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Posts posted by WTMindy

  1. You could always say something like, "It would be great to have you around. We sometimes have odd schedules when we are on vacation so I can't commit to doing everything together, but it sure would be fun to spend some of the time together. You won't mind if we keep kind of a loose schedule, will you?" This sets the tone, but I don't think is offensive. Have fun!

  2. Here we go: I've been married to a civil engineer for 16.5 years and still in love. I have a 10.5yodd who is very much like me (loves people, life, music, theater, reading, etc) and a 9yods who is very much like my dh (logical, great in math, doesn't like to be the center of attention).


    This is my 6th year homeschooling and I work 2 days a week as a teacher in our school district's home-school co-op. I love my job because my kids get to come with me, I get to teach math and other subjects to high-school students (which is what I did before I had kids).


    I am a very happy person. I love singing on our worship team at church, reading, organizing, planning, teaching, and I'm starting in on digital scrapbooking.


    My parents and my inlaws are my best friends and I feel blessed to live close to all of our immediate family. Life is good.

  3. I saw on your blog that you are editing the level 2 of the writing curriculum. I saw your post the other day, but can you give a little more details about this? First, when is the estimated release date? I know you said there will be a book and workbooks. What grade level is the one that is coming out? Are there daily lessons? Weekly assignments? I'd love to hear a bit more if you have the time. Thanks!

  4. I'm picking up steam and getting quite a few books finished - five done so far and working on Deconstructing Penguins, The Iliad, How the Irish Saved Civilization, Teach Your Child Math, and Becoming Jane Austen. So how is your list going? ;)

    Les Mis takes a long time to read, but oh how worth it!! I could have done without the long rabbit trails, but I love the story and the ending is so great!!

  5. The premise behind the 888 list is that you choose 8 books to read in 8 categories in the year 2008. You can choose whatever categories you want. If you search the old boards you can see different people's lists. I took some of my categories from different booklists I am reading through. My categories are

    1. Autobiographies (from Well Educated Mind)

    2. World Magazine book list (books that have been influential in Christianity in some way)

    3. Great Books List

    4. Christian Fiction books

    5. Books from WTM recommendations

    6. Children's books (These are mostly read alouds to my kids)

    7. Spiritual growth books

    8. Pulitzer Prize winners

  6. I was going to ask the same question. I've somehow managed to finish 10 so far. I had a very reading-heavy weekend. It was great! But, remember that I cheated and had started a couple weeks before Jan 1 once I had made my list!


    I've already finished:

    Gahndi's autobiography (started before Jan. 1)

    All Rivers Run to the Sea (Elie Wiesel)-loved this one!!

    Surprised by Joy (CS Lewis)

    Robinson Crusoe (Daniel Defoe)-audiobook (started before Jan 1)

    Eclipse (Stephnie Meyer)-audibook

    A Girl Named Zippy (Haven Kimmel) (started before Jan 1)

    Leave me Alone, I'm Reading (Maureen Korigan)

    Joy in the Morning (Betty Smith)

    Inkheart (Cornelia Funke)

    Man's Search for Meaning (by Viktor Frankl)

  7. If they aren't up by 7:30 I wake them up. (If they get up earlier than that, they can read or play computer or whatever. They get dressed, make beds (they straighten up their room before they go to bed) and head to breakfast. They make their own, but I read to them during breakfast. I usually read a little after breakfast too, but my goal is to be starting school with teeth brushed by 8:30. Friday is jammy day and they can stay in their jammies as long as they want.

  8. There is definitely a method to the madness. It is written in mini-units. The first 3 weeks is the time of Moses, (Egypt), setting the stage for the world that Moses, the writer of the Pentatuch lived in. Next there is a mini-unit on the Israelites, focusing on the first 5 books of the Bible and some of the Jewish holidays. Each nine week unit seems to be broken up in this way. So, while it does jump a little, there is a flow that makes sense. It is almost impossible not to jump around in time unless you want to only study one culture.

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