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Posts posted by deacongirl

  1. Sorry this offends you and it is possible that the offending parties do it on purpose. Having said that, I feel that if someone chooses to spell their child's name in an unconventional way, or if they choose an unusual name to begin with, they should accept that people will get it wrong forever and always. This is an annoyance you, quite frankly, invited upon yourself.


    Honestly, it bugs me when people get mad that people spell their child's name "wrong" by spelling it right. "Lucas" is the most widely accepted spelling of your son's name. By giving him a "kre8tiv" spelling, you should be able to accept that people will forget and spell it the usual way. It is self-centered to hope that people will be able to remember the unusual spelling of your individual child's name out of all the other names in their life. If they happen to spell it "right" by spelling it "Lukas," that's just gravy.


    I get what you are saying, but "Lukas" does not fit in the category of a "kre8tiv" spelling. My husband is from Germany, our son's name is spelled Lukas because that is how it is tradtionally spelled there. It is not the same thing as invented spellings of some words, or phonetic spellings of Irish names (Shon for Sean). No one in my family has had trouble remembering that it is a "k' instead of a "c". To the OP, yes, it would bug me, but I would also try to choose to let it go.

  2. Pre-conception genetic testing - if both partners are heterozygous for a recessive trait and they are made aware of this, then they have the option of going through IVF and having embryos tested to make sure only carriers or non-affected (ie. did not get two copies of the recessive allele) would be implanted. This is being done already for Mendelian disorders like Cystic Fibrosis, Tay Sachs, Sickle Cell Anemia.


    Pre-Natal genetic testing - allows parents time to obtain resources, whether that means connecting with other families whose children have the same disorder or disability, finding doctors who are knowledgeable in the treatment of their child's disorder, setting up needed interventions (like heart surgery) or having proper medical equipment on hand. Also allows parents to educate themselves on ways to prevent the actual disorder from manifesting (ie. dietary restrictions for PKU) or was to mitigate the effects.




    I have a kid who is a carrier of something that is pretty significant that most people would not want a child to suffer from, if it were possible to avoid in the first place--I don't mean termination but PIGD or choosing adoption). If I were her, I would absolutely want genetic testing done--for example if a potential spouse felt like they wanted bio children, but was also a carrier, it would def. be something they would need to discuss. They would need to consider how they felt about PIGD and IVF and adoption.


    That said, I do NOT think it should be mandated. We chose not to have pre-natal testing. My son has Down syndrome. I am glad not to have known, but I also know many people who were glad to have a pre-natal diagnosis before their baby was born. It should be an informed choice. Also--in general, the medical community is very forceful in advising termination in the case of Down syndrome--without giving parents truly informed consent. Another reason I am not in favor of mandating testing.

  3. "Widely unequal societies do not function efficiently, and their economies are neither stable nor sustainable in the long term," Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, writes in his new book, The Price of Inequality. "Taken to its extreme--and this is where we are now--this trend distorts a country and its economy as much as the quick and easy revenues of the extractive industry distort oil- or mineral-rich countries."

  4. Forgot one!


    The Woman Who Walked Into Doors and the sequel Paula Spencer by Roddy Doyle. They really helped me find forgiveness and peace as the child of an addict. I began a new relationship with my mom afterwards after not speaking to her for six years.


    I love, love Roddy Doyle. I don't have personal experience with addiction--I can imagine that it would have affected you. I bet he would be very moved to hear this.

  5. He was treated badly, he was not allowed to come to my parents' house or to see our younger siblings when my parents were in a disappointed or angry phase. I said that in my post.


    Thank you for making fun of my and my family's actual emotional pain. I did not say people couldn't comment on it, but do you really think your comments are in any way helpful, to me or the OP? And rolling your eyes? For heaven sake, what is wrong with you? Are you a member of Westboro Baptist Church? Because that is what you sound like.


    I really hope that you don't profess as a Christian, because you do not act like one in any way. If that gets me banned, so be it.


    To Galatea,

    I think that your experience was exactly relevant and exactly the kind of thing that the OP and surely others reading this thread who are or will be in similar situations needed to read. I am sure that it will have an impact on how parents choose to deal with this issue. Thank you for taking the time to share it and again, I am sorry for your loss.

  6. :001_rolleyes: Bringing something up and then making it "untouchable because of my deep emotional pain" is really safe way to say whatever you want without having to deal with anyone else directly, isn't it? Next time, just post it as JAWM.


    BTW, nothing that you wrote suggests that his parents treated him badly. They didn't accept his choice and they didn't accept his boyfriend. He was still allowed to come over and was not shunned from the family. That's hardly being treated badly.


    The absence of compassion and love in this just absolutely floors me. Unbelievable. And that smilie? Are you kidding me?

  7. And where in the Bible does it say to forgive only when someone asks you to? Or to treat anyone who does anything you don't like badly?


    Really, did you need to say something like that? And people wonder why they're not liked.


    Thank you so much for pointing out to me that you think my brother, who is dead, is not forgiven. So loving of you.


  8. Forgiveness is for those who are repentant. Not for those who are not sorry and have every intention of continuing on.


    Given the context of the post to which you are replying, this absolutely blows my mind.


    To the poster who lost your brother, I am so very sorry for your loss. I think that sharing the story will definitely allow many people to learn from your family's experience.

  9. I think it is a combination of all of the above. I think there is a correlation with homeschooing due to the positive benefits to the relationship when time and attention are invested. (see book Hold on to Your Kids) But, I also think that luck plays a big part--I would have attributed my first being well-behaved to parenting until I had my 3rd. Some kids are just naturally better behaved, and some have to mature out of some behaviors that no amount of punishing would diminish, and unless you have parented a kid like that it is impossible to understand.

  10. too much would be we don't want to introduce mas***ba*ion to him yet. We have not encountered that behavior and with him being fairly interested we don't want to add to his list of non-normal behaviors at this age. We also do not believe he is experiencing nocturnal dreams and the issues that come with those during puberty yet... but mainly, DH does not want to discuss M quite yet. We have no issue with discussing and teaching about anatomy and tea itself.


    mas$%%%%tion. is perfectly within the realm of normal behavior--it is not unusual that a 10 yr. old would have figured it out by now. If he has watched actual p$%n, then I would guess it is even MORE likely he has figured it out. I just don't understand. Giving him the truth in a loving way

    consistent with your values seems preferable to him learning about s#x from the internet and most likely being ashamed and confused.

  11. by ins and outs, I mean I don't think he understands what the action does. He doesn't know what m*ast**bation is, etc... he knows that tea is a physical act between a male and female that are typically married and somehow that is how babies are made but he doesn't know the technicalities.


    Maybe it is time for him to learn the technicalities. Part of his obsession/curiousity whatever you want to call it may be because he is ready for the details, and if he doesn't get the accurate ones from you he may be tempted to look for the answers elsewhere.


    I will state that we are a very restrictive household. I don't believe it is appropriate to see his mom nude, innocently or not. I am sure he doesn't know ALL the ins and outs of TeA and we don't regret that. We have had frank conversations with him about differences in anatomy, etc. We are searching for an anatomy book for him and I found a color me Gray's Anatomy that looks promising.




    Let me understand this. You know your kid has watched p#$n on the internet, but doesn't know the "ins and outs" of TeA? I think the ship has sailed. Who knows what all he has seen, but if you don't teach him the details, and that healthy sexuality is nothing to be ashamed about but that what he has seen is not healthy, he will have a very skewed perception of what is healthy and normal. I agree that whatever is going on a professional's guidance would be useful.

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