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Posts posted by jwoodbri

  1. My title more or less sums up the question. Going to try EIW level 4 with my 4th and 5/6th grader this year. I'm ordering a second workbook, but do I need one or two assessment/resource booklet or can I just skip it? Also if my 5/6th grader struggles with writing, would level 4 be a good level for her? (She just finished W&R book 2 last year for comparison, but I typed all the larger writing pieces for her.) Thinking it would simplify things for me since I'll have a student in EIW level 8 as well. 


  2. 9 hours ago, Garga said:

    MUS worked great for my first son—just wonderful.  But it wasn’t good for my 2nd.  For the 2nd, we used CLE.

    So, OP, it’s a hard decision.  I think math was probably the hardest curric to find a good fit for my kids and it was surprising how one curric was brilliant for one and a flop for the other.  Keep at it until you find the one that works for her.


    Thank you for this! It been such a process trying to find a good fit. Hoping CLE might just work for her, but I'll keep trying if not. 

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  3. Thank you so much everyone! I'm leaning towards trying out CLE after seeing the online samples. I think she really needs that daily review of old skills and the math drills should help master her math facts. I'll show the samples to my daughter tomorrow and see what she thinks. Never would have looked at that without you guys! 🙂 If that doesn't work I'll check out the other programs. 


  4. I need some help picking a math program for my 10 year old daughter. Unfortunately we have done quite a bit of curriculum bouncing with her. She started with RightStart for K-2, moved to Math Mammoth 3 because I needed some time freed up, and last year she did Teaching Textbooks 4. She loved TT at the beginning of the year as it seemed pretty easy for her, but she started struggling at the end of the year and this year she asked to do something out of a book. I started doing placement tests with her and I'm realizing she is having trouble recalling her math facts, the steps for long division, how to line up decimals to add them, basically lots of things. (We have observed this in her reading/phonics decoding and spelling as well, so it is quite possible she has an undiagnosed learning disability.)

    I've looked at Saxon, Singapore, Horizon, and thought about staying with TT and printing out the lessons, going back to MM... I feel so lost at the moment. Any thoughts would be hugely appreciated.

    Thank you!


  5. My 11 year old son completed RS levels B-E and then just completed MM5. I had been thinking about having him do BA5 as I know it’s usually considered advanced and he loves reading through the guide books. Part of me is worried that I’d just be having him repeat grade 5 math for no reason but I also think that the different approach might be helpful to him going forward and I know kids completing BA5 should be able to move into pre-algebra so perhaps he wouldn’t be “losing a year.” Or I could have him try TT pre algebra or any number of pre-algebra books I already own. MM got the job done but he finds it boring and says he doesn’t like math now…advice please?


  6. Often times at conventions companies have volunteers who have used the curriculum helping at the booths. I remember getting emails asking about volunteering at our local convention and I think it was from CAP. I'm guessing that has to be what that lady was... but either way I think CAP should be told and I would suggest calling and asking their opinion about what level to place your daughter. We have used W&R so far through book 6 and I have been debating skipping a book or two as my oldest is starting 8th grade and their suggested grade levels make me feel like he is "behind." I've been planning to just call and ask as I think their customer service is usually pretty helpful which makes me think that lady you encountered was a crazy volunteer. Sorry that happened to you. For what it's worth I'm sure your daughter would be just fine jumping back in...

  7. That you so much ladies! Not entirely sure of my path for history next year yet but I won't throw out SOTW. ? We may just do it as a read aloud. I might be crazy but I ordered the new Notgrass elementary program Our Star Spangled Banner and might see if I can weave the two together adding in living history books and lots of field trips. (We are close to lots of early American historical sites.

    Thank you for the great resources you mentioned Lori D and HomeAgain! I enjoyed checking those out. I'll definitely be using some books for there and I might try out a Time Traveler's series unit to see how the kids like it. I love history so if it takes us 3 years to get through SOTW 3&4 adding in lots of extra US History, oh well.

    Still open to more ideas. Love hearing them!

    • Like 1
  8. We just completed studying the Middle Ages using SOTW 2 with my younger two and VP online for my older two. Next year I'll have kids 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th. I'm debating pausing SOTW and doing a year of U.S. History before continuing on, but I'm not sure if it would make more sense after vol 3 or even after vol 4 before beginning the cycle again. (For some reason I like the idea of switching things up next year before moving on.) I think it would drive me nuts, but I've even contemplated just stretching SOTW 3 and 4 over 3 years to add in more US History. Anyone have experience going more in depth with American history while using SOTW? 

    Wouldn't mind suggestions of what to use for US History too. I can't seem to decide, but currently favoring Notgrass (new one for the youngers and American the Beautiful for the 6th; 8th will be doing VP OmnibusIII) or possibly SCM even though I know it alternates between US and world history. 

    Thanks for any suggestions!

  9. What's this "Fence Straddlers" thread?  


    We chose AoPS, but once it arrived I'm just not sure.  It's so...textbooky.  Just very very dry.  My son is only 10, going on 11 and he's coming from Singapore and Beast Academy.  


    So I'd like to see these other options, too...lol.  


    The fence straddlers thread (there is one for preA and one for algebra) was created in 2012 I think and it's the longest thread I have seen with decisions back and forth about the various pre algebra programs. 


    Check out Jousting Armadillos and Zaccaros for a less dry approach from what I have read. I have them both coming to me soon and then I'll really be able to tell. 


    And I think this link hopefully works for the fence straddlers thread. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/342798-pre-algebra-fence-straddlers-master-thread/page-7?hl=%2Bfence+%2Bstraddlers&do=findComment&comment=7107192

  10. BTw, how do I read the fence straddler thread? I keep coming up with a "closed group" error when I click on the thread.



