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Posts posted by chessrascal

  1. Any ideas of how to draw new students into the group at our High School Co-op? We have a few newbies that really don't know anyone and our co-op is quite large - probably 50 or so. The kids are all nice and no clicky snobby ones, but it's hard to draw the new ones in. If asked to come sit with others, they may respond "no" just out of shyness. I was trying to come up with some kind of idea to do with them over lunch. That is the biggest break and it's only 1/2 hour. When it cools off (we're in the hot south), we may be able to do dodgeball or something, but it's not a lot of time - since they have to eat too.


    Any ideas? Thanking you in advance!

  2. We have taken an SAT/PSAT Prep class with Jean Burke, of College Prep Genius, and she says to beware of any prep class that is not using materials directly from "The College Board". I am quite sure she mentioned Barons directly and stated not to use them. I believe Purdue is one of the others. They are not using the actual tests that your student will be taking. Hope that helps. If you google College Prep Genius - you may be able to find more info.

  3. I am going to be teaching an IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) to a High School class and would like some advice on a computer editing program. I will be proofing their papers, but would like to run it through a program as well. I've read that "Whitesmoke" has problems with bringing advertising into the computer. I was looking at another program called "Serenity Software", that only costs $50, but one review said it was complicated. There is another called "Style Writer", but it costs $150 and didin't want to put out that much. Are there any free or reasonably priced programs that actually check punc. and grammar usage?


    Thank you so much for any help!

  4. I am going to be teaching an IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) to a High School class and would like to know if anyone knows a good editing type of workbook that we could use along with the course. I'm looking for one that actually explains the editing process - how to check grammar, punc. and cap., editing marks, etc. as well as giving some practice lessons. Not interested in editing programs that just give a sentence or paragraph to edit. Really looking for the instructional type.


    I'd also like some advice on a computer editing program. I will be proofing their papers, but would like to run it through a program as well. I've read that "Whitesmoke" has problems with bringing advertising into the computer. I was looking at another program called "Serenity Software", that only costs $50, but one review said it was complicated. There is another called "Style Writer", but it costs $150 and didin't want to put out that much. Are there any free or reasonably priced programs that actually check punc. and grammar usage?


    Thank you so much for any help!

  5. Hello! I'm looking for a simple and inexpensive (if not free) program to make a transcript for High School. I don't mind manually keeping records - so I just want something simple to put the transcript together. I've heard of Edu-tracker, Homeschool Tracker and a program through HSLDA. Does anyone have a preference of those choices or something easier to use, that's cheaper? I've also read about one's that keep the records for you for a fee ea. year, but that doesn't seem practical - we have two children - so I'd like to use the same program for both. Any ideas ladies? Thanks for any input.

  6. Thank you ladies - you have all helped in one way or another. I appreciate all the comments and I'm going to check out some of the suggestions. Thank you Michelle for the websites and Nan for encouraging the TWTM - I was just looking at that and considering it. Thank you also to Faithr for freeing me up from the credit expectations. You're right - he does have many of those skills and shouldn't have to do busy work. He's very analytical and hates illogical busy work. Thank again Ladies!! Janet M.

  7. Hello - I've got an upcoming 9th grader and am wondering what to do with Language Arts. He has a pretty heavy schedule without it, so I don't want to make it a burden. I'm understanding that LA in HS is Vocab., writing, grammar, & literature. He has a high level of reading - he's read Homer, The Illiad, etc. Many of the programs seem to use small, fictional Newberry books. I'm not opposed to that, depending on the course. Any ideas? I hate to do 4 separate courses for these sub-subjects. Thanks for any help!

  8. Hello Moms!


    I'm looking for a curriculum that covers literary terms. Also looking for a type of curriculum that covers proper usage - ex: when to use "who" and "whom", etc. These will probably be two totally different curric. and that's fine. My son is going into 9th next year and took a college placement test today and those were the two areas lacking. I like programs that are easy to use and laid out for daily exercises if possible. Thanks for your help!!

  9. We did Story of The World, which worked very well. We actually used the discs and the workbooks. We also liked Around the World in 180 Days. Very fun in a co-op. From looking at the books - I think Cindy Wiggers' Trail Guides to the U.S. and Trail Guide to World Geography would work very well.


    -IEW Writing has been incredible for co-op. Great accountability and positive peer pressure.


    -Apologia Science and Lyrical Life Science


    -Art is a great subject to do with co-op - easy one to let go otherwise. We're using Barry Stebbing's DVD's - How Great Thou Art


    Hope that helps! Janet M.

  10. Is there a curriculum that covers literary terms well? I know that Adam Andrews of "Reading the Classics" has the Socratic list, which is excellent. He has a list of terms in the back, but I'd like something where they utilize the terms in a workbook or some fashion, so I know they know them. I don't want a vocab. list of words to memorize, but rather a way to show what the terms mean and do. Thanks for any help! Janet M.

  11. Is there a curriculum that covers literary terms well? I know that Adam Andrews of "Reading the Classics" has the Socratic list, which is excellent. He has a list of terms in the back, but I'd like something where they utilize the terms in a workbook or some fashion, so I know they know them. I don't want a vocab. list of words to memorize, but rather a way to show what the terms mean and do. Thanks for any help! Janet M.

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