. I don't let my kids use mine, but will let pick a record to play. DH occasionally lets them spin with him. They love it. I bet they'd love one in their room with a stack of vinyl. My older brother and I used our Fisher Price record player tons. Great idea!

  7. I was just telling my sister that I think dress-up clothes and accessories are where our money is going for DS5 this year. He plays with superhero figures, toy soldiers, and playmobil some here & there, and loves lego. But otherwise it's all dress-up. Yesterday he was George Washington leading the troops against the Redcpats. Today he is a British commander attacking the colonialists. lol! A couple of days ago my sister came back from Rome with gifts and stories, so he was a gladiator or Roman soldier all day. I actually prefer it to much toy play.

  8. The lady 2 doors down is a wonderful neighbor all around. As a specific example, she has come to knock so we move our cars for street cleaning so we don't get a ticket. She also has a lovely little granddaughter who is about the same age as DS5. They've known each other since infancy, and while not close, are always happy to see each other and play together.


    Our next door neighbors on the other side are also very nice. The men will park down the street or across the street to make sure I don't have to with the littles. Our yard is fenced, so they don't mow our yard, but both of us (well, DH and them) always mow all of the grass between the sidewalk and street for both properties. Now the grown daughter and her little daughter are living there permanently. Initially there was some awkwardness, but now the kids play together frequently and happily.


    The next neighbor made multiple baby blankets for both boys, and is also friendly. There is a man from the village who comes to mow for them in the summer, and shovel in the winter. He is there as a service for seniors, but will shovel the sidewalk all the way up past our gate.


    Generally our block is very nice without being particularly outgoing/social. We don't hold block parties or anything, but all get along and respect one another. Which is just my speed, so we're quite lucky.

  9. I allow the sand, annoying as it is. But I added a big pile of pea gravel near the sand box on a whim this year, and it's great. I saw the bags next to the sand at Menards, and thought it would be perfect for the trucks. The boys love the gravel! We're definitely getting more.

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