    I had the same problem. It seemed like the illusive thread or maybe it just wasn't working somehow? Try this link...


  11. I might have a problem...


    I *think* my son (turned 12 on Tuesday, starting 7th) will be using MM7 as his pre-algebra spine.  I got myself all confused researching which curriculum to use and ended up also buying Jousting Armadillos and Zaccaro (both Real World Algebra $8! and Challenge Math $3.85!).  I also have AOPS PreA and we tried that a bit last year but he's not a fan.  I think it's too hard for him.


    For some reason, I am feeling like I should have a copy of Lial's PreA on hand as a reference or in case he likes that one better than MM7. (I found edition 3 for less than $20. Editions don't make much of a difference right?) But realistically I'm not even sure how I would have him go through MM7 and JA and Zaccaro. So...


    1. Am I crazy for wanting to get Lials too?


    2. How do/would you schedule MM7 and JA and/or Zaccaro?


    And yes I have read the fence straddlers thread! :) Just in case you were wondering. I'm going all bug eyed and crazy from reading so much the last few days. 

  12. I think you did pretty well to get through more than one level in a year. Can you identify why you tended to not get to it when that happened? Maybe there's a way to tweak it. You're so close to the end when it gets to the really meaty words and Latin and Greek roots (the fun stuff!)


    One thing I did in the upper levels to make it a bit more independent: I focused on getting lessons in Monday-Wednesday. At the end of Wednesday's lesson, I gave my kids the words for that lesson's Writing Station. They did the Writing Station on Thursday and then on Friday they did a worksheet or two from All About Homophones. That seemed to help me if I was running out of steam towards the end of the week! Anyway, hope you find something to work for you!


    Really what happened was only that they have online classes and I've been busier with school for the younger ones. Just having trouble sitting down with all three of us at the spelling board at the same time. (His 5th grade brother does it along with us.) Maybe we will just have to try and buckle down and do it next year...

  13. My oldest son is becoming quite a good writer but really struggles with spelling. We have and enjoy All About Spelling. This year (currently 11 and in 6th grade), we worked through AAS 4 and began AAS 5. It was going well except that this past semester we just weren't finding the time to do it consistently. I like the way it breaks spelling down into rules that you can remember but if we aren't doing it, it doesn't do much good. Is there a similar program that moves more quickly through the material possibly even something he can do by himself?



  14. I had my older son do the AOPS Pre-algebra placement test and he passed before he started MM6. We even tried a bit of it, but it seemed to be too much for him which is why I settled on MM6 instead. Maybe we should just try it again at home. I'd love to have him take a WTMA class or something similar but since he goes so very slowly through everything, I'm not sure he could keep up. Maybe it would force to?



    We have the 3rd grade books for BA which my boys have read through but not worked their way through the practice books. I had forgotten about the Are You Ready tests? I'll have my younger son do those. Thanks for the reminder.

  15. Planning math next year is really stressing me out. Can you share some words of wisdom with me please?


    My oldest son will be 12 and starting 7th grade. So far for math he has completed RightStart Levels B-E and started RS Geometry but he was being really slow with it and started doing Kahn Academy. Kahn Academy seems to bounce all around to me and he seemed to be getting nowhere. So... I decided to switch him to Math Mammoth 6 planning to get him ready for WTMA AOPS Pre-algebra which I really like but I'm now worried he won't do well in it. I know it's a challenging program and he's been moving so slowly in MM but I plan to increase his daily math time to an hour and will work through the summer. Would it be foolish for him to try AOPS Pre-A? Is there another program that you think may work better?


    My almost 10yo son (5th next year) is an easier one. He'll finish RS E this year (or summer) and then I was thinking about moving him to MM 5 or maybe BA 5. Is that an awkward place to start BA? I'd do MM6 to follow MM5  but I'm not sure what I would do to follow BA 5.


    Would greatly appreciate any thoughts you have. My head is swimming trying to figure out math!




  16. Ah, Montessori symbols. He might like doing that actually as a change of pace. I used to teach Montessori... I should have thought of that! :) Thanks for reminding me!




    It depends.  I think next year we will continue with Montessori symbols, breaking down copywork passages with them.  The next year we'll use Simply Grammar, and then spend a year learning how to use editor's marks in personal work and working through Editor In Chief.  We'll start up with Harvey's Elementary Grammar the following year and slowly go through that, then alternate with The First Whole Book Of Diagrams before continuing the second half of Harvey's the next year.


    Mostly it's because I already have them all and don't have to buy anything new. ;)



  17. Thank you all for your suggestions! I hate dropping things, but I'd rather not have kids doing things just for the sake of doing things especially when it's so repetitive. I'll have him skip it this year and just bring it up when needed and then of course with Latin study. Thanks for helping me be brave! :)

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  18. Our plan is to do a formal curriculum every other year, and grammar reinforcement during the off years.


    What do or would you use for grammar reinforcement? I was thinking maybe Fix It grammar but was wondering if that would be too much since it's really a full grammar program I believe.

  19. What do you do? We have so much going on at the moment that I'm debating skipping grammar this year. (Insert shocked faced smiley.) My fourth grader has gone through FLL 1&2 and R&S 3. I started him on R&S 4 a few weeks ago but he already has so much to do! My older son did FLL 1-3 and then 1/2 of R&S 6 last year as a 5th grader and I'm having him finish it this year. It's nice to keep it fresh by reviewing and adding a bit each year, but it's a lot of the same thing over and over again. (They are also taking Latin.)



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