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Posts posted by bbrandonsmom

  1. Well, ds is only 5.5 so I try to make it sort of fun. I keep telling myself he would be in K if we did regular school, and wouldn't be doing what I'm teaching. On the other hand, he wouldn't have much "play" time either, sadly. And I honestly feel like he would change-a lot.

    I do math first thing. Ds has been asking me almost as soon as he gets up if he can do it, and I tell him he has to eat breakfast first. Unless he gets involved w/ his brother doing something, he'll ask every so often if it's time for school yet.

    He loves writing/spelling, only because he's writing something in his little notebook any chance he gets basically. I look at it and there's a bunch of words, letters, pictures etc.

    He loves to read, so to make history and science (not so much fun yet) more fun, I get books from the library that are more story and fun. And that ds2 might listen to as well.


    I try to get it all done by 10:30/11 so then we have the rest of the day to do what ever.

  2. This has been a great thread. I would be much more relaxed if I knew this wasn't a "trial" for us. Ever since ds could walk/talk and tell me what he wanted, I feel like we've been doing an interest driven education. He could prob list almost all the Florida butterflies and a ton of bugs, what they eat, etc, all because he loves bugs. Or list all the cars-I know a few. Once he finds something, look out. So I'm trying to incorporate that into our "trial h/s". I feel like I Have to follow a text because of this, though it annoys me. I'm thankful to have the text available though, because of how interest driven ds is. I'm just trying to stay balanced between a 3 and 5yr old, so...

  3. So that book has the root words and where from? I took Latin in high school, so recognize a lot of the Latin base words, though I don't know which ones are from other roots. I'd like to be able to answer the same types of questions from ds.

  4. So I downloaded the MM trial to see how ds did w/ it. My question is, since we are doing a trial for h/s, and not sure when or if we are going to put ds in private/ps, will using MM or Singapore confuse him or help him? They do not use MM or Singapore here. I would think it would give him a better math understanding, but I don't know. I keep reading you aren't supposed to switch maths, if the child is doing good. So what do I do?

    He did 3 sheets this morning and liked them much better than the other math we are using. We're only on addition, so we'll see how it goes once we hit subtraction. But this has been on my mind all day.

  5. What do you use? Are there any good grammar web pages w/ downloads to use for a supplement? I've found some on superteacherworksheets, but want to look at some others. Maybe I'm missing something here. But we read the page and review it, and then it's like, "Now what?". So I've been having to either make my own lesson (which seems to incorporate the next 3 lessons) or print out a noun review page for ds to do.

  6. Singapore/MM are similar right? I'm going to guess most of us did not learn the Singapore method. How hard is it to learn, how frustrating etc? I'm looking at it, and understand the 10's thing on one hand. But then I look at the breakdown and it looks like a lot of extra work to get an answer.

    How does the 10 method apply for later math to make it easier? Is there a good link some place I can read? Thanks.

  7. Well, I'm going against the grain here :) Since she didn't start her activities yet, I'd wait to see how she is once she starts those. The physical may balance out the mental and tire her out some. She is going to be using her mind for both things. Until then, maybe do something she likes for fun (like art/craft, or an outdoor thing?). Just going outside to engage her to play would be good.

    Or, you might want to hop on over to the advanced board and see what they have to say.

  8. Raven-it's your bday? Happy Birthday if so.


    Well, I say let the kids play for a bit to get some energy out. It's 2 min to 9, so I need to get math started. Even though I've been up for many hours now, I still feel asleep today. I actually broke down and bought coffee yesterday, and now brewing my 2nd 4cp pot :)

    I've spent a good bit of the morning here on the pc looking at math, math and more math. PR1&2 yet again, and trying to work things out $ wise in my head.

    Was greeted this morning, like most morning, by a big wet, slobbery kiss from our male malamute, Obi. It's not easy pushing a 120+ dog head away from you when you are sleeping. You wouldn't know we even had another dog-she sleeps in until about 11! Lazy bones.

    Right now the boys have been listening to the We might Be Giants Science cd since they got up and playing.


    You guys have a wonderful Wednesday :)

  9. There are so many math threads. I started w/ Saxon 1, and not really liking it. Ds can do some of the mental math, likes drawing pics for the word problems, using counters (some times), but when it comes to the fact sheet-he'll look for the answer on a previous one. (ex 8+8, he'll just look on the sheet for one he did, instead of either counting out or doing mentally). There is a lot of review, and toward the end of bk2, they seem to cover money, time, weights and some different shape types.


