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Everything posted by lisabelle

  1. Hi Everyone -- After giving ds over to the public school system for 6 years (K-5) I am done. Homeschooling is something I've kept in my mind since ds was born, but as a product of public schools myself, and a rather successful one at that, I wanted to give public schools a chance. After 5 years of being an active volunteer, last year I couldn't *bear* the classroom environment anymore--the chaos, the large stretches of time that don't involve learning but more...babysitting, the behaviorally challenging children that eat up so much learning time. My son is strong in math and what limited science he's been exposed to. He loves to read and I keep his bookshelves filled with a variety of the kinds of books I know he'll love. His major struggle has always been with writing, from penmanship to actual essay writing. I've asked his teachers for advice on what I can do to help and received nothing. So I've pulled ds from his school and enrolled him at the district's Homeschool Resource Center. I'm very excited, picking out my materials and planning our year. I'm learning a lot from reading WTM and incorporating many of the ideas. I'm sure I'll just bore you all to death once I've got my materials and plans pinned down! Lisa
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