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Posts posted by iquilt

  1. My dd4 will be 5 in November; locally that would put her in pre-k this year and K next year with a Sept. cutoff. If we lived in NY with my in-laws she would be starting K this year with a Dec. cutoff. As a homeschooler she is doing K level work in most areas already (motivated by her older sister, no doubt) but I will follow the state guidelines for reporting purposes, it only gives her extra time. If she takes a bit longer to do K level work, she's already ahead of the game anyway. HTH

  2. We are home pretty much all by ourselves during the day on our street. There are a lot of kids on our street but they are either all in school and then afterschool activities or summer camps all summer long. The parents are so busy running all over the place that we rarely see anyone but the UPS man and the mail lady. We do have several friends in our neighborhood within walking distance, but our street is really too busy to make friends :) I think it's sad, but I also try not to worry about it. I'm always friendly when I see anyone out and sometimes I get a smile back.

  3. You have some great ideas here already, but I wanted to add that my 3yo loves to cut with scissors. We keep our scissors with our school stuff and he cuts old paper projects or tries to follow the lines on a paper. He makes a mess but he loves it!

  4. No guilt here at all - I work very hard at home and have given up a lot to be here - I do not even qualify for SS benefits because I don't have enough quarters on my statement. That means that I'm a non-entity in the eyes of the government, but I am very important to my family! This time of year I always find myself evaluating where we are and what would change for me to change what I do; we look at how our previous year has been going and are we doing what's best for our family for the next school year. At the end of the day we're both exhausted so when I get a break I enjoy it, knowing that it may not happen again for awhile! DH is wonderful and we could not have our wonderful family without each other; we are both working hard.

  5. My dd4 and ds3 will be doing Sonlight Core 4/5 along with math games and writing practice only for my dd4. DD4 is almost 5 and is in the midst of OPG also, she knows her alphabet and is moving onto 3 letter words. They will also be joining DD7 in SOTW 2 and science, as long as they are interested.

  6. Umm, I have an upright freezer, but the thing that works best for me to actually use what's in there - I keep a freezer inventory on my fridge in the kitchen. It is a simple spreadsheet of what we like to keep on hand (chickens, hams, etc.) and when I take something out to use I mark it off of the sheet. That way when I plan meals I can glance at my inventory right in my kitchen without having to go through the freezer in the garage. Also the freezer bags with a place to write the contents are a lifesaver for smaller items; you can record the item type and the date it went in, that way you know what needs to get used first. HTH

  7. I recently removed mine (made by my mom so I really cannot get rid of it) from the big box which took up 1/2 of one of our closets. I placed it and the veil in space bag, sucked out all of the air, and now it fits very nicely on a shelf of my closet - I am now a space bag junkie and have many quilts and baby blankets in space bags. I cleaned out an entire closet that way!


    ETA: I just remembered that my mom used the extra material to make the christening gown for my children. So that's another idea for the material, there would easily be enough from the skirt of the dress to save and turn into a keepsake with a new life!

  8. I am very excited about it here! I appreciate the straight-forward approach that eases in difficulty. I also like the guidance for finding your own copywork/dictation passages based on what they should be working on at the time. I plan to start using the level 1 evaluation with my dd7 and if she does well we'll start level 2; if not it will be very simple to practice the parts that presented trouble.

  9. When I found myself wondering if I was doing the right thing by staying home with my 7 month old I joined a MOMS Club chapter and instantly hooked into playgroups and other activities that we could do together. I didn't really need it after #2 was born, but I was a bit lonely and bored home with just a toddler all day and a dh who often left early and came home after bedtime (still does, but now I have 3 to keep me company all day!). Maybe a gentle suggestion that a playgroup may be more appropriate? Personally it sounds to me like she's nuts :) but maybe she's just bored?

  10. I just wanted to post that I met Jessie Wise at NOVA yesterday :) I was able to attend her workshop on reading instruction and really learned a lot. She is super nice and really helpful. We also met Suzanne working the booth for PHP and she was super helpful, too. Thank you!:001_smile:

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