    Then I looked at Singapore (thanks neighbor :) ), and had to look more into that. I'm really liking it, and since I can pick up the books at the bookstore at a discount, I might just try it to see.


    But then I had to go read the Saxon thread on how it builds such a great foundation in math! Argh!

    So it got me wondering if a lot of the 1st g math curriculum are about the same, as far as a good 1st g level foundation, and as the levels go up is where you start to see the main differences in them?

  10. Actually, PR 2 has a list of all of the rule tunes and one DVD lesson with a sing along for all of them. Yes, IMO AAS 1-3 is roughly equivalent to PR 1, it is just taught in a different order and in a different way (I despise flash cards. ;)) I have not used AAS 3 though, just AAS 1 and parts of AAS 2. AAS covers more on segmenting and syllabication. HTH!



    Wait, so PR2 has All the rule tunes for both level 1 and level 2?

    You can switch from a spelling/phonics program like AAS or Phonics Pathways and pick up PR2, but have all the tunes?

    I have a chance to purchase used PR1 & PR2 (both missing some stuff), but if PR2 has all the rule tunes, then.....We are almost half way through PP and ds can read and spell all the words. I really like PP, but really like PR.

  11. I forget who asked. The workbook is about 90 pages. The tchr book is about 68 and the quiz one less than that.

    I liked being able to sort the sections to my satisfaction. I put everything in a binder and laid out the sections like this-

    Ongoing Projects

    Narration + weekly plan pages w/ separate tabs-




    In front of each section I have the weekly plans (animals first, body, plants), then the animal pics.

    Experiment pages-I have those under it's own tab, since the weekly breakdown tells you what you are doing, so I can just flip to the experiment page I need. These are each broke down in section though-animal, body, plant.



    What I'm going to try to do, is each week pull what I need out and file in my weekly binder of work to do. This way I can see all the supplies I need as well, in case I need to pick any up. Any misc pages I put in the back binder flap.

  12. So is this right-MM has more review than Singapore, and a gentler approach? I'm looking for a breakdown of differences in the two. I'm thrilled, because I can order Singapore via Borders and get a discount. I'm just trying to compare the two and why one is preferred over the other. I found a few threads here, but couldn't find a comparison. Thanks.

  13. That can be tough. Our ds is one level up at the moment, but we're not part of any groups. Emotionally though, he is at at a 5/6yr old level. I think most group type things I've looked at like sports, or art classes etc, all have an age range-5-7, or 8-10 etc. If we were putting him in K this year, he would be in the middle age group I guess, since he's 5.5. I would keep her around her age grouping for any activities.

  14. We love butterflies. Ds started raising them last summer. You might want to check out one of those kits to try.

    Also, what helped me answer some of ds endless questions about the butterflies, was to check out a book on our State butterflies. Very helpful. See if your state has a book at your library :)

    Those are awesome pics btw. We love Swallowtails.

  15. So a few of you went through PR1 in half a year then?

    And then PR2 slows down because it's harder, based on individual?

    Do absolutely have to use PR1? What is PR2 based on off PR1, that you must start with PR1, that you can't learn through another phonics program starting out? The rule tunes?

  16. Thanks. I'll take a look at MM. Borders had Singapore (was surprised), so I got to look at it. I looked at 1a/1b and then the word problems were separate. I got lost on the whole breaking down a problem to find a ten first, before getting the answer. I'm sure it makes sense. Do they do that all the way through? Is that what helps in the later levels? Does MM do that?

  17. I like these. Ds (5) is able to read what he knows and will try to sound out the other words. I have a few horse books from when dh was a kid-Little Black a Pony and one called Doodlebug. Both about black ponies and around the same level as the Billy Blaze books I'd guess.

    I haven't been able to find many horse books for boys for early readers. The next ones I know of are the Black Stallion and Misty books. And then Saddle club for girls. I think those are more 3/4th grade though?

  18. Ok, can anyone tell me-have any of you gone through PR quicker than she outlines it? If you have an advanced child, how did you work PR?

    And I think I'm confused on the reading aspect of the program. Reading isn't recommended until later-end level 1? And then there are books in the program. So how are you guys fitting this in with the Trivium? Reading the PR books for the LA section, but then following the history recommends for History?

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