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Posts posted by DDR

  1. We are active Lutherans and I went K-8 at lutheran school, but I must have blocked it out because my basics are horrible. We start our morning with family bible study over breakfast, but I'd like to start studying religion as part of our school day. I have no idea where to begin. Any recommendations, o wise and learned teachers?

  2. We're in the same boat. I have a 6 yo, 4 yo, and 2 yo and we're starting next week. I, too, wondered if I was on the right page. We're doing much of what you're doing with a little curriculum variation here and there. After reading the replies I think we'll start with Math, spelling, and history next week and add on from there. I want to get a feel for how things are going before my daughter's dance class and my son's co-op started. Good luck! I'm sure we'll have more of the same questions once we get started!

  3. I feel we're as ready as we'll ever be to start our WTM adventures! But, I'm wondering about some other people's schedules. We're an up and at 'em kind of family, so we'll do most of school in the morning and finish up as necessary after rest/nap time. I know all families and kids operate differently, but what do you find is best to start with when kids are fresh in the morning? I'm thinking math and spelling right after breakfast and chores are done, but I'd love some other opinions.


  4. All of the books are finally here and I'm so excited to get started! My oldest (6 yo) can't keep his hands off of the Usborne and kingfisher encyclopedias, which I'm taking as a very good sign. My 4 yo keeps asking when we can do school so she can learn to read. My 2yo has a steep learning curve in keeping himself occupied. :lol:

    We're all excited for this adventure to begin!

  5. Thanks. I feel pretty comfortable teaching the other areas, but art is foreign to me! I'll check out those websites and probably get started with the rest of the curriculum to see how it all works. Plus, he will have an art class at his co-op once/week. Always something to figure out, right?!

  6. I'm knee deep in ordering to start first grade with my son in a few weeks. (also have a 4 and 2 y/o who'll be along for the ride). WTM recommends the Mona Brookes book or Artistic pursuits. I love the idea of artistic pursuits in that it combines art history and appreciation with related art projects, but I do not like the price. Anyone used the book? Love it? It's OK? Totally worth the money or not so much?


    Thanks so much!

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