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Posts posted by Shellydon

  1. My youngest is dyslexic.  He has made huge strides using Barton Reading program.  We are just starting to tacking writing and it is slow going. The bulk of our homeschool day is invested in reading and writing, but I would like to add history back into our schedule.  My older children used Sonlight, Notgrass, Ambleside etc., all literature heavy programs.  While he really like audiobooks, I'd like to look at a more hands on type history for him.  Something video based would be fine as all of our school in person right now. Any suggestions.  Starting over with all new curriculum with the last kiddo has been challenging. 🙂

  2. I have a teen with chronic sinus issues.  Her sinus are much too small per ENT, but surgery isn't an option.  She has fluid in her sinuses and closed Eustachian tubes 95% of the time.  I have been trying to find out if the intranasal red light actually words.

  3. Tuna water and baby food can help him eat.  Your vet we'll have a special high calorie emergency food that you can syringe feed him as necessary.  My cats really like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072F3ZT57/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_6S3MFbRTYAV46?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

    you may have to really put in a good bit of time and effort to get him to eat rather than just waiting for him to feel like it. 


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  4. On 10/23/2020 at 2:07 PM, stephanier.1765 said:

    Usually there is no rhyme nor reason as to why I get the flu shot. Some years I do and some years I don't. This year I did. I was already waiting at Walmart to get a new battery installed in my car and so I thought I'd use that time productively and got my flu shot at the Walmart pharmacy. I was planning on doing that sometime this year anyway because if I do get Covid I don't want the flu on top  of it. And if it some how mitigates some of the symptoms or other by products of getting Covid, then that's a bonus. I don't know that it will do any of that but I hope secretly that it does. LOL

    I've had the flu shot annually for 25 years. I haven't had the flu once in that time. 

  5. My 11 DS has the symptoms of IBS.  We have a referral to a GI specialist that will take about a month to get in. does anyone have any suggestions of websites to visit or books to read to start understanding what we can do to help him right now. 

  6. 1 hour ago, popmom said:

    Do you think this would be okay for someone who does NOT have oily skin? We haven't had any luck with these products, and I think it's because my kids don't have oily skin. I'm curious what your thoughts are.

    Yes. Acne isn't actually caused by oily skin.  Differin is retnoid that turns the skin cells over faster. It takes 4-6 weeks to be effective. 

  7. I would first try having him wash his face with a benzoyl peroxide based face wash in the morning and CeraVe foaming face wash at night.    Apply Differin at night.  Use strides salicylic face pads in the morning. You may have to start off with alternating Differin every other night if it is irritating his face. 

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